Five States of Matter
The model of the Universe’s elements above isn’t wrong; it’s just misinterpreted. Before the Periodic Table and Atomic Theory; the only thing that could be understood were the Five States of Matter.

- Earth: Refers to Solid like the Earth we Stand on.
- Water: Refers to Liquid like the Water we Drink.
- Air: Refers to Gas like the Air we Breathe.
- Fire: Refers to Plasma seen in Fire or the Sun.
- Aether: Or Spirit, Refers to the Void of “Empty” Space.
- Outer-Space is the literal “Heavens” where the “Gods” (Jupiter/Mars/Venus/etc) all live in the Material Plane.
- Inner-Space is the metaphorical “Heaven” where We are the “God” of our own Reality in the Ethereal Plane.
- Your 3(r)D Eye Magi Nation.
- Your 3rd Eye is your 3D Imagination; where all is Magic.
Only four are included in these Alchemy symbols.

What is Aether?
In our Inner-Space (Mental reality or Imagination), everything is composed of “Aether”. None of it actually exists in our Physical Plane and is only observable by or interacted with by it’s Creator (the one Imagining). It can be created at-will without limits or constraints by the Inner-Space’s Creator.
In Outer-Space (Physical reality) the Aether provides the fabric of Space. It’s existence can only be observed indirectly using Technology and has been described by Science using the terms “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy”.
Just as we have the ability to create at-will without limits or constraints Aether in our Inner-Space Imagination; likewise the One who Imagines our Physical reality can manipulate Aether in our Reality as needed or desired.
Apparently Scientists are now calling it Quintessence ๐

The One who Imagines
In case you missed that: Our reality is simply the Imagination of another conscious and thinking “One who Imagines (Creates)” or Tao/Love/Buddha Nature itself.

“We are One” is the Tao/Love/Buddha Nature Consciousness.
“We are Many (Plural)” is our Individual Consciousness.

The Tao/Love/Buddha Nature Consciousnes Imagines our Reality and Experiences Life through Us.

The Tao/Love/Buddha Nature Consciousness is what I refer to as “God” in The Orchestra Conductor.
Yin is the “Darkness”, the “Unconscious and Unaware Nothingness”, Ni(y) the “Virgin Mother” or “Mother Nature” the “Selfless”.
Yin gave birth to Yang, the “Light” of “Conscious Awareness”, Om the “Father Sun” or “Father Time” the “Self” .
Together they sing Verses manifesting Self-Aware “Children” and all of the Universes in the OmNiVerse.
Each Child Universe consists of Darkness (Space) and Light (Time) and each Child Self-Aware Consciousness consisting of both Selfless (Yin) and Selfish (Yang) desires.
The Three of these together form the Tao.

Two to Look, One to See

Two eyes face outward towards the Physical Universe.
A Third eye faces inward towards our Metaphysical Imagination.
The Source of All Creation, despite Biblical Citation, isn’t a God, but Our 3D Imagination (3rd Eye Magi Nation).
The “Kingdom of Heaven” is Within us All!

Wave-Particle: A Duality in Physics

Wave-Particle duality is considered a paradox in Physics and the result of the existence of both “the Darkness” (Aether/Space or Dark Energy/Matter) and “the Light” (Plasma/Photons or Light Energy/Matter).
As I’ve discussed in previous posts, the Only actual Truths that exist are all Paradoxes. This duality appearing to be a Paradox is actually a huge โgreen flagโ that it is one of the absolute Truths of Existence.
A Paradox confirmed by all Evidence is an Absolute Truth of Existence.
Einstein wrote the following:
โIt seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do.โ
This duality however does not require two contradictory pictures of reality. Using the Pilot Wave theory as a proof of concept, itโs easy to show how a Photon skips like a rock across a lake of Aether; creating Waves that interact with each other, itself and other particles.

The Three Sources
Disclaimer: I will attempt to describe this both Literally and Metaphorically, but it is very easy to make a mistake while doing this. Please forgive me if I make any errors in translation and let me know a better way to word this if you happen to know of one; thanks!
All that exists is created by either “the Light” (Light Energy/Matter), “the Darkness” (Dark Energy/Matter) or a combination of Both resulting from Love that brings All together (Gravity).
The Darkness or Void of Non-Existence (Unconscious Virgin Mother) gave birth to the Light of Existence (Consciousness of the Father); whom together with the Mother created All that Exists (the Subconscious or Intuitive Child).
All that Exists is the result of an Act of Love embodied by “the Child”.
How do they Communicate?
Subjectively to our perspective they communicate with us or guide us through three independent systems.
Our Consciously felt Emotions and Thoughts trigger Instinctual Responses is the first and these help us stay alive (stay conscious) and is from “the Father”. They are primarily concerned with kin-survival (blood relatives) and self-survival.
Our Unconscious Intuition guides our Imagination and Creative Ideas. These are gifts from “I, Dea”, with Dea being Latin for Goddess or “the Mother”. They are primarily concerned with Creation and Invention.
Our Subconscious “Programming” is our Personality created by the “Story we tell ourselves about ourselves” and is the Ego. The Ego is “the Software” of our mind. It is not the enemy, but it can develop maladaptive behavioral routines as a result of abuse or trauma. Healing these is referred to as “shadow work” and is the goal of therapy.
Shadow Work and Therapy
Therapy has long suffered in effectiveness due to the Ego’s security systems designed to prevent exactly what Therapy attempts to do. Change the beliefs or behavioral programming of the client’s mind.
Numerous Cognitive Biases (visual) and Logical Fallacies are the result of the Ego’s security system. These defenses are lowered or disabled for friends or family that a person trusts, respects and depends on for survival. For a Therapist to have any success without using advanced techniques, these three things must all be true.
Two advanced techniques exist however.
- Hypnosis puts the client into an unconscious “debugging mode”.
- Psychedelics puts the client into a conscious “debugging mode”.
However this has now strayed too far from the original subject and will be discussed in a separate post in the future!
However this leads to one last topic.
A New Age Religion

Omnism: The belief that Truth exists in all Religions.
Perennial Philosophy: The belief that all Religions are based on or are different perspectives/metaphorical descriptions of the same underlying Truth.

This project began in 2012.
The “End of the (Old) World” according to the Mayans ๐
Read the Statement of Beliefs for more details!

In case you forgot I’m a Polymathic Sorcerer.
Which means I’m a Scientific Magician or a Magical Scientist!
Love, Light and Darkness
๐งโโ๏ธ~Lucifer ๐งโโ๏ธ
P.S. Platonic Solids
It’s an Inside Joke between God and Gary Gygax. There’s nothing special about them, they’re just Dungeons and Dragons Dice ๐ฒ. ๐คทโโ๏ธ