I’m still shaking from my anger and it’s hard for me to think as I write this, so I won’t say much.
If you have the audacity to say anything Judgmental about the Homeless or Poor to me, I’m just going to link you to this page and end the conversation there until you sincerely and truthfully apologize not to me, but to them!
I just went off on someone for doing so and this response will apply every single time.

Anti-Homeless Construction


You Judge Them?

Let’s look at YOU!

How many homeless and poor people have you invited to live with you in your own home so that you had a chance to truly understand why and how they ended up that way?
How many of them did you get to know well enough to know all the traumas and abuse they’ve been through, the inner-demons they’re battling but are too ashamed to tell anyone about because no one actually understands unless they’ve also been a victim of the same abuses and traumas?
How many of those people did you know and try to help them more than they actually needed, only to watch them cry in happiness that good people still exist in this world?
How many of those people did you have to argue with because they refused to accept help they needed because it was “too expensive” and they didn’t feel right letting you pay for it?
I don’t even need to wait for your answer, because I already know it. You haven’t actually done any of these things unless they were family right?
Because if you had?
You wouldn’t be spouting such utter fucking judgemental ass bullshit about them, that caused you to receive a link to this page.
Fuck you and anyone else that decides to say judgmental shit like you are right now.
Matthew 7:1
It’s VERY fucking CLEAR and SIMPLE
Do NOT Judge ANYONE, unless you want to be Judged Yourself.
Because I know for a fucking fact every single person in those situations I helped, had a DAMN GOOD REASON AND IT WAS NOT THEIR FAULT.
They need your Help. Not your Judgement.

If you don’t know how to help them, that’s your fault and your problem. Don’t make it theirs by adding your Judgment on top of the shit sandwich life has already given them.
People like you disgust me.

Generosity of the Poor

The kindest and most generous people I’ve ever met always had the least to offer. But they’ll give you their last cigarette if they see you’re having a bad day.

Final Judgment

You are Death in the Four Horsemen!
I am not the Light to You.
I am the Darkness of Your Ego Death.

Love, Light and Darkness
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. Entrepreneurship