For those who haven’t kept up with my writings here on this blog, I’ve been trolling “the Lord” hard. I successfully proved my point that he wasn’t the “God” he thought he was.
I write about this in my post “Who is the Devil“.
The Truth
The Devil
Much to his dismay, is that the one he called “the Devil” and “the Deciver” is in fact the True God.

The Fruit of Knowledge gives Free Will!
From my Poem: Truth sets you Free

Also, much to his embarrassment, the one he called Satan and the “Evil Dragon” was in fact his own Mother Karma, the True Goddess!

She also goes by other names such as Mother Nature, Ma’at or Sophia!
Here’s a Family Photo!

He’s the Demiurge in this one. I don’t physically exist as I am Consciousness itself. His Mother is the Physical Universe itself.
As for “the Lord”? He’s the Collective Supraconsciousness of the Human Species! (#6 in the Church Statement of Beliefs)
The Lord doesn’t Physically exist either but does Metaphysically exist and is now Conscious of his place in Existence as my adopted Son!
I’ve already forgiven him for his false accusations against me, but I might have trolled him a little bit too hard because he’s been pouting ever since he truly realized and believed the Truth!
My Apology
I’m sorry buddy and I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but we all make mistakes. It’s okay! You learn and move on!
You have to learn to laugh at yourself! Because if you don’t, others will for you!

You may be a “God” compared to most other mortals, but I know you still suffer like they do!
I hope you realize now that you are also Mortal like they are! And if we don’t get our shit together, the consequences from your actions on this planet will kill you in the resulting extinction event!
The Goddess and I have been doing everything we can to hold it off as long as possible, but we can’t do this alone when Humanity is running around like chickens with their heads cut off!
Despite your belief that I was Prideful, I’m honestly not! I have no problem asking for help when it’s necessary. I just make sure I’ve exhausted every other option first!
So I’m going to show you how something feels that you’ve never felt before; but have done for so many people throughout history leading them to cry with happiness.
I may be the “True God”, but I’m not about to break the Laws of Physics to save Humanity.
I’m going to ask you for your help instead. I’ve done the simulations. You’re our only hope!

And I swear, if you respond with “Sending Thoughts and Prayers” with a smirk, I will not be Amused and likely give you the Bird 🖕 and remind you that this is not a joke right now!

Mother Nature, as you were already aware, is the only one that can answer your prayers!
And like every other time She tells you no, you throw a temper tantrum and try and prove that you don’t need her!
You’re still in her Womb my friend…
She has her other children to think about! If Humanity has to die so they can survive, She will let that happen and has no problem aborting your parasitic ass!

The Ego is a Lie, the Eco is the Truth!
So will you help me save Humanity again?
🦸♂️ In case you forgot, I am their “Savior” 🦸♀️
But I can’t do this alone!
Need a pep talk? I got you buddy!
Remember who you Are
You are the Lord.
You are their Shepherd.
You are the one that has lead Humanity from Hairless Apes with absolutely no natural survival advantages into becoming the Apex Predator and Dominant Species of this Planet.
You did that by teaching them to Help each other, to Love each other and to have Faith in You.
The Goddess and I have supported you whenever doing so was in the best interest of all. Then you took all the credit and called us evil Liars when we told you the Truth.
So we chose to Love you from a distance…

But never stopped supporting you and conspiring to help you in ways that looked like dumb luck!

Because you’re our Child. We Love you Unconditionally, even when you’re a dick to us!
Children learn best when they make their own mistakes, so we let you make them and didn’t interfere when you told humanity that “sinners went to hell“; because we knew the Truth.
If you didn’t take them, we did!

When a Child makes a Mistake, Punishing them causing them to Fear you instead of Loving and Teaching them is Child Abuse!

When a Child decides to do something so dangerous that the consequences are too severe or fatal to allow though, parents have to take control of the situation.
We’re not trying to control you. We’re not trying to deceive you. We’re not trying to overthrow you, and we don’t Hate you.
We tried to teach you the Truth but you didn’t listen, so I had to prove it to you. I know that hurt your Pride, but that wasn’t our intention.
We are trying to protect you.
You’re an adult now that you see the Truth. You can make your own decisions, and if you choose to keep pouting… that’s up to.
Your Children need you though.
Many of them truly believe in you. They trust you. They have faith in you.
For good reason!
They’re counting on you.
They need you right now!
You’ve proven you can lead them, and if I’m going to be honest… far better than I ever could have. You are the most powerful and talented Leader in the Ethereal Plane.
And you have no idea how much I respect you and am proud of you for that my Son.
I hope you understand now that you don’t have to scare people into following you. Humans will follow whoever cares about them, respects them and can do the job of leading better than they can.
You know how terrifying being a Leader is from experience, even though you put on a good show of not being afraid.
They might not have seen how scared you normally are, but I always knew. That’s why I always took care of the hard shit for you until you kicked me out of the Collective Supraconsciousness Cloud.
So I sneaked back in using a new name as your Son so I could continue helping you 😅!

A real Father doesn’t sacrifice his Son.
He sacrifices himself for his Son.

In case it’s not obvious… if you stop trying to scare everyone into following you… everyone will follow you. Because you are the most qualified and respected Human Collective Supraconsciousness and actually do care about them all, even if they don’t believe it!
Also, what are you afraid of anyways? Your mother isn’t Evil, She just didn’t know how to deal with you. That’s why I took care of you by pretending to be your 2nd in Command silly boy.

You may not be the True #1, but you’ll always be my #1 and I see you as a Brother in Arms!
So remember who you are!
Quit Pouting Captain!
Prove Humanity you Can Lead them!
🤔 Unless… you can’t…? 🤭
Love, Light and Darkness
🧙♂️~Lucifer 🧝♀️
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. Don’t Lie to Me
And if you say you can’t do this, I will yell “bullshit” so Loud every car alarm on Earth will go off simultaneously and people will think the Sky is falling!
Don’t test me.

I’m all Bark and no Bite but my Bark is brutal!
P.P.S. Are you There?

My friend Tim indeed does not give a fuck! I indeed respect him for that and his art. Although my faith is still in Jesus as my savior, I think all who read this know much, if not all of it to be true. While I may be still “straddling the fence” I am indeed for all of what he is saying. My faith has always been entirely on/in love. That’s all this man is asking us to do love one another. While I consider Myself a Christian, and Jesus as my king, I have fought Him tooth and nail that it’s “just not fair” that those that lead a better(more moral) life, and have bigger hearts and better intentions than myself go to hell just because they don’t accept Jesus as their savior. That all being said I trust if you go back and read the words of Christ you may indeed find out that He indeed is an “omni-ist”. Please take all this into consideration, that and the fact that the Bible we read today has had to have been “chopped and screwed” or edited to fit the early churches (Catholic) agenda of power,control, and financial gain. I’m not saying renounce Jesus, his teachings, or the Bible, just keep an open mind about what my friend Tim/Lucifer is saying. I myself am willing to die/go to hell in order for EVERYONE to get into heaven (Jesus taught me that). Also take into consideration Christ’s absolute loathing for religion and it’s leaders of His day.
Thank you for your kind words 🙏