Did you think She wouldn’t Fight Back?

The Trump(ets) have been sounding for awhile now. This is the 7th Seal.

The Storm will soon be making Landfall.

One made by Mother Nature to Cure the one made by Man.

Nancy Pelosi ain’t much Better either…
Have you At(one)d with the Divine yet?

The Angels created the Corona Virus to be weak enough for a Healthy Human with a Positive Love based Outlook on Life’s immune system to fight it off without Symptoms (Asymptomatic Infections).
This leads to this!

The Virus is Fatal to Healthy adults that live with a Fear (Lie) based Perspective of Reality! How does this work?

See Holistic Medicine for Science Details!

Because Fear is Satan and Living in a Fear based Perspective of Reality leads to you becoming a Demon as you Judge what you Fear!

The Angels guided the Doctors to name the Virus the “Corona Virus” as a playful joke in response to my Poem “The Message”. You can read about what I’m referring to on the Apocalypse Scoreboard!
What is the Objective of the Corona Virus that has been officially named COVID-19 by the Scientific Community?

Though the Virus is only supposed to destroy the Fear Matrix it is also Fatal to the Elderly and Immunocompromised! Practice Social Distancing, Wash your Fucking Hands or follow any other CDC or WHO safety protocols to keep them Safe.
If you don’t Live with a Fear based Perspective on Reality but are to Prideful and Selfish to Comply with those Safety Protocols then the Goddess who goes by names such as Mother Nature or Karma will make you Comply through other means! These won’t be pleasant 😈.

Why would the Angels do this?
To prevent this!

“The Lord” (Ba’al) wanted a Nuclear War for the Apocalypse.
I wanted a War of Truth versus Lies instead, and since the Lord isn’t the True God… sucks to be him. The Angels sided with me once I proved it.
The Truth sets you Free and…
The Goddess Lives

It’s not just a Feeling. It’s the Truth 😘

Clean Up Your Mess or…

A New Age Religion

Who am I?

Love, Light and Darkness
The Goddess is Alive
I am the Darkness, She is the Light.
and the Light always comes for Me,
Because no one else can do it Right… 😘
Love, Light and Darkness
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE

👣 informing site.
Awesome content