So, why is it that some experiences cost more than others… attention wise?
Can we start getting price tags, labels and quality control on this experience? Because right now this feels like a Carnival. All the games are rigged, the prizes are just for show and the experience is one huge scam. 😂
Evidence (Science) based Medicine?
Snake Oil scams back in the day lead the creation of the Food and Drug Administration if I recall correctly (I could be mistaken). Regulations exist to ensure that Liars get punished and corporations (which don’t possess a soul and humans are idiotic as hell in large numbers) don’t put profit over the safety of their customers.
This lead to the rise of Evidence (Western or Science) Based Medicine in the United States. Which is a good thing, because…

However there is one issue I’ve noticed that most average patients are not made aware of. Evidence Based Medicine has done a horrible job at informing patients and the public about the proven effectiveness of Placebos and “Rituals” that Belief Based Medicine relies on.
Maybe Scientists or Doctors fear looking stupid?
Maybe it’s their Prideful Ignorance (False Light)?
Most likely a little of both.
Belief (Alternative) based Medicine

Belief (Alternative) Based Medicine likewise, fails to respect the dedication, effort and talent of our medical researchers and doctors in the Evidence Based Medicine academia.
While promoting some… curious… ideas.

Despite being unable to explain how their treatments work in a way Science can confirm, they insist “Science has been wrong before and doesn’t know what it’s talking about.”
Enter the Corona Virus!

Where you fuckers at Alternative Medicine practitioners? This is your moment! Time to shine and show everyone how wrong they were, and how right you are!
Oh wait, I forgot… you can’t even use “fear of looking stupid” as an excuse, because to anyone who understands or trusts science and doctors but don’t understand Belief Based Medicine; you already look incredibly stupid.
It is obvious you’re definitely afraid of being wrong and dying or are intentionally peddling snake oil quackery however. Because if you know you’re peddling bullshit, you hide when shit hits the fan.

Because the only reason for your distrust or arguments against Evidence Based Medicine are all rooted in Prideful Ignorance (False Light) and even if you refuse to admit it, you subconsciously know you’re bullshitting.
The sad part is you’re not wrong and Belief (Alternative) Based Medicine is actually a very beneficial and necessary part of True Healthcare that Scientists already know about!
They write it off as The Placebo Effect.
Though unrelated, this is similar in concept to “Prosperity Gospel“. The Placebo Effect however only helps your Physical and Metaphysical (Spiritual) Health however. Not your Wallet’s Health. Those who peddle the “Prosperity Gospel” bullshit are equally cowardly in times of crisis.

The Placebo Effect (Belief Based Medicine) when it comes to your Physical and Metaphysical Health is very powerful and very effective treating Pain but in completely curing all Psychosomatic Illnesses!
It not only treats Pain, cures Psychosomatic Illnesses but also…

Which is why the Corona Virus message below says “Love = Immunity“. Not literally and not completely, but it DOES contribute immensely to immunity.
Not just Immunologically but also Sociologically by reducing your risk of infection due to your Love for others leading to behaviors such as following CDC advice to wash your hands and practice social distancing.
With Hope, Faith and Love as the foundation of your beliefs; and Trust in the Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, Government, Shamans, Priests and other Healers… you greatly increase your survival chances!

Use Both to Provide True Healthcare
They are both compatible and both necessary for a Human to be completely healthy. This is another Yin/Yang interaction but instead of the Tao it’s called Holistic Medicine.
Holistic Medicine is the most effective form of healthcare, and based on all my research, is the same type Jesus used. “Your faith in me healed you” refers to the Belief Based part. Thankfully, Belief Based Medicine in his time was Western Medicine, so this isn’t too difficult to prove.

However there appears to be something missing from the stories. His usage of Evidence Based Medicine. During his travels to Asia, which practiced Evidence Based Medicine at the time if I recall correctly.
Shit was a little backwards back then… he learned how to use various plant or animal materials to create poultices, healing salves, or whatever form medicine was then.

Witchcraft or Miracle?
Why would this part of his healing technique be hidden? Well, it’s obvious. He was brewing potions and was a Sorcerer or something.
So the Vatican hid all documented proof and evidence of this, probably filed under a label “this makes Jesus look like a witch, so we need to hide this shit!“

Thankfully the Christian Faith wasn’t ruling Europe and burning Witches yet…

But he wasn’t even using magic and his “miracles” weren’t acts of God.
He was using Science. Advanced understanding of Psychology with Faith and Belief based Medicine as well as a strong understanding of Pharmacology and Biology coupled with Herbalism (Evidence based Medicine) techniques he acquired in his travels.
Jesus wasn’t magical, the “only Son of God” (we’re all God’s children) or “God” himself. He was just the smartest man alive and cared about people. It’s really that simple.
He was quite Prideful however, and declaring himself “King of the Jews” in a bid for power did get him crucified. I’m protected by the 1st Amendment and won’t be executed for proclaiming myself King of the Christians; but I’m not stupid either and would prefer people not force a Psychiatric Inpatient Vacation on me either.
Pride is the deadliest Sin, and Jesus paid for it with his life. It’s in the Bible. That thing you Christian’s are supposed to read?
It’s also why I have an intense annoyance and frustration with the majority of Alternative Medicine supporters.
Swallow your Pride and work with Scientists and Doctors under the Placebo Effect and Psychosomatic Illness hypothesis I proposed in this post.
Trust them and Respect their expertise and experience as well, or you’re no better than the people you’re judging!

If push comes to shove, they are the ones on the front lines risking their lives to save lives, and doing so successfully as well as safely as possible.
Not you.
They also might judge you as ignorant, which the Truth is both sides are, but at least they don’t succumb to Fear based paranoid delusions about conspiracies to suppress their knowledge.
They succumb to frustration dealing with “Publish or Perish” Academia toxicity coupled with the Academic Journal Industry’s obscene and frankly disgusting profit motives; and Soccer Mom’s asking for Inserts… 🙄

Why the Hell aren’t these Non-Profit Yet? Publishing on the internet is cheap!
Also the Illuminati isn’t Real, and if they are and are Selfishly motivated, I’m tearing that shit down or taking it over 😈

If they are real and selfishly motivated however, I have one question for them.
Do you really think you can stop me?

People Like Jesus Still Exist
But you won’t find them in Universities, Hospitals, Research Labs, Government or Pharmaceutical Corporations.
I’ve met plenty of them. Too smart to be happy working for an idiot that doesn’t respect their talent for 10 years before they’re recognized; so they find something quicker and easier to make money with.
That’s the saddest part of Capitalism. Our most brilliant minds end up in Sales, Politics or as Homeless Drifters…
That doesn’t stop them from pursuing their passion and art though.
My friend Legatus dropped out of Med School, and during every single Medical/Pharmacology conversation him and I had; everything he said that I already knew, was correct. I confirmed a few random things he said by reading Academic Journals or Articles written by Doctors/Researchers and he also was correct each time.
My passion was for Cognitive Science, his was for Medical Science; and the conversations we had were absolutely beautiful. During them he managed to convince me that Holistic Medicine actually was the best path, despite the fact I originally believed “Belief Based Medicine” was bullshit before my conversations with him!
Unlike Prideful people, I do know how to learn something new simply because I’m wrong. The burden of proof however, is on the other party. He met my burden and explained how it worked in a way a 5 year old could understand. Once I understood it, we started noticing diseases that are “incurable” might actually be curable if you used Holistic Medicine.
Two that we agreed on? Leprosy and Herpes can be prevented and treated with Evidence Based Medicine but combined with Belief Based Medicine they could be cured.
Didn’t Jesus cure Leprosy…? 🤔
Legatus has an understanding of the Human body and Holistic Medicine probably are on par with what Jesus understood to perform the miracles he’s claimed to have performed.
Actually that’s a lie. We have the internet, o-chem, pharmacology and 2000 more years of medical science now. He understands the Human body much better.
Before you get your panties in a wad, I didn’t say Legatus was “Bigger than Jesus“. That’s the Beatles.

I said Legatus was “Better than Jesus” at Healing and Medical Science. Only because Jesus didn’t have access to the internet though.
I wonder what would happen if he did…?
He’d probably be told by everyone:
- He’s wrong, lying or a shill by those who disagree with his views.
- Accused of being crazy or not knowing what he’s talking about by those who don’t understand what he’s saying.
- Accused of being selfish, malicious, rude or disrespectful for telling people that they’re wrong and trying to help them so that they stop hurting themselves in ignorance.
- Which is selfish as fuck as every empath in your life feels the pain your ignorance keeps causing you!!!
All of these things have happened to me, so I pretended to be a Fool until someone needed my help or backed me into a corner; out of Love and Respect for others’ Egos.
I still speak my thoughts however and will not change who I am for anyone unless they use Logic or Love as the reason.
Because my name is Tim and…


Strength isn’t a measure of how Powerful you are.
Strength is a measure of how Powerless you are and your Courage to still do the Right thing. By this measure, Legatus is the strongest Man I’ve ever met.
Declare a War on Disease
Legatus had a talent for Evidence Based Medicine but dropped out of med school because it was boring… having to wait for the others to catch up intellectually makes school incredibly… tedious and boring.
Legatus ended up in sales becoming a millionaire by 23 because he also understands how people think. Almost as well as I do. I was impressed. This of course helped him understand the “Belief Based Medicine” side. He quit his career in sales once he realized they were scamming people (credit card processing services) because he Loves people and doesn’t want to profit off of their suffering.
This is the ideal person to lead the War on Disease.
Why the hell isn’t this guy doing it already?
Because he’s a nobody, like me; and unless you know somebody already, they don’t care about you unless you sell your soul. He didn’t.
Well… let’s make him a somebody.
Legatus has earned it. Can do it. And I’ve trusted my life and the people I love’s life’s in his hands. He’s saved a couple lives because I trusted him.
How many more could he save… if you did?
I gave him the name Legatus Amori in honor of what I see him becoming. Which is a Latin and Greek Creole for:
Herald of Love and Everlasting Life
- Legatus: Latin for “Herald” or “Ambassador”
- Amori: Latin for “of Love”
- A-: Greek Prefix for “Non-“
- Mori: Latin for “Death”
- Amori: Latin/Greek Creole for “Everlasting Life
- Yes, I invented this interpretation of the word just for Legatus. Deal with it.
What do you say Legatus?
Want to change the world with me?
Love, Light and Darkness
🧙♂️ Lucifer 🧝♀️
P.S. I’m not a Witch… I’m a Polymathic Sorcerer. Or in less nerdy words, a Magical Scientist 🧙♂️👨🏫 or Scientific Magician 👨🏫🧙♂️.
P.P.S. Legatus, remember that time in my apartment I made a really corny joke and you just exclaimed “Oh Jesus 🙄” and I replied “Not yet…” and you gave me a confused look…?