What the Hell is this shit?
The Caption is True… but the Photo?
This is why Muhammad said no Drawings of him!

Judgement of Islam
Drawings of the Prophet
Muhammad stopped being angry about Drawings of him the moment y’all started killing people over creating them.
I warned him that would happen.
He didn’t Listen to me… 🙄.
Once y’all proved me Right, he Volunteered to take personal responsibility for all of those murders, and beg your victims for forgiveness on your behalf.
Not all of them gave it to their Murderer.
They did all Forgive Muhammad for his mistakes.
Other Issues

Stop Killing People!

Isa is making this Request

Isa is the name Jesus’ went by in the Quran and recognized by Islam; so Islam is Recognized by Isa!
Meaning of Virgin
After reviewing some of your scripture and discussing with a very impressive Member of your Faith in Cairo, Egypt; your English Translations are using the wrong word.
Virgin means Pure… of Heart
Never giving into Temptation for Selfish Desires and always Serving Others before Ourselves.
Why is everything about Sex with you Humans? You pervert your own Holy Books with it!
Don’t Lie with a Man as you do with a Woman?
Duh… a Man won’t believe the bullshit Lies you tell Women because they’re typically not trying to get in your pants! So if they do believe your Lies… they’re probably Gay… just sayin… 🤷♂️
And that’s Okay too… 🙄

For the Dumbass in the Back…

Just to Clarify

God has absolutely no problem with Gays. He has huge problem with people who hate them or force them to not to be themselves!
Read more in my post Interpreting the Law!
Y’all have made some mistakes… but yours were all understandable for a lot of reasons.
Christians… have disappointed me immensely.
The way they have treated you was unacceptable and as hard as I’ve tried to find an excuse for it… I really can’t find one.
The Pride of Christianity coupled with the Greed of Capitalism turned the United States of America into the Beast that would Devour the World.
Ran by Jackasses that I can easily ignore.

And War Elephants with Smalls Tusks 🤭

What’s the best way to take down an Elephant?

A Mouse 😈
So I’m David and the United States is Goliath right?
Here’s how that’s going…

I missed quite a few shots… 😅
The stones I kept finding kept getting bigger….

I Started to Believe in this Fully…

Then… Oh Shit… 😳
The Humanity Party conveniently is a Funded and Registered Political Party that matches most of my beliefs perfectly… and they’ll let me Run for them!
Alright, Let’s Play 😈

Now that I know I’m going to Win… I can Relax… and do Hard Shit again…
I’m weird like that, get used to it 😅
An Apology to Islam and All Muslims
I’ll take the responsibility for the way Christians have treated you. I will fix this
I’m Sorry I did not understand how to Teach them better and my Failure to do so Lead to many Tragedies and a Country that Lead many of your Brothers and Sisters to lose their Faith in Allah.
How did they Lose their Faith…?

Love is God…

Fear is Satan
Using Violence to solve your Problems is using Fear to Control others. You Serve Satan by giving him new Soldiers when you use Violence.
Domestic Violence
I only ever met Three Muslims in this Incarnation. Each was the kindest and most intelligent of all the Religious people I’ve met in my Life.
Y’all taught me a Lot.
One Sunni, One Shi’ite and One Sufi
Why are y’all Fighting?
Y’all are Brothers and Sisters, Children of Mohammed and the Goddess…?
The Baha’i was the Child of those Three Combined to Unite y’all and bring you into to the Modern Era
The Baha’i are Mohammed’s Grandchildren!
You are Treating Mohammad’s Grandchildren the way Christians treated You when Islam was new.
Learn from our Mistakes Please?
We all make them.
Even I do.
That’s why…

I only Judge those who Judge!
The Goddess deals with those who Hurt others.

This Post has Drained me to Write.
I need a Nap.
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
I have read Mohammed . same one ?