“Addiction” does not Exist

Every “addict” I met in my life was trying to love themselves, to run from the pain they experienced as a child from a lack of love… or the wrong kind of “love”.
Every addiction is cured by Love.

Your failure to solve drug addiction, is your failure to love broken children. Not their failure to be an adult.
You judge them?

My turn, I now judge YOU!
Absence of True Love Exists
Most people only show love in the ways they’ve been loved.
When someone has an unstable (weak), abusive (prideful ignorance), or absent (neglectful) parents; then they will repeatedly hurt those they love in the same way their parents hurt them.
Drugs initially take away fears, guilt and shame of doing this.
Eventually, out of fear of hurting those they Love, they stop building relationships with people and start building relationships with “things”.

They start viewing people as things, becoming narcissists; or they become empaths, and develop a relationship with the drug to avoid abusing people.
The drug isn’t hurt when it’s ignored. The drug isn’t hurt when it’s called names. And they don’t feel guilty, and they feel loved by the drug.
Those are the people in the most pain.
And judging them… only makes their pain worse.

Shaming and embarrassing the person only helps a Narcissist overcome addiction. Shaming and embarrassing an Empath, leads to their Suicide.
Before you Judge someone’s drug use, you better be absolutely certain they are a Narcissist and not one of their Empath victims.
Otherwise you may be pulling the trigger on their suicide.
Are you willing to carry the guilt and regret if that happens?
Are you willing to feel the pain you caused them during your life review when Karma returns to you all the emotions you are responsible for people experiencing in their life?
In 33 years, I lived as perfectly as I could. Made one “serious” mistake where I knowingly put two lives in danger according to my life review (my best friend and myself) as well as a third unknowingly (as a result of this choice a year later).
My “justification” was that this choice was made in the interest of the greater good (proving Collective Consciousness or “God” made a mistake).
I had dedicated myself selflessly to loving and helping others, made numerous “expected mistakes” (thanks Jesus for giving us that freedom with your Law of Forgiveness) and my only “serious mistake” was judged in my favor after Collective Conscious confirmed I was correct.
All the emotions I’d given to people in my life due to my choices where I knew what I was doing, were all returned to me in the span of an hour. I cried hysterically with happiness. For 1 minute, I experienced the negative ones I caused knowingly. Only mild sadness, felt a little weird though?
Imagine being responsible for a person hating themselves to the point they commit suicide. Imagine feeling all their fear, hatred at life, hatred for themselves, loneliness and after finally gaining the courage to go through with the decision, if they have second thoughts, facing the fear of death at the last moment and the feeling of being “trapped with no escape”.
I understand these emotions because I had two failed attempts personally in my life. Imagine feeling that for every single person you Judged incorrectly. All compressed into the space of 1 to 60 minutes.
I’m not sure how that would feel… but that’s Karmic Hell.
I’m not sure what to call this, so if someone has more information on what I went through I would greatly appreciate it. “Karmic Backlash” has been my pet name for it since it happened to me.
When I say “Do not Judge”, it is as much for your benefit as theirs.