Psychology has a term called “Projection” where we tend to believe that others are who we are and do the things we do.
This occurs due to a few reasons.
- A Shortcut in our Predictive Heuristics
- We assume they do and say things for the same reason we would.
- We assume they think like we do.
- The Perception of ourselves as “Normal” and assuming others are “Normal” too.
- The Difficulty imagining being something other than ourselves, and using ourselves as a “generic template” for who others are.
So when We speak of others, We will naturally and without realizing it be describing ourselves!

The above “wisdom” is one I do not follow due to my understanding of Projection.
People do a lot…
So I watch what people say!

Watching their actions requires observation over time and identifying patterns; which very well could be deception as well!
How they Speak on the other hand tells you who they are quickly, reliably and without the need to spy and establish a pattern of behavior.

A Liar frequently accuses others of Lying. They see all the ways they Lie even when others are speaking the Truth.
The Thieves Curse has them seeing everyone else as potential thieves trying to steal from them!
- Guest helps you clean?
- Trying to peak in Drawers and Cabinets for stuff to steal.
- Guy loitering around your place?
- Casing it for a break in.
- Possessions go missing?
- Obviously stolen, no chance it was accidentally misplaced.

Another Religions Example
Some ignorant Christians may accuse Witches of “Satanic” ritual worship…

Ignoring that Transubstantiation looks like that!
To Summarize


Racists think others are Racist
Black Lives Matter is not a racist group, but that doesn’t stop racists from accusing them of it!

Theocrats think others are Theocrats
The Following is an example of a Person that if given the ability, would make it illegal for other Religions to practice.
So naturally he Fears that others want to make his Religion (Christianity) Illegal in America.

Narcissist or Empath?

A Selfish Narcissist believes all people are Selfish by Nature while Empaths believe they’re all Selfless by Nature.
This is the Result of Projection!
Read more about Narcissists and how to Heal them in my post “What is a Narcissist“.

The Honest?
Likewise an Honest person assumes everyone else is Honest as well and even when presented evidence will have a hard time believing someone is lying.
Using the Psychology of Projection you can easily identify the Honest people as they are the most Gullible ones!
Did you know Gullible isn’t in the Dictionary?

Inverse Projection

Well there’s another form, and I’ve decided to call it “Inverse Projection“. Most people are already familiar with this by the name “Dunning-Kruger Effect”.
It only applies to Metaphysical or Subjective beliefs. The result is what we believe to be True about ourselves is in fact the Opposite of the Truth.
This manifests in many ways:

The Skull 💀speaks Truth to the Bird 🕊
- Believe you’re “woke”?
- Nope, you’re still asleep asshole.
- Believe you’re a “Stable Genius”?
- Truth is you’re an Unstable Idiot.
- A blood sucking parasite too. 🦟
- Believe that you’re Crazy and an Idiot?
- Truth is you’re Sane and Intelligent. 🦉
- Believe that you’re Beautiful?
- You’re probably ugly. When I was 325 pounds I thought I “looked good for my weight” until I lost it and saw that I was a whale back then… 🐳
- Believe that you’re Ugly?
- You’re one sexy Goddess 😘 🧝♀️
- Think that you’re a “Safe & Nice Guy”?
- Nope, you’re a Creepy Asshole. 🕷
So to get a simple idea of who you truly are, take all your beliefs about yourself, and flip them!
The Dunning-Kruger effect refers to Skill/Knowledge/Intelligence.

Projected Advice

The most useful aspect of projection for Self-Improvement is we tend to give advice to others that we ourselves need to hear or have a hard time following.
This manifests itself as the urge to give unsolicited advice or complain about someone else.

Whenever you catch yourself doing this, stop and ask yourself the question “do I need to hear this?“
Whenever I did this the answer was always yes!

I stopped talking to people almost completely for awhile as everything that came to mind to say to them, I instead “told myself” and treated it as something I needed to change!
I very rapidly ran out of things to say. Once all my unseen faults were identified and corrected using this tip, I no longer felt the need to point out the ones in others!

Love, Fear and Hate
Even these are the result of Projection.
We come to Love those who exhibit behaviors or traits We Love about ourselves or Desire.
We Fear those who exhibit behaviors or traits that We Deny about ourselves or don’t Understand.
We Hate those who exhibit behaviors or traits that We Hate about ourselves.
Homophobes are frequently Homosexual

And those who Scream about Pedophiles are typically the actual Pedophiles!

Read more in my posts QAnon and Who is Q?
How to get rid of Hate
Step 1: Love Yourself.

Step 2: Respect Yourself and Others

My Experience with Projection
Dunning-Kruger focuses on intelligence but there is also a very insidious aspect to this one as well!
Inverse Projection lead to me feeling like this, an excerpt from my Short Story titled “The Art of War“.

Avoiding mistakes in Judgement due to Projection requires that we have a Trusted 3rd Party to give us an unbiased view.
However they must also have the same level of ability to see and interpret what is being observed.
The less intelligent someone was the more crazy and stupid they believed me to be. As they failed to understand the reasons for my beliefs and choices, they frequently assumed I was wrong for not “doing it like everyone else“.
While their confidence baffled me when I was certain they were wrong, I would assume they knew or could see something I couldn’t. 😐
I believed them because it matched my perspective of myself as stupid and crazy initially. However the more intelligent someone was the more intelligent they saw me as!
Those who called me Stupid were projecting their own inability to understand me.
Those who called me Crazy were projecting their own irrational choice to “do it the way everyone else does“!

Which doesn’t mean it’s Right!
Then they would proceed to tell me I’m “doing it wrong” when they observed me doing something the “wrong way” intentionally to learn and understand why it was “wrong“!

In my poem Truth sets you Free I refer to this when I question if the Darkness is my Light.

I also mention this as my method in my post Maze of Mirrors that leads me to the end of any maze in far less time on average.
Every mistake taught me how something works more clearly. Every failure clued me in on insights to new ways to “do it the wrong way“.

Occasionally I’d strike gold. I’d discover a way to do something that no one else knew about, imagined or could explain.
Everyone saw me as crazy and stupid.
I saw myself this way too, so I tried to learn and we learn from our mistakes and failures; not our successes!

My failures were then seen as proof I’m crazy and stupid by everyone as well as myself!

My successes were accidentally. My failures to numerous to count. My life dedicated to learning everything the hard way has resulted in many painful lessons. The whole time I believed I was crazy and stupid, so I put myself last and helped everyone that had the ability to teach me anything.
That amount of emotional pain, mental suffering, without anyone who understood me, believed in me or truly helping me effectively means…
I’ve been living in HELL my WHOLE LIFE!

The reward was worth it though…

I found Magic…
Magic is Applied Science and Psychology to make the Unbelievable become a Reality.
I’ve searched for Magic my whole life and while it may look like Science to me…

To others… it looks like Magic!
From my Poem: Truth sets you Free

“Anything’s possible, it’s just a matter of time and resources.”
Real Magic?
“Anything’s possible” apparently also includes Real Magic as well… as I discovered that too… 🤨
But the Goddess has requested I keep those details secret for now. I’ve learned the hard way not to be stubborn with Her… so… I’ll comply…
For now…

Love, Light and Darkness
🧙♂️~Lucifer 🧝♀️
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. Being a Brat

As I write in The Mind of the Goddess, She most certainly does fall in Love with a Stubborn Heart.
She also mentioned “being a Brat has consequences…” with a mischievous grin.
Her: 😈
Me: 😳…🧐…🤔
I don’t know what She meant by that…
All I know… is…

P.P.S. Presidential Projection

I identify with so much if this, and I suppose that is expected. Thank you for creating this experience. I had never read about Projection or Inverse Projection, though I have long noticed that liars fear lies, cheaters fear cheating, abusers fear abuse. So this was affirming. The scale of confidence to experience was familiar in concept, but so clarifying in its simplicity.