Animals are Food, not Trophies
Eat what you Kill, or don’t Kill It.

Spirituality and Meat
A common belief amongst those who take way too much Pride in their Spiritual Ego; is the belief that eating meat “isn’t Spiritual” or is somehow morally wrong.

In this Episode of “Apocalyptic Judgement” I’m going to be asking y’all some questions. This does not apply to any vegetarians or vegans that do not judge others.
This only applies to Dietary Extremists!

I only Judge those who Judge others!
Quick Tangent

What bullshit is this…?
Not only did you misspell my name…
I fully support eating meatโฆ ๐คจ.
Is Lucifarian some Rastafarian version of me?

Well shit… I guess so… ๐ณ
Trust, Honesty and Communication (THC) are all you need!
Moving on… ๐
Judgemental Vegetarians

We’re going to start with you!
Why do you think you’re better than others and that humanity is better than animals?
You’re not and We’re not!

If you think killing animals for food is wrong, maybe you should start by telling this guy!

Or this Gal!

Or should We kill all the Lions and Birds so they stop killing animals for food?
If you say yes to that, you’re supporting killing animals for no reason, to stop the killing of animals!
Don’t be a Hypocrite!
Animal cruelty is a Spiritual Crime, but as long as we can minimize their suffering to less than what they would experience living in the wild and being eaten by a Lion… we’re the good guys ๐ .
You know who would have the biggest problem with Humanity no longer eating meat?
All the humanely bred and raised livestock like Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Sheep etc. If we didn’t eat them, they would go extinct; and they have the good life!

They spend their life feeding and breeding in a safe peaceful environment and their deaths are made as painless as possible.
Everything is food to something. We humans are also food when we die to worms, insects and bacteria!
It’s called the Circle of Life

You also fail to recognize that not all humans evolved to survive on a diet without meat! Take myself for instance. I have a genetic condition that hinders my body’s ability to absorb the various Vitamin B’s.
Eating meat for me is necessary for a healthy nutritional diet. Most plants actually trigger a gag reflex in me causing me to throw them back up.
Rabbit food is disgusting to me but you don’t see me going around judging your diet do you?

Stop being Pridefully Ignorant and Judgemental assholes with a huge Spiritual Ego about your dietary choices. Your virtue signaling is not only pathetic but is the result of a False Light based belief!
Judgemental Vegans
Everything above applies to you too with the added following question…
How can you refuse to consume food that is the product of “animal slavery” like Milk, Eggs and Honey… when almost all plants are the result of animal labor in Farms from Insect Pollination!?

Capitalist Vegans
Another question if you’re a Capitalist. Why is “animal slavery” wrong, but Human Wage Slavery acceptable?

Vegan beliefs are completely irrational.

Use Real Fur if you are Pro-Environment; and ensure that it’s Humanely Raised and Eaten instead of killed solely for the Fur!
Balance your perspective with emotion and logic.

Plants also feel Pain
I have ethical and moral objections to eating parts of plants they don’t freely give us to consume.
Did you know that the smell of fresh cut grass is a chemical response they release to communicate that they’ve been damaged to other plants?

The Smell of Fresh Cut Grass is it Screaming in Pain!

It’s Cruel and Inhumane to treat plants in such a way; for food or aesthetic purposes ๐ค!
Save the Plants, Eat an Animal instead!
Plants also Eat Animals
Which is why I encourage anyone to Eat them Back… ๐คทโโ๏ธ

Venus Fly Trap

Drosera Capensis

Pitcher Plant

Final Judgment
The Bible warned about You

Your Attempts to Judge others and try to order them to abstain from certain foods leads to the following Judgement.

You are Famine in the Four Horsemen!
I am the not the Light to you.
I am the Darkness of your Ego Death.

Love, Light and Darkness
๐งโโ๏ธ~Lucifer ๐งโโ๏ธ
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. Bacon

Some great points here! Interesting and refreshing take. As someone who has struggled with health issues (like you evidently), I have come to appreciate the importance of animals as food from a nutritional standpoint. I like to hunt deer for food and I raise chickens. I have grown to accept that it takes death for to produce life… something that is echoed through the pass-over lamb in Genesis. The point you brought up about not judging reminds me of a passage in Romans (speaking of people who were refusing to eat meat for religious reasons): “Let not him that eats despise him that does not eat, and let not him which does not eat eats judge him that eats, for God has received him.”โRomans 14:3
*correction, I meant “passover lamb [and] in Genesis. The Passover lamb is not mentioned until Exodus.