Voter Fraud won’t Work
As a former hacker and software engineer with a passion and strong grasp of security theory; after reviewing the Mail In Ballot voting security measures described in this article here, I’d conclude that Mail In Ballot Vote Fraud at a scale large enough to influence the election would be almost impossible.
The only way Fraud capable of influencing the election could take place due to mail in voting is if the Fraud was a coordinated effort across many many election sites all over the country.
Election Officials with access to the database storing ballot barcodes and voter identity associations and the technical skills to manipulate it without getting caught would have to cooperate at all these sites without whistle blowing or leaking.
Technically the vote counters responsible for verifying signatures of the ballots match the signature on file for the voter could simply reject ballots for other candidates, but this would require tens of thousands of co-conspirators across the country to do something easy to catch and for none of them to blow the whistle or leak allowing a new security measure to prevent it.
While both of these are Technically possible, it’s as likely as you being able to get a herd of cats to follow you through a forest and come out the other side with all still together.
As I discuss in Conspiracy Theater, while technically possible the chance of success is so low due to massive number of people that have to be involved.
Due to this, Voter Fraud is simply not cheapest, easiest or simplest way to do it and failure is practically guaranteed!
Voter Suppression
Preventing Mail-In Voting
This would prevent a lot of voters from voting across numerous demographics. So this might actually work to Rig an Election.
Wonder who did this… 🤔

Why get rid of the Mail…?

Reducing Ballot Drop Offs


This is the process of rigging voting districts to ensure that favors one party more than the other. This is the most common way to rig elections in the United States.
Reds diluted Blues to 1 District here

Intimidating Political Opponents

Blocking the Polls

How I would Do It

If I was tasked with ensuring a certain candidate won the election, this is how I would do it.
1. Spin Candidate as an Underdog Hero

First step would be to convince everyone that he is the Underdog Hero that’s up against dozens of shadowy and powerful organizations that want him to fail.
This allows any mistakes made by the candidate to be blamed on others or forgiven easily due to how difficult it appears to do what the candidate is trying to do.
Note: The Shadow may look like Batman but Shadows are Illusions. Reality has him looking like…
The Penguin

A Corrupt Capitalist and Organized Crime Lord
2. Up against Powerful Secret Organizations

Once everyone believes the candidate is up against all these evil secret organizations that are conspiring to thwart him, all failures can be blame shifted to their enemies.
Any setback the candidate experiences can be blamed on them and imaginary successes against them can be credited to the candidate with a (quote mode) “understandable reason” for being unable to provide any evidence to support the claims.
The Three that Trump is “up against” are:
The “Deep State”
The Deep State is completely imaginary so it can be completely ignored. If it did exist, this guy is the Leader.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter are not the “Evil Organizations” that their Political Opposition claims them to be either.
Read more about how Evil Organizations Self-destruct in my post Conspiracy Theater.

Love (God) always Wins
3. Discredit Influential Opponents
Convince the people that every famous person that is influential but doesn’t support the chosen candidate is guilty of some morally reprehensible and unforgivable crimes or is using their power for malicious and selfishly motivated secret agendas.
The most effective way that this is being done is by associating every Democrat or Liberal celebrity or politician with Epstein and Ghislane’s child sex trafficking ring.
Evidence only points to One…

Epstein didn’t Kill Himself?

Maybe He had information on a Very Powerful Man’s use of Federal Law Enforcement and ICE to supply Human Traffickers with thousands of Children that no one will ever come looking for?
Wonder who that could be… 🤔

4. Discredit Organizations that Fact Check
Discrediting any News Media, Academic Institutions, Experts and Independent Fact Checkers (like Snopes) as being Liars or Controlled by the Evil Secret Organizations in #2.
Eventually people can no longer tell the difference between the Truth and Lies.

Want to know which one is actually Fake?

I’ll let you Figure this one Out ðŸ¤
Inevitable Result
All of this would eliminate all trust in the very people and organizations who are capable of educating and informing the people so that they don’t end up believing the Lies created to support the desired candidate.

Note: Mark Twain never actually said this… or did he? Who do you Trust to tell you the Truth?
Those telling the Truth will be discredited as Immoral Liars, Shills, Sheep or Puppets of the Secret Evil Organizations.
The Liars now unchallenged are capable of Lying to the People who now believe them while their Honest Opponents are defamed and discredited into oblivion unable to defend themselves from the onslaught of Lies.
This is what I discuss in my post Distorted Realities and the Official Report from Mueller contains more details as well.
Operation Implementation Details
This method would require very minimal effort and a very small financial investment if done correctly.
- A talented graphic artist.
- A psychologist familiar with viral marketing strategies.
- A software architect capable of designing and creating a software system capable of managing hundreds of thousands of social media accounts.
- Someone with the money, desire and willingness to pay them to do it or capable of convincing them it’s for the greater good!
4 People
6 Months to Develop
That’s all the resources, people and time required to create everything needed to Rig an Election in a way that is almost guaranteed to succeed.
How do I know?
I’ve created systems like this for spammers multiple times in my 13 year career as a Software Architect.
I created an Enterprise Spam System like this for World of Warcraft, CraigsList, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and probably others I’ve forgotten.
Facebook was the last one I created one for in 2016 I think and it was capable of creating phone verified fully filled out Profiles, Photo Albums were of the same person as the profile photo, each account was assigned and successfully joined between several groups a day.
Accounts View/Search

They would each end up in hundreds of groups from the database we created of 10 million FB groups scanned and categorized for marketing demographics.
Groups Data View/Search for my System

To prevent detection or identification as a fake these accounts posted regular status updates like a real human does as well as funny pictures and human like captions/responses to them.
They could even post a status update two days before Christmas that said “Christmas is in two days!!!” and “Merry Christmas” in dozens of ways a human might type it on Christmas Day.
Example Profile my System Created and Managed

They looked and behaved just like humans to anyone that looked at their profile and didn’t know what to look for like I do.
And when someone paid us to promote their web site, if they paid us enough, we could easily post their meme or site link to 10 Million Facebook groups within hours with the press of a button.
Post View/Search

What Risks did I have?
We had practically no risk because while annoying, law enforcement doesn’t go after spammers unless they’re literally the largest in the world or committing Fraud.
After writing Bots for Gold Farming companies which I write about in my post “World of Warcraft“, I ended up working for spammers!
I wrote the Spam Bot behind WoW Advantage that sent tell spam to everyone on every WoW Server back in 2007 promoting a fake stat hack… but FBI had no intention on going after people selling a fake game hack 😂.
You can read what one of my employer’s disgruntled employees wrote about it here:

He had a habit of making promises and then when it was time to deliver He would find any bullshit excuse he could to justify not doing what he agreed to. This frequently included refusing to pay employees leading to some very explosive and unnecessary drama that caused me to quit each time.
While I did work on other projects that were effectively scams if you looked at the numbers, I would try too ensure they were legally gray area by not technically breaking any laws.
The .NET Botnet I created was the highest risk choice of mine.
If you bought and installed WoW Advantage or one of the other fake cheat apps my employer sold… and took the time to read the “End User License Agreement”… it mentions that you agree to let us install software capable of doing various things that a Botnet does and that you agree to let us use your IP for various other marketing (spam) activity.
I added this to ensure I had a legal defense if it was ever necessary. My botnet at its height had around 7,000 clients and went undetected for 6 years; and was very successful at accomplishing every objective we needed it for.
I wrote it from Scratch using GenuineChannels Bidirectional Remoting for the Client/Server communications, a very small bootstrap installed as a windows service that upon start would reach out to the C&C domain to download the full client assembly to load and run.
The Management App for It

Risks if done to Rig an Election?
- Absolutely no risk to emoyees involved if Government Sanctioned.
- Absolutely no risk of getting caught if the software developer is a former hacker and knows how to stay anonymous.
- It’s tedious, time consuming and annoying. I’m too lazy for that crap so I just chose never to do something that required it.
- Absolutely no risk of getting caught if the one funding it learns how to create the content and then kills the other three involved once the software was 100% stable.
- This would eliminate all risks of secrets being leaked.
- A junior dev would have all skills required to update the system to handle target website UI updates. A useful idiot that could be told any lie to make the Facebook Automation innocent & legal.
An Observation
With everything that’s been going on in the United States Economy and Political Circus; and with everything I wrote about in my post Distorted Realities… it’s blatantly obvious that this isn’t only incredibly easy to do, it is currently happening on a massive scale!
Largest Instance
The Chaos in the United States right now is the intended result of the largest Psychological Warfare Psyop ever performed.
It appears the only objective is the complete destabilization of American Society, Economy and Government.
Minor Instances
There are most likely numerous other smaller “marketing” operations going on simultaneously that have an objective of increasing profits for some particular industry.
Big Organic, the people who profit from Organic Food sales, have been following this playbook in all of their Anti-GMO marketing campaigns.
The Fossil Fuel industry has been following this playbook as well and the Military Industrial Complex that I speak of in my posts “War against Violence“.
Resulting in the US having 40 bases Surrounding Iran, making their Country look more like a Prison Colony / Subject of the American Empire

We’re in for one hell of a ride.
P.S. They Still Lost

P.P.S. Why didn’t I use it for myself?
While the thought of how Epic it would be for everyone to suddenly see the link “I am” attached to images like the ones on the home page appear all over Facebook simultaneously and subsequently go viral on every other social network because of it; followed by the news reports about it as everyone questions and argues if it’s real or not… all while I’m laughing my ass off with the biggest grin I’d ever have…

The Thrill of pulling off such a Feat would quickly subside and be replaced with feelings of dread and reluctance about the consequences of my actions.
When you’re the cause of all the Chaos it gives you a powerful feeling knowing that everyone else is freaking out trying to figure out what’s actually going on; and because you’re the only one that truly knows, you’re the only one that can act calmly and confidently as if the chaos wasn’t even happening.
Eventually there will be consequences for it though. What kind depends on how honest you are after. If you immediately confess and had pure intentions too; people aren’t going to be happy but they aren’t going to be trying to crucify you either like they would if you Lie about how you did it or your reasons were malicious.
Going Viral in such an artificial way also allows really poor quality content to succeed; which won’t survive very long after the novelty wears off due to that quality.
If I do it organically however… it will only go Viral if it’s quality is high enough to survive novelty wearing off and long into the future. By refusing to cheat or succeed unethically, I ensure my success will be one I could be proud of and will last the rest of time.
I also like a challenge. One of the many reasons I loved Psychedelics was “Playing Reality on Hard Mode”. Sure
I’m might suffer more to succeed…
which is fine because I’m a bit of a Masochist… 🤔
I’m also a Sadist… 😈
Success this way will Mind Fuck everyone…
Harder, Faster and Deeper than Anything ever Again.
I don’t want to Fuck your Body…
I want to Blow you’re Mind!