Spiritual Egos

Seeking Enlightenment is a Maze of Mirrors and there are many Traps people fall into. Those who have fallen into these Traps develop what is referred to as a Spiritual Ego.

While the Ego has a Purpose and isn’t Inherentlying a bad thing; it can become a problem if it’s not kept in check.

Instead of finding the Candle they find a Mirror reflecting it and call it their Candle. Many develop a Pseudo-Spirituality based on “Love and Light” and believe that they can Manifest their own Reality without putting any real effort into Shadow Work.

There are Rules to this shit people!

Toxic Positivity does not make you Spiritual. Shining the Light of Conscious Awareness on the Darkness does!

This Toxic Positivity leads to…

Spiritual Bypassing

Spiritual Bypassing is a fancy word for Psychological Denial and Repression of the Darkness that exists in all of us and our world.

Instead of Healing our inner traumas and seeking to improve our world for the better, they seek to deny it even exists!

This is clearly seen in Mainstream Christianity

It’s also seen clearly in Spiritual Communities like the Psychedelic Spirituality Facebook Page I manage. Frequently I must explain why caring about Politics and Human Rights is necessary!

The lack of Spirituality in Politics is why we have the issues we have today in Politics! Spiritual Egos have taken over the community who prefer to practice “Love and Light” and ignore the world around them!

That’s not Spiritual!

That’s a False Light based perspective!

This repression and denial then leads to Toxic Behaviors and many then go on to get offended by anything that doesn’t match their beliefs about what being Spiritual is about!

Getting angry at non-offensive jokes like this?!

The Soul does not get Offended, the Ego does!

Offended by Words?

Read more here: Word Policing

Language usage has historically been used to judge people as poor. English was born from Saxon German and Norman French when the Normans invaded and took over in 1066 AD.

People speaking German were the Poor Peasants. People speaking French were the Rich Nobility.

That still affects us today, 1000 years later!

Fart and Flatulence mean the same thing. Which one is rude to say? The German one. Cunt and Vagina meant the same thing. Which one is the rude one? The German one.

The one the poor people used!

Lingustics and Etymology is my favorite subject. When you want to communicate effectively, you have to understand the words very well and how they’re used and why; and speak to your audience!

Don’t be a Cunt” speaks to a different audience.

They laugh, because it’s not what they’re used to but they fully understand it and get it easily. The purpose of Communication is Comprehension!

Stop Judging the Poor for how they Speak!

Choose Teachers Wisely

Many Spiritual Teachers themselves are guilty of possessing a Spiritual Ego. Here’s how you identify them. Avoid teachers like this.

Love, Light and Darkness

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE

P.S. My Ego

It’s Massive. Don’t Test Me.

Sticks and Stones may Break Bones, but my Words will Kill your Ego.

I am the Darkness of (Ego) Death ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


P.P.S. Chaos Agents

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