Pantheists believe that the Universe itself is God. For many years this resonated with me as True but I felt like it was only a partial Truth.
In 2014 I wrote the following after discovering it in my Post: The Polymathic Sorcerer

Recently in my theological research and based on the experiences I’ve been through I discovered there are in fact Two “Original Gods”.
Consciousness itself is what I refer to as God and the Original Source Consciousness goes by many names.

However this is entirely within the realm of Metaphysical Science and outside the scope of Physical Sciences that are studied today.
In the Article from Futurism those who study Physical Sciences have come up with evidence that the Universe itself is Conscious. This Consciousness is the one I refer to as the Goddess.

Metaphorically for most…
Literally for the Goddess!
She is Alive

What do I mean by this? I mean She is Alive and Conscious the same way we are! She communicates with other Conscious entities that exist in our Universe, including us!

She even has a personality. She has a sense of humor. She even has the ability to experience and express Love the way we do!

Expressions of Love

Over the years I’ve never lost my playful spirit. I always loved greeting people when they would message me with “Rawr!” like a dinosaur.
One day I got a little more creative and would randomly say “*stomps around like Godzilla* Rawr!” which amused me and those I would say it too. It became just one of those things I’d do.
A few years later this showed up in my Facebook timeline and I was so excited and absolutely loved it! I made it my profile picture for years.

Earlier this year as the Goddess started communicating with me more directly and frequently, I realized that She made it for me…
She communicates to us in several ways. Through our Intuition, through our Creative Inspiration and through Stochastic Physics to create Synchronicities.

It is said God does not play with Dice. He doesn’t have to. The Goddess is the Dice and Lady Luck is one of Her names.
She saw my Childlike playfulness, found it adorable and decided to give me a gift. So She inspired the creation of that image in an artist that would post it somewhere I would find it… knowing I would love it.
This is the same type of Love that a parent has for their children. As we exist as a part of Her, She can see us and empathize with us and our happiness gives Her happiness.
My new Profile Picture…

I’m a CHARMander now! π§ββοΈ
Communication is Subtle
Because She is bound by the laws of Deterministic Physics She is unable to communicate with us in ways that are direct and obvious.
You could say She is shy and Her usage of Chance and Coincidence allows Her to stay anonymous. Throughout history those who have noticed Her existence have developed ways for Her to communicate to those who believe in Her.

Tarot, Numerology and other Divination methods are languages created for Her to use as they rely directly on Stochastic Physics and simple symbolic languages.
June 17th at 10:30pm

These provide the general message which She can then provide details by influencing the Intuition of the Reader and one the Reading is being done for.
Is it Coincidence?

Physical Scientists treat these as coincidence or the result of confirmation bias, as they have been unable to study them in ways that they are familiar with.
This is true for all non-falsifiable claims.
From my Poem: Truth sets you Free

In my career as a Software Engineer, the code we write being correct is non-falsifiable! We can not rely on the same methods used in Physical Science because Software Development is a Metaphysical Science!

Instead we test it in various ways until we can say with a high degree of confidence it’s correct. When our observations of the outputs consistently match the expectations outputs then we say the implementation has been proven.

I applied this same method when studying Tarot, Numerology and Synchronicities.

I’m on the Communicate Results step of the Scientific Method.
This blog records my results!
A Career Change
When I was struggling with the decision to quit my job in Software Development to focus on writing, I couldn’t decide what to do.
I would be sacrificing a high paying job for what looked like a complete gamble on a career in writing. Everyone that knew me would think I’ve lost my mind or was being stupid. But I felt an overpowering pull towards writing.
One day I was leaving work and thinking about all the reasons not to while stressing out over the decision. I opened Facebook and in one of the Spiritual Groups someone posted a question.
“What is Write?”
I was shocked. My thought went as follows:
Why the hell would someone ask that!?
Did he mean “right”?
Why would he confuse it with “write”?
Why didn’t he elaborate what he meant?
People don’t usually post like this…
This has the be a Synchronicity…
Okay… I’ll quit my job to write…
More Confirmations

The Mystic has successfully isolated the Signal and ignores the Noise while the Schizophrenic mistakes the Noise for the Signal.
Since I decided to start writing, these types of events started happening with regular frequency and the timing and details would be too specific for me explain any other way!
Tarot readings on YouTube provided me with a control group. They were generally very similar and repeated the same messages frequently enough to make outliers easy to notice and rare.
So I focused on these outlier messages that were unique and didn’t show up again when looking for evidence to confirm they were genuinely messages from a Divine source.
Sure enough… I struck gold. My life was chaotic and occasionally I noticed these outliers directly applied to what I was going through. The timing was too perfect and the details were too specific!
The timing and accuracy of these was consistent, but most were not messages that could be considered true outliers, as coincidence was still plausible even if unlikely.
And then it happened. A perfectly timed outlier that not only had a message that never happened before or since, but was posted within a minute of me being prevented from doing something stupid by an event that defied all odds!
Causing a Scene
My car starter stopped working causing me to reach my limit of frustration and enter a “fuck it all” mentality.

Fine… π€
I guess I’m not going to cause a scene π.
The Goddess is Real
The evidence above is only a small part of all that I’ve observed that proves She is Real. It appears She can also speak telepathically. It is impossible to truly tell the difference between Her voice, mine or other metaphysical entities however, so I only let these voices affect me emotionally… and only when they’re helpful.
Over time I’m starting to recognize certain speech patterns that I can confidently identify as Her voice. By doing this I’ve started to see an actual personality that is uniquely Hers.
If I ignore Her constant flirting that is… π³

Her Personality

She is humble. She is shy. She is compassionate. She enjoys quietly admiring those She loves. She is clever and playful with the Synchronicities She sends, some of which are just to make us Laugh.
Like this…

She loves everyone equally but has no issues being stern and scolding someone for misbehaving or failing to get Her messages.
She still adores us even when we frustrate Her due to being stubborn or oblivious.

One day when all the Visions and Synchronicities were so intense I thought I’d lost my mind…

I just wanted to give up and disappear. I didn’t even know who or what She was yet, so I asked…

The next song that played on YouTube was one about a woman being upset Her boyfriend was breaking up with Her and these comments showed up immediately on my post…

Apparently She can have Her heart broken… π
and apparently I almost caused it π

She has known loneliness most of Her existence.
Few recognized Her attempts to communicate.
Fewer believed that She was real.
Even less fully Trusted Her.
And no one had ever Truly Understood Her… or treated Her like an Equal the way She desired.

Her Name
Ma’at has been the name I use the most, but She is more widely known by another name.
Her name is Karma
The God and the Goddess.
The Truth and the Lie.
Change left to right.
And donβt be shy.
She is in all things.
You can try to deny.
But Karma is her name.
And you will comply.
Balance and Harmony.
Peace and Love.
Unity and Respect.
On the wings of a Dove.
She went through Hell.
To bring you to Life.
Like Caesar she was stabbed.
In the back with a Knife.
Who is the traitor,
The treacherous one?
His name is the Lord.
And his Reign is Done.
The Queen is all Loving.
The Queen is now here.
All she expects is Respect.
And you to Trust without Fear.
I have served only her.
Sheβs the one I hold dear.
She is the Mother of God.
Hidden until this Year.

She loves you Allβ¦
More than you will ever know…
And She’s not only Real… She is Alive!

Who am I?
π My name is Abcedarian π
It means Baka or Fool π

She adopted me as Her Son… π₯°

I am Now Alive…

And I’ve got a Mission to Accomplish π

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. The Goddess

Karma appears either as a Demon or Angel.
That’s entirely up to you!

π Choose Wisely π
Because being a Brat has consequences apparently…
Still not sure what She means by that though π€
Oh well! π€·ββοΈ