“Leveling Up” is the term I use to refer to a “spiritual concept” that goes by a few other names. The “Rapture” is a huge over exaggeration of this concept. “Ascension” also refers to this.
However you’re not literally ascending or leaving Earth. These are figurative or metaphorical descriptions of what is occurring.
You are transitioning to a new reality that exists along side your old reality. We all share the same physical reality or exist in other timelines that are close enough to hop between parallel realities.
Interacting with those in other realities will encounter heavy resistance and strong synchronicities to prevent those still existing in the lower “vibration” and higher “vibration” realities from interacting or crossing paths unless necessary.
Before a transition all those who will not be joining you and wish to hinder your progress will suddenly start reaching out to you or unexpectedly showing up again.
These are tests to ensure you learn the lessons you were supposed to learn from them or give them one last opportunity to learn the lesson you were supposed to teach them.
Once you have by actions and words expressed the desire to move on, which can be privately expressed or shared with others, you will begin your transition.
Most of these happen without you noticing. However the higher levels appear to have noticeable and extended “waiting room” phases I jokingly refer to as “Purgatory” as all you can do is wait patiently and resist temptation to fall back into old habits for up to a few weeks.
Update: Recently found a Christian term for these waiting room phases. “Under Spiritual Arrest” is described very similar to what I experienced!
Old Friends Disappear

This starts before the transition and becomes much more noticeable during a “Purgatory” stage. The purpose of this stage is for you to go within, learn your lessons and find yourself again.
It feels like a lot of old close friends are ignoring you or ghosting you. This isn’t done consciously or intentionally on their part.

The Universe is throwing distractions at them left and right so they’re unable to notice your attempts to reconnect and prevent them from reciprocating efforts to reconnect.

“God” is the origin and destination of all circumstances. Not everyone leaves your life due to negative reasons, some leave due to positive reasons (new job for instance).
Whatever the reason may be, trust in the Universe that it is for the best and if they are meant to be in your life, you will see them again.
If you don’t see them again, be thankful for the time you had and lessons you learned!

Resisting the Level Up?
When you level up, it’s the same you and world but in a bigger “pond”. This allows you more freedom of choice as well as giving you the opportunity to make much bigger splashes that affect or change the world.
Don’t resist this process. I learned the hard way what happens when you stubbornly refuse to follow the Universe’s guidance during this transition.
It’s made frustratingly obvious. Thought my car got towed, took a Lyft to the impound, they didn’t have it, my credit cards stopped working on both Lyft and Uber and every Taxi company hung up on me as soon as I gave them the address.
A lady came over to see if I needed help, after my cards failed on her account I told her what had happened.
She responded:
“Maybe the Universe is trying to tell you that you shouldn’t be hanging around those people…“
My Analytical Thoughts:
“Maybe”… π€… you’re an Angel’s vessel aren’t you π§. I normally argue with Reality when it tries to control me, but since your usage of “Maybe” shows Humility… I’ll agree with you without argument. π

My Emotional Thoughts:
Point made Universeβ¦ but damnβ¦ that was a bit excessive π. Can we come up with a simpler way to communicate this shit please? π
Spirit Daughter to the Rescue:
After this conversation, suddenly Miko my Spirit Daughter finally texted me back. I put my money onto our Joint Bank Account and she ordered my Lyft. When it finally arrived and I was being driven away, it felt like I had just been evacuated from a War zone π€.

Arguing with Reality
In the past back in 2013 I started having arguments with “Reality” which I now believe was “the Lord”, but I won the majority of those. He only attempted to change my beliefs or fears though and the attempts were super obvious and not very clever.
The Goddess however uses Synchronicities to subtly change the direction you’re going in life or influence your choices using intuition.
Whenever my intuition told me to do something and doing the opposite wasn’t dangerous though? I would do the exact opposite π.
What… π³? I was curious… π€?
While my stubborn refusal to comply with most of the Her guidance lead to me getting my way on a lot of things… I now believe it was only because She must have decided that giving me what I wanted wouldn’t have significantly affected Her plans…

My FetLife quiz said I’m 99% Brat… π
Which might be why She fell in Love with Me π€
But that car shit made it obvious that when what you want does mess with Her plans, holy shit… She really does not play around π³!