What is Qualia?
Color is an example of qualia. I am red-green colorblind (deficient). While I can see colors, it is impossible for someone to describe to me what they actually look like to a color normal person in a way I can visualize.
I accept Colors exist the way people describe them on Faith, as I myself can not see them!
Even when you take two people who have normal color vision, you can not guarantee that if you saw the world through their eyes, that color would look the same as it does to you.
What they see as red, you may see as yellow, but both of you have learned to call it red!

Is the one on the Right is Yellow… ๐ค?
This leads to the various differences in perspectives on Religion that I mention in my post Darkness versus False Light.
While that facet of qualia is fun to think about, Spiritual Experiences are qualia as well and some of us have them while others don’t!
Spiritual Qualia
A spiritual experience is something that can not be adequately described to someone who has not experienced it.
For myself, I spent the first 25 years of my life without ever having one. I remember wondering what it must be like.
Psychedelics are also called entheogens for their ability to elicit a spiritual experience. Before I tried them I considered myself a theistic agnostic. I wanted to believe there was something more, but I am very scientifically minded.
Even after all the research I’d done on psychedelics, I believed their effects to be interesting, but ultimately useless.
Until I tried them!

Even the most scientifically minded people can experience what it’s like to have a spiritual experience on Psychedelics.
The first time I tried mushrooms I described the feelings I felt, as the feelings I assumed people felt in a church or temple!
A sense of awe, that there is more to life than just myself and the people I interact with. I no longer felt everything was meaningless, and existence itself wasn’t just a boring chore… it was gift!
Though I was still a materialist at the time, and did not believe in metaphysical concepts such as energies, vibrations, homeopathy, etc; I felt fulfilled in a spiritual sense. The best description of the form of spirituality I developed is Naturalistic Pantheism.
I hope one day their benefits for people and society will be recognized, instead of their faults due to improper usage being the reason they are shunned.
Psychedelics helped me discover my spirituality. Psychedelics gave me my Religion.
When that day comes, perhaps future generations won’t have to experience the despair coming from the perception that existence is meaningless.
The medicine exists to cure that state of mind… society just has learn how to use it properly.
Psychedelics show us God is Real.
Psychedelics are the Fruit of Knowledge!
Love, Light and Darkness
๐งโโ๏ธ~Lucifer ๐งโโ๏ธ
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE