Three NBOME’s Scheduled

25I-NBOME, 25C-NBOME, and 25B-NBOME have been placed under emergency scheduling by the DEA [1]. Though some might disagree with me, I’m in favor of this for the time being, and here’s why.

25I-NBOME is potentially dangerous and used recreationally as an alternative to prohibited substances which have a history of being physically safe. It is also passed off as those physically safe substances, which can lead to injury.

While I am not certain about 25C-NBOME and 25B-NBOME, the 5HT receptors responsible for vasoconstriction respond to 25I, and I’ve heard reports about 25C causing the same. This can potentially lead to a hypertensive crisis and trip to the emergency room instead of the depths of your pscyhe.

However, what I don’t approve of is the classification (Schedule 1) if it will hinder research. 25I-NBOME has proven to be a strong agonist of the 5HT-2a receptors and has been radiolabelled for mapping the distribution of these receptors in the brain [2].

This has a highly valuable use in medical research, and potentially treatment of mental illness. I envision a day where instead of psychiatrists following the DSM to label a person with an abstract diagnosis based on arbitrary symptoms, they instead carry out a set of tests to determine the except cause and corrective medication to treat the “imbalance”. Because 25I-NBOME could be used for research and diagnosis of disease, it should be given a Schedule II classification.

With that in mind, I do not agree with Scheduling system. All drugs are dangerous if used irresponsibly. That is why we prohibit the behaviors that are irresponsible rather than the drug. Consumption of alcohol is legal; operating dangerous machinery (vehicles/firearms) while intoxicated is not.

Likewise, psychedelics are very useful if used responsibly. A legal framework of prohibited behaviors while intoxicated, and training/permits required for their administration and use should replace the scheduling system in my view.

However for now, I’m just hoping to hear about less 25I hospitalizations.



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