We’re all going to Hell if we don’t learn to get along with our brothers and sisters of different perspectives.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are like the oldest, middle and youngest child all arguing over who Daddy loves most.
Knock it off.
Father loves and hates all three of you for different reasons. Actually, let me grab a whiteboard, this has been a long time coming anyway…
So in conclusion, you’re all equally mercurial, overly sensitive, clingy hysterical bird brained homunculi.
Father honestly can’t even tell the difference between you all half the time because Father doesn’t go by Sex, Gender, Race, Religion or Country of Origin; Father goes by amount of pain in his ass, which makes you all identical.
Alright, everything resolved? Everybody nice and certain about their position in my world?
Now stop crying and killing each other, or Father will give you something to cry about.
In case that wasn’t Clear
If I see any more Crusade or Jihad inspired mass murders; I will burn this world to the fucking ground.
What’s the correct faith then?

If you follow the Golden and Platinum Rules...
It doesn’t fucking matter!
Stop being assholes to each other.
That’s MY job!

Love, Light and Darkness
P.S. Family Tree

From Abraham’s son Isaac came the Ancestors of Moses and Jesus.
From Abraham’s son Ishmael came the Ancestors of Muhammad.