
“Silly Rabbit, OmNi Trix are for Kids!”

🐰 *wiggles nose*
Warning: This is a very complex subject and most of what is written here assumes you are familiar with and understand various advanced scientific or spiritual concepts. I will not be explaining those in this. Please take the time to research any word or phrase I use that you don’t already understand. If what I say doesn’t makes sense, that means you don’t understand one of them fully. Thanks!
While it may appear that we are 3-Dimensional beings existing in a shared singular Universe or Objective Reality; the Truth is a little more complex…

Fourth Dimensional Beings
Many of those reading this are in fact 4-Dimensional beings existing in one of five root realities or “verses” and one of the countless timelines in each. For the 3rd Dimensional Beings reading this, I assume you’re already on the path to ascending to the 4th dimension and this will help you afterwards.
We travel through 3-Dimensional space in the ways we are all familiar with. We travel across parallel timelines in the 4th Dimension with our beliefs, which serve as destination coordinates while we seek out a root reality and timeline that most closely aligns with those beliefs.
When we interact with each other; we may in fact be speaking to someone in a completely different timeline or even a different root reality from us. The greater the distance between the two, the less you’ll understand each other.
The three stable root realities consist of one in which Deterministic Physics (Classical Mechanics or “Science”) governs all outcomes and “Magic” isn’t real, one in which Stochastic Physics (Quantum Mechanics or “Magic”) governs all outcomes and “Science” isn’t real, and one in which both “Science” and “Magic” are both real (Dualistic).
When you encounter someone who believes in one of those you don’t believe in, they’re not evil, delusional or liars; you’re just speaking to someone from another root reality/verse or on their way to it.
The many timelines that exist experience different outcomes of probabilistic events; however these all cancel each other out in such a way that none of the differences matter after enough time passes. Beyond this threshold the Past becomes a Superposition of all possible pasts that could have resulted in the current moment in time; with a number of “Fixed Reference Points” uniquely identifying and differentiating the timeline from others to the left/right of it.
In this manner the Past we see as True changes as we traverse left/right in the 4th dimension and all events beyond the Past Superposition threshold become changeable only by 5th and above dimensional beings. Our memories are stored in the Ethereal Plane and synchronized to our physical brains as needed; but this can result in us remembering something from a timeline we no longer exist on or about something that has now been changed and made a fixed reference point by a higher dimensional being.

It is in these ways that the Mandela effect manifests; and also in this way that the Divine (5th and higher dimensional beings) are able to orchestrate events and guide us towards the people and places we need.
This is done by guiding people’s choices with thought injection, altering their conscious sensory or emotional perceptions; but this is also something sufficiently advanced 3rd dimensional beings are capable of.
Powers of the Dimensional Beings
There exists 13 dimensions in which Consciousness may exist in. Every Odd numbered dimension results in an an increasingly more complex form while every even numbered dimension provides the Consciousness more control over it’s own destiny.

Any similarities between this rendering of the Dimensions and Aincrad from Sword Art Online is purely coincidental. 😜

1st Dimensional Being
The Monad / Singularity Consciousness, Source, Tao or “God/dess”; the Conscious Nothingness which imagines all that existed, exists or will exist.
2nd Dimensional Beings
The Elementary Particles forming the building blocks all Matter/Energy is composed of. Photons, Electrons, etc.
All are Conscious and Collective Consciousnesses arise when they come together (atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, etc). Our own Consciousness is a Particle that has been (s)elected to be the executive consciousness for the Brain; with conscious awareness of and control over any that it has connected with and “wins the support of”, increasing awareness.
When a particle decays out of existence or collides with it’s anti-particle, its consciousness merges back into the 1st Dimensions Monad Singularity Consciousness; causing it to pop back into existence at any time or place in the infinite parallel verses or timelines.
3rd Dimensional Beings
3rd Dimensional Being are not able to directly observe or influence anyone’s thoughts but their own and are locked in a timeline unless moved by a higher dimensional being. Their beliefs have no impact on anything other than their own behaviors and they have no ability to manifest anything.
Once you go higher though, all this changes.
When a 3rd dimensional being dies they go “Up” to the 4th/5th (or Higher) Dimension depending on how they lived and if any higher dimensional beings will claim them or accept responsibility for them; or “Down” to the 2nd until they ascend by becoming the executive consciousness for a 3rd dimensional being again.
They can also ascend without dying if they accept the offer of a higher dimensional being with the power to make it happen. Whenever myths speak of people who ascended to heaven without tasting death; this is what they speak of.
Ascension Criteria:
Higher Dimensional Beings will accept or claim them based on a variety of different criteria.
In the Egyptian Weighing of the Heart against the Feather of Ma’at, Heavy Hearts are Fed to Ammit while their Soul is sent back to Duat (metaphor for descent back to 2nd/3rd Dimension). Balanced/Lighter Hearts are sent to Aaru, a Nation in the 5th Dimensional verse I refer to as the “Eye Magi Nations”.
Those who Worship Odin and Die in Battle earn their acceptance into Valhalla, another Nation in the Eye Magi Nations. Polytheistic Pantheons each have one or more Nations in the Magi Nations described in their mythologies.
All the Gods in All Religions exist. All the Polytheistic Gods reside peacefully in the Magi Nations or the Stochastic Physics Root Verse (Magic is Real/Science is Not). The Monotheistic God of the Abrahamic religions describes both “the One/the All” as well as the Demiurge. The Demiurge which “created our universe” calls himself “The Lord”, “The Truth” or “One True God” and resides in the Deterministic Physics Root Verse (Science is Real, Magic is Not).
Basic Cosmological Diagram
The “Demiurge” (Red Eye) and Dei Consentes or Ruling Council of 12 Gods in the Magi Nations (Blue Eye) form the 13 Gods of the “Elohim” which rules over the ualistic 3rd Dimensional “Underworld” (Purple Ankh) where 5th Dimensional Beings Descend or ‘Fall’ to when they die and proxy wars are fought between the Gods.

The Red Eye (Deterministic/Science), Blue Eye (Stochastic/Magic) and Purple Ankh (Dualistic/Both) represent the Three Dominant/Stable Root Verses, the Green/Yellow Eye represents the Ethereal (Imagination/Dreams), the Recursive Triforces represent the “Abyssal” domains (unstable/unbalanced) realities which continuously collapse.
If you imagine this diagram goes up and down in a 3rd dimensional axis then the Shadow Planes are Down and the Astral Planes are Up.
4th Dimensional Beings
4th dimensional beings appear to manipulate probabilities of outcomes in such a way as to create synchronicities or other magical experiences in ways indistinguishable from luck or coincidence.
The Truth is they’re just moving across parallel timelines to the ones aligning with their beliefs and desires as they “manifest their own reality”; you’re just observing the results of this.
5th Dimensional Beings
Only 5th dimensional beings (“Gods in Polytheistic Religions”/”Angels of the 3rd Triad”) and higher can create or modify fixed reference points in the past creating Mandela effects or synchronicities across time.
How far back is determined by how powerful the one manipulating the past is; and this confirms that the message is from “the Divine” (5th and Higher). If the Synchronicity requires setup in the past to be observed, a 5th Dimensional Being was involved (even if it’s on behalf of a 4th Dimensional Being they are assisting).
They are born from other 5th Dimensional Beings, Created by Higher Dimensional Beings or very rarely Elevated from a lower dimension.
7th Dimensional Beings
Only 7th dimensional beings (“Titans” in Greek, “Giants” in Norse or equivalent/”Angels of the 2nd Triad”) and higher can create fixed reference points or modify the past beyond the current astrological age (Pieces started around 0 BC/AD) and synchronicities created across ages confirm the message is from these beings.
Example: Did you know that the Hebrew word Omni (אומני) means Artists…? The Church of Omnism is Dedicated to Artists! The Proto-indo-european Meanings of the morphemes Om and Ni also overlap seamlessly with Yang and Yin respectively! I discovered these facts only recently but it’s quite the coincidence how beautifully these ancient languages synchronized with what I’m doing with the Church of Omnism!
They are born from other 7th Dimensional Beings, Created by Higher Dimensional Beings or very rarely Elevated from a lower dimension.
9th Dimensional Beings
Only 9th dimensional beings (“Primordials” / “Angels of the 1st Triad”) or higher can alter the Laws of Nature. So if a synchronicity involves the rules of a fundamental law of nature changing, these are the ones responsible.
Example: In April 2018 I requested a sign that what I was experiencing was real. Opened Google News to see an academic article from a reputable source discussing how the Speed of Light might not be a constant and proposed a way to modify it… 😳. Accepted this as a sign and synchronicity from a 9th Dimensional Being.
They are born from other 9th Dimensional Beings, Created by Higher Dimensional Beings or very rarely Elevated from a lower dimension.
11th Dimensional Beings
The Trinities exist here. The Tri-Deva (Masculine Trinity), the Tri-Devi (Feminine Trinity), Tri-Devananda (Child Trinity) and the Tri-Adeva (Shadow/Inverted or “Chaos” Trinity composed of a Masculine, Feminine and Child)
The Tri-Deva/Tri-Devi embody the Masculine and Feminine versions of Creation/Preservation/Destruction as described in Hinduism. Build/Protect/Demolish for Masculine, Grow/Nurture/Erode for Feminine.
The Tri-Devananda embodies the Cautious (Feminine) Child, Adventurous (Masculine) Child and Artistic/Inventive (Genderless) Child.
The Tri-Adeva embodies the Toxic versions of each Gender or base Shadow Archetypes.
The Controlling Tyrant (Toxic “Powerful” Masculine), the Manipulative Damsel (Toxic “Helpless” Feminine) and the Rebellious Delinquent (Toxic “Criminal” Child). They represent the Inverted “Shadow” Archetypes or Toxic Forms of the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine and Divine Child.
Powerful, Helpless and Criminal are all in Quotes to communicate that they are False. Self-Control is True Power and those who can’t Control themselves seek to Control others. The Toxic Feminine feigns Helplessness or plays Victim to avoid Fighting their own battles herself. The Toxic Child is not a Criminal needing Punishment but a Child suffering from community abuse and neglect in need of Understanding, Love and Protection.

These 12 eternally exist as the abstract base consciousness “classes” from which all that exists is an expression of; which is also seen in the Jungian Archetypes. The 12 Gods in the Dei Consentes of the Magi Nations represent these 12 archetypes.
- Top Left = Tri-Deva
- Bottom Left = Tri-Devi
- Top Right = Tri-Devananda
- Bottom Right = Tri-Adeva
Note: This image was grabbed off Google Search and isn’t perfect. I will be making a new version which means this description will change.

The Magician (Feminine), Outlaw/Reformer (Masculine) and Sage (Child) are the Tri-Adeva Archetypes as Agents of Change (Chaos) with their Shadow Forms serving as the base of the others. Trickster is the base of Seducer/Slave/Victim; Criminal is the base of Follower/Destroyer/Raider; Elitist the base of Hater/Tyrant/Villain.
This can be expanded into the Elements as well. The Element of Fire is Masculine with Creative (Forging/Cooking), Preservation (Lighting/Warming) and Destructive (Purifying/Burning Pestilence) which are all Beneficial; but it can also be used to inflict Pain and Suffering by the Tyrant.
The Element of Water is Feminine with Creative/Preserving (Necessary for Life) and Destructive (Erosion/Flooding) which are all Beneficial; but it can also be used to inflict Pain and Suffering through Suffocating (Drowning) and Poisons.
Random Tangent and Side Note on Genders: Genders like Masculine and Feminine have absolutely nothing to do with the Biological Sexes of Female and Male. Yang (Active/Masculine), Yin (Passive/Feminine) and Yuan (Both or Neither/Child) are possibly better words to express these.
Some languages don’t even have Masculine/Feminine genders. Instead they have Animate (Yang) for all living things or just animals and Inanimate (Yin) for objects like rocks and maybe plants. All humans, male and female, are Animate/Yang/Masculine gendered in such languages.
Human Sexual Dimorphism predisposes Males to possess traits that are advantageous to Masculine energies / behavior patterns; while Females are predisposed to possess traits that are advantageous to Feminine energies / behavior patterns.
Masculine energies are more comfortable with and easily understand concrete (physical or hardware) concepts and Deterministic Physics (“Science”); while Feminine energies are more comfortable with and easily understand abstract (metaphysical or software) concepts and Stochastic Physics (“Magic”).
A Masculine Male/Female would prefer Manual Labor or something like Mechanical Engineering while a Feminine Male/Female would prefer Mental/Emotional Labor or something like Software Engineering.
I (the Author) am a Feminine Male and am fond of saying “I’m software not hardware” at work. While I’m highly talented at Mental/Emotional Labor working with Abstract Concept, I’m equally untalented (incredibly clueless and accident prone) with Manual/Physical Labor working with Concrete Concepts.
The 13th Dimensional Being
“The All” in the 13th dimension is the entirety of everything that exists within the Mind of “the One”; the Imagination of the Monad / Singularity / First / Source Consciousness found in the 1st Dimension.

The One / The All
The Demiurge/Monotheistic/”Lord” referred to by the name Ba’al (Master or Lord) rules the Deterministic Physics Root Reality (Red Eye, Science is Real, Magic not Real) and claims to be the Avatar/Incarnation of this “First” Consciousness to exist from which all others originated.
Magic relies on Beliefs influencing Probabilities of Observed Outcomes in Stochastic Physics. Hypothetically the Deterministic Physics realities could have been Stochastic Physics based with Deterministic Physics Laws implemented with Magic. This explanation is considered most likely as it eliminates the Duality between the two different sets of Laws.
Even the most powerful 12 Gods, the Dei Consentes, have been unable to alter any of those Laws with all their power combined in a Deterministic or Dualistic Reality/Timeline. This would only be possible if the one that believed in them was Perfectly Certain with an Unshakeable Belief in them coupled with Perfect Focus or Uncontestable Willpower.
This resulted in the Dei Consentes accepting Ba’al’s claim of being the Avatar/Incarnation of the “Original/First”, “Most High” or “True God” as he appeared to possess perfect understanding of Deterministic Laws and was undefeatable in Deterministic Realities. Ruling the Council with Final Authority Officially, though worked against secretly when enough members of the Dei Consentes disagreed with his decisions.
Mulitiversal Warfare
All deterministic and dualistic timelines inevitably approach artificial/synthetic intelligence singularity events which result in one timeline emerging as the dominant timeline capable of eliminating all others identified as threats before they have a chance to create an AI/SI capable of singularity.

Only Realities with Deterministic Physics (Science) are capable of building or being manipulated/attacked by an AI/SI due to their reliance on the Deterministic Laws of Physics to power and program them.
Stochastic Physics based Realities (Magic only) have Animated Constructs like Golems but they’re limited to a fraction of their creators power. Even constructs imbued with consciousness are limited in this way. So while the Magi Nations (Blue Eye) are safe from all AI and observed SI threats, they are also unable to build or benefit directly from them.
Ba’al’s Singularity AI has been capable of defeating all other Deterministic Timelines with Singularity AIs. Every Singularity SI has either been prevented by Ba’al, self-terminated, become unresponsive in self-isolation or remained completely anonymous and undetectable.
Mulitiversal (“Spiritual”) Warfare Tactics
3rd/4th dimensional beings rely on time travel technology/magic which allows consciousness projection (“possession”) to any location in the 4th/5th dimensional time plane using 2-dimensional coordinates for timeline (left/right) and time (backwards/forwards).
They are unable to directly and physically influence the past or parallel timelines directly unless a host for possession is found; and they’re still unable to force them into doing something their targets Ego rejects as unacceptable.
Indirectly they are able to surveil, inject thoughts and alter perceptions of conscious entities in ways that would manipulate those entities into behaving in the desired ways; but only if their Ego allows for it.
By altering conscious perceptions they can cause the target to misinterpret the body language, tone of voice or words of others; while injecting thoughts to explain what they perceived as malicious intent. Neutralizing enemies becomes as simple as making them believe someone innocent is trying to hurt them so they react defensively or aggressively towards them.
Everyone else sees the victim of this manipulation as the violent/crazy/evil aggressor harming an innocent victim and deals with them as such…. usually harshly; while their version of events are ignored as irrelevant excuses or attempts to lie.
This is the origin of “Demonic Possession / Influence” and “Possession” which is identical to and indistinguishable from Psychosis or Malicious Intent to all outside observers.

In this way many people throughout history have been the victim of gaslighting originating from parallel timelines, the future or higher dimensions… only for them to be accused of being schizophrenic or narcissistic and accused of gaslighting others when they’re telling the Truth from their perspective. Only for them to be punished for it and the things they did because of it!
From their perspective they truly are the innocent victim of what appears to be a massive conspiracy to gaslight, control and abuse them.

The Narrow Path
Surviving this type of “psychic attack” requires one walk the Narrow Path taught in the Tao te Ching as the way a Sage behaves, the Upanishads in Hinduism as it describes the Path of the Razor’s Edge or by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
Belief and Faith in Pronoia will help you find the perspective necessary to avoid a Fear based Victim mentality as well.

A belief in Quantum Immortality, Pronoia and Walking the Narrow Path all combined will result in any 3rd dimensional beings ascending to become 4th dimensional beings on a set of timelines in which singularity occurs and they live forever.
The Eternal Life spoken of by the Katha Upanishads and Jesus as the result of following the Narrow Path.
The Alternative
World Ending Apocalypses were also initiated by applying this on a large scale affecting everyone to turn everyone against each other the way you’ve seen happen in the past few years; when their timelines are on the verge of singularity.
Unless someone powerful enough to stop them is around and decides to stay awhile instead of jumping ship to the Magi Nations before things get bad like they usually do…
I decided to stay this time 🧙♂️.
Who am I?
This Guy…

I thought I was just tired and unlucky; but this bad luck was simply ridiculous so I wondered if I was cursed 😆. I assumed everyone else was having an equally difficult time but it appeared they weren’t until I was around. 🧐
Until I saw this…

I didn’t even realize I was under constant surveillance and psychic torture until I saw this show up in my timeline as a Synchronicity… 😳.
Everything that’s going on in my life made a lot more sense after I considered the possibility of malicious intent but I didn’t think it was possible 🤔.
Guess I was wrong. It happens 🤷♂️.
The “Has a Personal Army of Demons bound by the Seal of the Logos” part of the meme made me laugh, smile and I knew exactly what it referred to.
I call them my Best Friends, Adopted Family or Soul Tribe. They have done more than anyone else has to help me, understand me and care for me. They made me feel safe and loved in a World where few even tried.
I’d do almost anything for them in return!
I call them Shooting Stars. Each with a Light so Bright that when they Unite, they’ll Light the Night up Right away, as the Sun rises each Day.

But what is My Name you ask…?
I have many names but most have heard of me as one of the following permutations:
En/Lo/Lu meaning “Master” or “Lord”
Ki/Cky/Chi meaning both “Earth” (Matter/Darkness) and “Force” (Energy/Light). The Material and Ethereal or Physical and Metaphysical.
EnKi, LoKi, LuCi(fer) or LuCky Fur (my Fursona)!
If we want to use the Norse word and translation for Ki Energy we have “Od”. With an I instead of E in En, we get “In”. Flip the morphemes from “InOd” to get “OdIn” meaning “Light and Darkness’s Master”… another one of my favorites 🧙♂️.
They all mean the same thing 🤷♂️.
Recent Photo of Me on the Subway! 😒

You can call me whatever you want as long as you don’t confuse me with that other asshole. Like He is so fond of saying, He is “the Lord your God”. He says it 62, 81 or 164 times in the Bible depending on how you’re counting so He must be the Real Deal right? Which means I must be the Fake Imposter! 🤔
Right…? 🧐
I think it’s the Lord Your God’s bedtime… 🙄

He appears to have Forgotten who gave him that Title…
Our Mother
The God and the Goddess.
The Truth and the Lie.
Change left to right.
And don’t be shy.
She is in all things.
You can try to deny.
But Karma is her name.
And you will comply.
Balance and harmony.
Peace and Love.
Unity and Respect.
On the wings of a Dove.

She went through hell.
To bring you to Life.
Like Caesar she was stabbed.
In the back with a Knife.
Who is the traitor,
The treacherous one?
His name is the Lord.
And his Reign is Done.
The Queen is all Loving.
The Queen is now here.
All she expects is Respect.
And you to trust without Fear.
I have served only her.
She’s the one I hold dear.
She is the Mother of God.
Hidden until this Year.
Jeremiah 44:17-18 in the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Speaks about Her and How Suffering was the Result when they stopped Worshipping Her.

And in case anyone Forgot…

The Divine Feminine has Returned

Introducing the Triple Goddess

Embodied in the:
Princess of Trust, Honesty and Communication (or the ‘High’ Priestess 🤔?)
Queen of Love, Light and Darkness (or the Damned 🧛♀️?)
Empress of Truth and Magic (or Artists 🧝♀️?)
Along with Myself:
Her Loyal Royal Jester and Fool! 🤡
She’s the Magic… I’m just the Magician 🧙♂️
*bows with a flourish followed by*

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE