Saul would have made a great Devil’s Advocate if He had understood Biblical or Ethereal Law!
Biblical Law
Biblical Law is the subject of many debates and arguments; and used as inspiration when legislating Human Laws found in government.
It is also the source of a lot of controversy. Some of the Laws are ignored as unnecessary such as the ones about Pork and Mixed Fabrics by Christians. And while ignoring those Laws, many Christians still believe that we should adhere to other Laws in the same book like the ones against Homosexuality and Masturbation.
Opponents of Christianity have also pointed out the contradictions that exist between the Laws. This is only an issue due to the belief that “God’s Laws always Apply” and that “The Word of God is Perfect” and it “Should not be Questioned“.
These beliefs are flawed!
God’s Laws Always Apply?
From everything I’ve seen and observed in my Life, this only applies to the Ten Commandments. These Laws are very simple if properly understood and following them has no negative consequences.

The Bible appears to have Two other separate sets of Laws that contradict each other; leading to all the controversy and conflict that exists today.
The Laws of Moses and of the Old Testament and the Laws of Jesus in the New Testament are the Two Sets of Laws.
The fact that these two contradict each other would require one of the following to be True:
- There are Unwritten Criteria for when the Laws should “Apply” to prevent Contradictions.
- One of the Sets of Laws is not God’s Law.
- The meaning of “Apply” is misunderstood.
#1 and #2 both require that someone is Wrong and this is extremely difficult for anyone to accept. #3 offers a way for us to resolve the contradiction without anyone being Wrong!
- God’s Laws always “Apply”
- But there exists Unwritten Rules that govern when they are “Enforced”.
What does this mean?
Imagine God’s Law like a set of Programmed Rules in Software. When a relevant action is performed, then the Rules are Applied to determine an outcome.

Over time these Rules may end up only being necessary under certain circumstances. The Rules are still “applied” but now the current state is also checked for these circumstances and if they match, the Rule is no longer enforced.
This allows for both to exist side by side without contradiction. The challenge is now to identify when they are enforced!
Galatians also has something to say about this.

Galatians 5:3-4 makes it clear that you must choose one of the following:
- You can follow the Laws of Moses in totality.
- This means all Laws of the Old Testament as determined by Jewish Law documented in the Tanakh, Talmud, Mishna, Midrash, etc.
- You can follow the Laws of Christ.
- Faith through Love for Others.
- Forgive Others without restriction.
Laws of Moses summarized:

Good Luck with that… 😂
Law of Christ summarized:

Use Empathy as your Source of Morality to create the Golden and Platinum Rules.
Enforcement of Both?
Both is not an Option, but for the Sake of Argument let’s assume it is.
Many Christians appear to “Pick and Choose” which Laws to adhere to as is the Bible were an a la carte menu due to the confusion.

Some even go so far as to try and force others to Live by the same Laws they have chosen to Live by; attempting to Legislate Human Laws to match the Bible’s Laws they have chosen to follow.
One example being the Evangelicals in the United States attempting to make Abortion illegal under the belief that “All Lives Matter” and that “All” includes “Unborn”.
While many of us agree and God’s Laws do imply that “All Lives Matter”; God’s actions in the Bible provide plenty of evidence that “No Lives Matter” as God frequently kills when it serves God’s goals.

The Old Testament even provides instructions on how to perform a ritual that results in an Abortion when the pregnancy was the result of adultery!

This is clear evidence that God is Pro-Choice. The Abortion detailed here would have been allowed had Joseph asked Mary to have an Abortion instead of deciding to divorce Her.

Instead Joseph had a Vision where he saw an Angel of God telling him that Jesus was the Son of God and that he was to raise him as his own son.

Obviously from God!

“God” did it!

Such a Vision today would have been considered a Delusion or Hallucination leading to a diagnosis of Schizophrenia or something similar; and Joseph would have been told he was crazy! I write about this in Proof under the section “The Delusional”.
Obviously God is Pro-Choice, so where the Hell did this “Pro-Birth” Anti-Abortion stance come from?
Other Pro-Birth Laws of course!
Pro-Birth origins of Anti-Abortion
The Laws against “Spilling Seed” and discouraging Sexual Acts of any kind that don’t lead to Pregnancy could be referred to as “Pro-Birth” laws.
This “Pro-Birth” mentality is the very same one behind Anti-Abortion beliefs. Despite several Pro-Birth Laws, God made an exception for Abortion when a Pregnancy was not the result of the woman’s Husband.
Why would God create this exception?
A Child born from a Man other than Her Husband would likely lead to a Child that wasn’t Truly Loved by the Step-father, a Child that blames themselves for the drama and conflict between the Parents or the Child may struggle to survive in a home without a Father at all!
All of these dramatically increase the likelihood of the Child suffering from abuse and psychological traumas. They never learn how to deal with their emotions, leading them to lash out at others. They also never learn how to be a responsible Adult leading to codependency as well.
Until someone Loves, Respects and Provides for them the way their Parents failed to; many end up self-medicating with addictions like gambling, sex and drugs.

Unfortunately this then leads to society to shame or punish them instead of giving them the Love they so desperately need; as I write about in my post A War against Lies and A War against Violence.
This Shame and Punishment only causes further suffering to a Victim of Childhood Neglect and Abuse that ends up convincing them that something is wrong with them leading to Depression and Suicide.
Or it leads them to believe “Everyone is Selfish and Abusive” as they become what we today would call a Narcissist or Sociopath.
Masks worn to protect their Inner-Child!

The Reason God made an exception to God’s otherwise Pro-Birth stance on Abortion is obvious!
Allowing Abortion prevents Children from being born that are at a high risk of not being Loved. Narcissism and Sociopathy being the result of Unloved Children, means that Allowing Abortion prevents “Evil” by preventing them from being born!

God, despite being Pro-Birth, is still Pro-Choice to Prevent the Evil of Unloved Children!

Other Relevant Verses

Exodus 21:22-23
וְכִֽי־יִנָּצ֣וּ אֲנָשִׁ֗ים וְנָ֨גְפ֜וּ אִשָּׁ֤ה הָרָה֙ וְיָצְא֣וּ יְלָדֶ֔יהָ וְלֹ֥א יִהְיֶ֖ה אָס֑וֹן עָנ֣וֹשׁ יֵעָנֵ֗שׁ כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֨ר יָשִׁ֤ית עָלָיו֙ בַּ֣עַל הָֽאִשָּׁ֔ה וְנָתַ֖ן בִּפְלִלִֽים׃ וְאִם־אָס֖וֹן יִהְיֶ֑ה וְנָתַתָּ֥ה נֶ֖פֶשׁ תַּ֥חַת נָֽפֶשׁ׃
If people are fighting, and they hit a pregnant woman, and her child miscarries but there is no other damage, [the liable party] will be fiscally fined, as the woman’s husband sets upon him, given to reckoning. But if there is other damage, take a life for a life.
There is a death penalty for causing death. There is no death penalty for causing a miscarriage. This clearly implies that according to the Bible a fetus is NOT alive; thus…
According to the Bible, Abortion is NOT murder.
Other Pro-Birth Laws
As we’ve proven God is not “Pro-Life” but in fact “Pro-Birth” unless the Birth will result in Unloved Children; let’s look at the other Pro-Birth Laws.
Laws against Homosexuality, Sodomy (non-vaginal sexual acts) or “Spilling Seed” which is reasonably interpreted as Masturbation are the other Pro-Birth Laws.
If it was or goal to Legislate and Enforce Biblical Law, these Laws would be contradicted by the various ways Jesus’ gave the “Don’t Judge Others” Law.
“Let whoever is without Sin throw the first Stone.” was Jesus saying that we should not Judge and Punish others unless We were perfect ourselves!

My favorite version being Matthew 7:1

This clearly creates a dilemma. Many who still choose to adhere to the Laws against Homosexuality, Sodomy and Masturbation do so by claiming that “Do not Judge or You will be Judged” doesn’t mean that they’re not sins.
They resolve the contradiction by Claiming:
- It’s still a Sin but only God can Judge, we shouldn’t and should Forgive/Love/Try to Encourage or Help them Repent.
- Conversion Therapy is the Result of this belief and is highly Abusive!
- It’s still a Sin and Matthew 7:1 only recommends you shouldn’t Judge; but if you do, then you will be Judged in the same way you Judged them.
- Example: They believe that if you’re not “Homosexual” then you can Judge “Homosexuals” because you would “Pass Judgment” if judged the same way.
- The Westboro Baptist Church is a result of this misguided belief.
Reason for Pro-Birth Laws?
Surely God would have a Good Reason for them?
The only result of such Laws would be to increase Human Population; but God has proven an exception will be made if doing so causes more harm than good by allowing Abortion!
Population Growth?
Sexual Morality or Pro-Birth Laws would result in Men and Women with Sexual Urges and Desires to only satisfy them in the one way that creates children.
In Smaller or Tribal Societies, having as many Children as necessary was vital to the Survival of the whole Community!
Satisfying Sexual Urges in ways that did not create Children was thus an incredibly selfish act that would threaten the Survival of the whole Tribe if too many people stopped having Children.
Homosexuality was a potential Threat to Survival!
Once a Society’s Survival is no longer dependent on everyone having as many Children as possible, it is reasonable to believe that God would no longer Enforce these Laws.
In Fact, our Society having a huge number of Orphan/Foster Children who need Loving Parents and Homes proves our Population isn’t in danger!
God has already shown that ensuring Children are Loved is so important; that Abortion is allowed if there is a risk they won’t be.
Mark 9:42 Speaks of Neglect and Abuse of Children

God isn’t Stupid.
God isn’t Irrational.
God might be Stubborn… but…
God would rather see an Abortion than let a Child live without Loving Parents.

So why the Hell wouldn’t God let Happily Married LGBQT+ couples adopt a Child that needs a Loving Family?
If God is Love, then Love is God.
Denying LGBQT+ Love is denying God!
Denying them the ability to Adopt leads to many Unloved Children who need Loving Parents.

Leviticus 20:13 is frequently cited as proof Homosexuality is a Sin. The Greek Word “Arsenokoitai” was translated as “Knabenschander” in the German version of the Bible and both the Greek and German words more accurately translate as “Pederasty” or sexual relationships with Young Boys.
Adult Homosexual Relationships thus are not forbidden explicitly and Consentual Loving Relationships between Adults should not be denied in any form they may arise!
Denying these is Betraying God!
Which you would have known had you understood God’s reasons for the Laws and listened to Jesus as He commanded us not to Judge in multiple ways.
How do you understand God’s reasons?

Assume there was a Good Reason. Assume that it was to Prevent Pain, Suffering and Death; assume it was to Promote Joy, Happiness and Life.
Assume the Reason was based on Truth which Science studies and confirms as well!

Find that Reason and you Find God’s reason.
Whenever the Law creates more Pain, Suffering and Death than it does Joy, Happiness and Life; assume that Law no longer applies.
In Short… use your Brain.
God gave you one for a Reason... 🙄

Thank you Pope Francis!

Forbidding Marriage is a End Times Prophesy as Well as those who try to force their Diets on Others 🙄

As for the Westboro Church

Fred Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church

I write more in depth about Fred and his Church in the post on the 3rd Commandment but here’s a summary.
Fred Phelps is Guilty of:
- Violating the Commandment not to use God’s name in Vain to promote Hate and Lies that Slander and Defame God.
- Judgement against others that are Innocent due to Pro-Birth Laws not currently being necessary or Enforced by God.
- Holding others to the Standards of the Law of Moses while also being Guilty of Violations of the Law of Moses; all Violations are equal.
This is an Unforgivable Blasphemy and those guilty of Judgement will be Judged by those they Judged.
God is embarrassed and ashamed of you Fred…
May the “Fags” have Mercy on You.

What about Masturbation?
Biological urges that are repressed or denied and left unfulfilled do not simply go away. They become unconscious and continue to grow in strength.
Sexual frustration without any form of release will drive us towards behaviors and activities that will lead to a release.
If a Consenting Mate is not found and Masturbation is discouraged or viewed as shameful; then these frustrations will continue to grow until they can no longer be controlled.
This leads to many creepy behaviors and eventually sexual assault if emotionally exhausted from resisting and the opportunity exists.
The Catholic Church has a rampant Child Sex Abuse problem for this very reason!
The very thing mentioned in Leviticus 20:13!
The Catholic Church

- Priests are not allowed to Marry.
- No Wife for Consentual Release.
- Priests are not allowed to Masturbate.
- “Spilling Seed” is a Sin.
- Prostitution is seen as a Sin.
- For a variety of Reasons.
The Result is basic Cause and Effect. Sexual Frustration for Priests with no permissible form of release leads to the inevitable result of uncontrollable Sexual Urges.
Only those with naturally Low Testosterone and Dopamine levels may end up resisting indefinitely; the rest will eventually succumb to temptation.
The high rate of Pedophilia is the result of the Priesthood giving Pedophiles a justification for not having a Spouse and access to Children while being seen as Safe and Trustworthy!
The Job of Priest is a Pedophile magnet the same way a Cop is a Narcissist and Sadist magnet.
To end the Catholic Priest problem you have 4 options available to you:
- Allow and Encourage them to Marry.
- Allow and Encourage them to Masturbate.
- Allow and Encourage them to see Prostitutes.
- Require Castration to be a Priest.
As for the rest of society, you can drastically reduce sexual harassment and assaults by no longer shaming Masturbation or the use of Porn.
The Shame from those creates a “Low” or “Withdrawal” that follows the “High” of release; leading to an addiction.

Without the Shame and Stigma there would be no Low, Withdrawal, Negative Effects or Pain and no Addiction! Without the Addiction it provides a Release that eliminates any desires and urges, making temptation easy to resist.
This is how I was able to maintain Platonic Relationships with every Woman I Loved that did not desire anything more, because Respecting them is what mattered most to me.
Without the Shame and Stigma creating an Addiction, eventually Porn can’t even get you aroused anymore as it’s completely boring once you’ve seen it all before.
When that time comes, the only one that will anymore is a real person when real love is there.

This one is quite easy to resolve as a Jewish Rabbi has already done the research on it!


I write more about this in my post Sex vs Gender.
Source: Jewish Terms for Gender Diversity by Rabbi Elliot Kukla in 2006
Following Orders
Humanity learned that “Following Orders”, “Obeying the Law without Question” and other forms of Blind Obedience was not an excuse or defense for hurting others Twice!
The First was Jesus’ Crucifixion!

The Second time was in Nuremberg when the Nazi Soldiers tried to use “Just Following Orders” to defend what they did to the Jews.

This Lesson was learned by the Angels as well in the time of Noah and the Flood.

The True God doesn’t want Mindless Slaves that Obey all Laws, Orders and Commands without Question; that’s what the False God wanted.
The True God wants Children that have minds of their own and can think for themselves.
The True God wants Children who will see the Laws, understand the Laws and then Be:
- Wise enough to know when they’re necessary.
- Responsible enough to follow when they are.
- Brave enough to ignore when they’re not.
When to Ignore the Laws

The verse that says the “Laws are not made for the Righteous” is the subject of many debates as well.
Allow me to make this simple…
The Law is not designed to burden and restrict people from doing that which is good. Jesus made this clear when he spoke in Mark 2:27.
“Man was not made for the benefit of the Sabbath (Law), the Sabbath (Law) was made for the benefit of Man.”

The Purpose of the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments was to give Slaves a day of Rest that their Masters could not force them to work.
The Purpose of the Sabbath was NOT to prevent us from helping someone in need that was hurt!
This is why Jesus healed on the Sabbath and was not guilty of sin for doing so!

The Three Sets of Laws
Ten Commandments
There are Eight different Versions of the Ten Commandments. So I discuss My Interpretation of them and create a Ninth Version!
These should always be Enforced, assuming they are interpreted correctly.
The Laws of Moses
These were written for any Small Society where Life is Harsh and Nature is the greatest Threat.
These Laws ensure Survival and rely on Tradition.
Strict Punishments are necessary as Violating the Law jeopardizes the Survival of Everyone Else; but Genuine Mistakes are typically forgiven as the Law is enforced by Family.

Disobeying orders (the Law), even if trivial, was seen as an Act of Mutiny or Sedition.
Considering refusal to follow orders at this time could lead to others dying; all wre expected to follow all orders under pain of death.
The Laws of Jesus
These were written for any Large Society where Life is Easy and Human Conflict is the Greatest Threat.
These Laws promote Understanding and Diversity.
Forgiveness and Rehabilitation is possible now that Survival isn’t a concern. Diversity allows for greater Freedom of Expression, Ideas and Love.

A New Age
The Laws of Abcedarian
With Great Freedom comes Great Responsibilty!
To tell the Fucking Truth!

Apparently I get to create my own as well! These are a work in progress still but here’s what I have!
- Respect others as Yourself!
- Trust, Honesty and Communication is the Foundation of Respect.
- Trust but Verify.
- Honesty requires the Whole Truth when a Partial Truth leads to the belief a Lie that is Harmful to anyone.
- Communicate Verbally, Clearly and Unambiguously if Confusion can lead to anyone getting Hurt.
- THC is All you Need!
- Don’t assume Malicious Intent or Selfishness in Others when another Innocent explanation is possible…. even if it’s unlikely or hard to believe. “Prove beyond a Reasonable Doubt” Example:
- They aren’t Lazy, they’re exhausted and can no longer think clearly.
- Show Compassion!
- They aren’t Lazy, they don’t understand what to do and are scared.
- Teach them!
- They aren’t Lazy, they’re lonely and don’t want to do it alone.
- Do it with them!
- They aren’t Lazy, they’re too weak to control their emotions and don’t want to get frustrated and get self-destructive or aggressive.
- Help them do it!
- They aren’t Lazy, they’re exhausted and can no longer think clearly.

Respecting Women
They are our (Men’s) Equals and Partners.

In all my observations it appears that Women consciously think subjectively and rely heavily on relationships and metaphors to understand or communicate due to this.
Men on the contrary appear to consciously think objectively and rely heavily on absolutes and literals to understand or communicate due to this.
This appears to be the source of all communication difficulties as decisions are based on completely different perspectives (subjective vs objective) and are communicated differently as well!
Disclaimer: Exceptions do Exist and Both can Learn to Communicate both Ways.
For Example:
On a GPS in the Objective Perspective, the Map doesn’t Rotate and North is always at the Top. The Arrow rotates instead to indicate current direction.
This appears to be preferred by most Men.
Usage: Give directions in “Go West on 1st Street”
On a GPS in the Subjective Perspective, the Map does Rotate so that the Direction you’re going is at the Top instead. Turning the Vehicle results in the Map Rotating as well.
This appears to be preferred by most Women.
Usage: Give directions in “Go Left on 1st Street”
The Bible and Women
What I’m saying directly contradicts many Biblical verses about the Role of Women.

Considering the Perspectives and Wisdom of Women was not valued and subsequently ignored is it any wonder that this happened…?

Wonder how long that Journey would have taken if they had chosen to listen to the Women… 🤔

Intelligent Women make me Swoon.
I ❤ Witches!

How to Treat Others
People have an overwhelming tendency to become what we treat them as for a variety of reasons.
Continually treating Innocent people as Criminals leads them to becoming Criminals.
Treating Criminals like Criminals just reinforces their Criminal Identity and behaviors.
To Rehabilitate a Criminal only requires Treating them like the Lost, Confused and Afraid Child that exists deep within their Psyche.

Treat them All Like one of God’s Children.

Know that any Person at any time and for any reason might be God’s current Vessel.

Respect and Love them as Such!
For the True God is Humble.
The True God always wears a Mask.
The True God stays Anonymous.

Love, Light and Darkness

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
We are PLURAL (Legion)
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE