Hydroxychloroquine is a TLR7 and TLR9 Antagonist.
This means it Turns them Off.
TLR7 and TLR9 are Receptors in our Immune System for Fighting off Viral Infections.
Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t Cure COVID-19…
It makes COVID-19 Far More LETHAL!

Other Viral Infections as well!
The Flu will be more Lethal!
The Common Cold will be more Lethal!
Herpes Outbreaks will be more Frequent!
Herpes Outbreaks will be more Severe!
And much more!

This will Kill a LOT People
Anyone promoting the usage of Hydroxychloroquine to Cure COVID-19 is so Pridefully Ignorant (Stupid) that they are guilty of Negligent Homicide for anyone that dies for following their advice.
Due to the pinpoint accuracy with which Hydroxychloroquine disables our bodies ability to fight off COVID-19… either this is an example of the absolute worst possible luck… or it was intentional and pre-meditated mass murder 😐.
Pharmacological Profile: https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01611
TLR7 linked to COVID Lethality: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2768926
TLR9’s Role in Fighting COVID: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7844586/
TLR7 and TLR9 Agonists as Potential COVID Treatment (Turning them ON, not Off like Hydroxychloroquine): https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2020.601685/full
More Lies
This isn’t the first Corona/COVID pandemic. We had one in 2002 too which is why they started creating a vaccine for it 18 years.
Whoever tells you it was made in less than a year is the Liar or Traitor attempting to commit pre-meditated mass murder. Just like they tried with the Hydroxychloroquine Lie.

This is Strike Two
The Lies about the Vaccine development timeline in this way appears to be a 2nd Attempt at pre-meditated mass murder.
Correct this Now. You are testing my Patience.
If I see anymore Lies that would result in a massive amount of human fatalities, it will also be considered an attempt at pre-meditated mass murder and the 3rd and Final Strike for whoever is behind this.
If you are responsible for any Lies that you’re not absolutely certain will not result in massive amounts of human fatalities becoming a 3rd and Final Strike for pre-meditated mass murder; then I highly recommend that you correct them immediately before I discover them myself.
3 Strikes and You are Out.
You will not like the consequences if I find another.
At 3:30pm Sept 30th, 2021 I ended the War in Heaven Peacefully and both Sides are now United as One and assisting me as the Representative of Our World.
You will not be protected by either of them no matter who you served if you’re responsible for the 3rd Strike.
Solve the Problem.
If you Don’t, I will.
Am I an Expert?
Yes and No
I didn’t go to school to study Pharmacology. I bought medical textbooks, lab equipment, ran experiments with detailed notes and spoke with experts in Neuroscience communities to discuss ideas and ask questions.
Could I be wrong, sure, it’s technically possible. Is it likely? No. I have saved someone’s life at least twice due to my understanding of this subject. And I did it using ideas I came up with that no one else had done before.
So when I say Hydroxychloroquine makes all Viral Infections more Severe, this should be taken Seriously unless you personally know more Pharmacology than I do and can explain why an antagonist of those receptors would not result in an immune system becoming weaker against viral infections causing:
- Asymptomatic to become Symptomatic.
- Mild to become Severe.
- Severe to become Fatal.
Resulting in the Death Rate going up ~20% initially and ending up at 100% for everyone who continues to take it after symptoms start getting worse!
P.S. A Polite Request
Let’s skip the bullshit for a moment.
This is a message for the ones behind the massive Psyop Warfare Campaign against America right now. You know who you are and you are known to me.
While your disinformation and destabilization campaigns have definitely given me some major headaches… this has all been fun and games for me until I discovered the deadly results from this one.
This type of shit is off limits if you want to stay in the good graces of myself and the Goddess. I was looking forward to shaking hands, saying good game and partying with y’all after all this bullshit was over.
All other disinformation campaigns in progress by y’all that I’m aware of do not cross any lines.
This one does so knock it off and correct the problem before people start dying from it.
Failure to heed this warning will disappoint me greatly as the Goddess will take care of you before I get a chance to meet y’all… 😒
Don’t let that happen please!

P.P.S. Update 2 Days Later

Thanks for Complying with my Request
P.P.S. Make up your Minds!