Getting the 2C Signature

Bluelight Url:

Set: Long stressful boring work week… want to learn something and take a mental vacation.
Setting: At home alone, on a couch, listening to psychedelic ambient music, reading about the era of 1200-1900 of herbalism/medicine/pharmacology in one of my books, modifying a wikipedia entry and debating with some people on Facebook.

T+0:00 – 8:12pm ~27mg (0.125mg/lb) (.12 on scale, rounding up, with .09 capsule)
T+1:00 – starting to feel an indeterminate body sensation
T+1:20 – Starting to feel slightly nauseous, random chill through body, slightly sweaty, eyes feel pressured. Slight visual distortions that I can’t exactly pinpoint, but are catching me off guard… something seems amiss.
T+1:47 – Colors have been gradually getting brighter, but now it’s worth mentioning how bright they are.
T+1:48 – shifting of objects in vision are noticeable (breathing effect)
– Now vision is blurry vision and I feel very hot.
T+1:49 It just now kicked in all the visuals strongly. Breathing extremely apparent, over the course of about 1 minute, it went from “worth mentioning color brightness” to full on visuals.
T+1:52 Contrast lines seem to be very noticeable for some reason in my vision. When the color/shade drastically changes from 1 to another, the line is very… noticeable.
T+1:53 Noticed tracers. Not a strong amount, but noticeable.
T+2:07 Nausea really strong, visuals are still interesting. Getting off Facebook for a bit due to everything getting a bit distracting/interesting.
T+3:11 Putting book down finally, going into writing mode. Nausea still slight, visuals stronger and more noticeable, tracers are very visible now. Emotional high has come on with a very clear headed “insightfulness”, without the typical “brainfuck” confusion. The visual effects I have only seen from a high dose of LSD where symbols/graphs of parts of my vision would appear in random parts of my vision are now occurring. This has lead me to give it some type of classification for personal notes.

There now appears to me, to be 3 types visual object recognition distortions (as opposed to melting/color enhancing/other very relative distortion effects).

1. Tracers
– An afterimage follows an object in motion, very similar to LCD monitor with a low refresh rate, or the mouse trailing option in Windows.

2. Complete pattern recognition misinterpretation (no simple name…)
– You get a quick glance at something, and due to visual distortions you’re mind’s unaccustomed to, what you see is misinterpreted. Thanks to the fact that accessing memories also modifies memories, the distorted image is interpreted as something you do recognize and imagination fills in the gaps. Generally causes that “double take” on psychedelics, or the “wait was that a… OH now I see how it could have looked like (X)”.

3. Object/Symbol Blindness or Displacement
– Actual artifacts of symbols/pictures of something existing somewhere else in visual field, and parts of the visual field along the same borders being able to completely disappear.
– Example: Writing in my notebook on LSD and seeing the text on another part of the page materialize as I wrote it, while the place where my pen was moving had nothing under it (the location would change rapidly and occassionally would match up with where my pen was writing). I casually referred to it as sliding/disappearing/reappearing ink visual.
– On this substance however, I see text shifting on my computer, sometimes whole objects just disappear as if in a blindspot, I also see a whole bunch of the square pictures of the people in my chat list appear in a different part of my vision (same order, same size, just different place in my visual field) for a fraction of a second, and it almost would seem like it was black & white… or perhaps inverted color scheme? Damn my colorblindness, I can’t tell what colors my brain is creating even when it’s not based on real light!

1. Is consistently easy to reproduce (once dosage threshold passed to experience).
2. Is not easy to reproduce or even recognize, and requires a lot of effort to fully notice and understand for what it is, but pretty common.
3. Requires apparent high doses, but once encountered the effect persists but is not easy to reproduce or predict, the visual will appear randomly and intermittently, but once seen, is easy to recognize for what it is.

T+3:26 Full visuals still (just finished writing the above entry, and submitting the wikipedia modification I started when I took the capsule and kept getting distracted from…). Over the past 30 minutes, I’ve been getting progressively more skittish and paranoid. It’s irrational, I’m safe and have nothing to truly fear here, but the expectation of room mates coming home, and the uncertaintity of when, makes every sound an attempt at recognizing them, or a sudden jolt that it could be them. Certain far off sounds have an intensity in amplitude of being really close, very similar to my experience with 30mg of 2CE, car sounds primarily it seems, but the actual distance still seems discernible.

T+3:32 Felt like my phone was rolling down my side, so I reached over to catch it, and noticed it was still sitting on the book in my lap where I left it. Interesting sensation. Just realized music had been off for about what seems like 5…15…30 I don’t know how many minutes. At least since I heard a sound that sounded like room mates, and I wanted to turn off my music to assist in hearing them if they were there, and have less to explain should they come in. My music isn’t their preference, but they know full well what I do in my spare time, just still felt like it would be awkward.

T+3:35 Seeing interesting sliding “size/bold” shift in rows of text in medium periphereals every now and then. I’m going to go outside and smoke… wish me luck. Damn skittishness. Epic trip trip… Smoker’s Quest!

T+3:43 Made it back inside, realized front door’s deadbolt was unlocked whole time when I went out. Lovely. Skittishness was so bad outside I had to stablize myself by leaning against the wall to maintain composure. Random sounds like an insect buzzing or car driving definitely sound far closer or noticeable. It’s as if the volume is drastically increased, but somehow you still know how far away it is… weird sensation. All the minor little sensations of the most random things appear amplified. Anything that could possibly trigger a “Flight or fight” response regardless of how routine the stimuli is, seems to provoke a minor one.

T+3:55 Visuals still full effect, still skittish but calmed right now. Mental clarity is still full, and I still have increased sense of self-confidence and grandiosity… part of the reason I love psychedelics. Nausea still persists, and considering I am very resistant to the effects of nausea, this probably would make others miserable. With how calm… non-skittish… and non-paranoid I usually am… the intensity I feel of the skittishness and paranoia makes me think it’d be completely overwhelming to someone else.

T+4:08 Turned off the lights to test CEVs, and just had the most amazing ones I’ve seen in some time that I documented below under my description of the 2C class of psychedelics.

T+4:15 Time dialation report time! I’d estimate it at a 2:1 but that feels slightly off and I can’t figure out how to get to the right ratio using my normal mental math. If I knew what time it was when I took it but not the current time, I’d say it was 3:30am (it’s 12:30am), if I knew the time but didn’t know when I took it, I’d say 5:30 (7 hours ago)… so looks like a 7:4 ratio. Actually… pretty close to 2:1, no wonder I couldn’t figure out the number by estimating earlier. Took 2:1 and then kept trying to double up and add/subtract one from the denominator instead of the numerator, should have tested numerator +/- 1 too

T+4:23 Just finished that last entry, starting to get more skittish again, visuals are still intense. Turning on the light now >_<; … in a moment… not ready yet… damn skittishness…. ok go!

Jeeze… that felt like building up the courage to jump off the diving board, and then just having to psych yourself into a “fuck it” attitude and taking the plunge…. all to get up off the couch walk 2 steps and flip a switch.

I knew it was humorous in the midst of it, and in retrospect it still is, but that didn’t stop the skittishness/fearful hesitation from stopping me momentarily.

T+4:25 Peripheral vision has random movements/artifacts every now and then. Also a strange tinnitus type sound, but it seems to be coming from somewhere rather than actual tinnitus…. perhaps it’s just the hum of electronics around me being amplified far more…. yep… pretty sure that was just the fans in the computers and tinnitus at the same time. Air conditioning went off which made it easier to pinpoint the source of the other stimuli that was confusing me. Nausea still persists.

T+5:05 Visuals lessening, still swirling/breathing type patterns and still occasional artifacts from other parts of visual field. Mental inspiration still strong, clarity still strong, skittishness has gone down significantly compared to earlier, still present but only barely noticeable.

T+6:06 No more visual artifacts, skittishness is completely gone, confidence has been mostly lost (self-concious as usual now). Still slight breathing effect throughout vision, but the strongest “breathing/shifting” visual distortion is along what I’ve been referring to as contrast lines. Best way to describe it is anything that would be matched by the canny edge detector algorithim ( Everything along those lines extremely noticeable in it’s growing/shrinking effects.

T+6:21 Visuals still same as last entry… nothing has changed. Going to go smoke outside. It was an epic trip so far, but no longer tripping so to speak. Just the usual persisting and amusing visual distortions.

T+6:40 Visuals slowly tapering off… still noticeable but require paying attention to them. Nausea still present, and body load still same as earlier with the float/euphoric/tense feeling, but definitely not as intense as earlier. Eye’s feel worn out, typical of other 2C’s and LSD… in retrospect Shrooms never gave me that feeling.

T+7:10 Visuals now have the same intensity that caused me to make the report I did at T+1:47, but still has lingering small tracers/shifting on contrast lines.

T+9:00 Visuals gone, eyes slightly tired, body still feels slightly euphoric… I guess I’d honestly say it’s better to compare it to other phenethylamine type body load, rather than comparing it to shrooms (as I have prior to this). It’s just far more “tense” version of the MDMA or MDA body load, with added nausea. Still slightly nauseous.

T+15:30 Nausea finally gone.

During and Post Trip Musings:

Of the permutations I’ve tried so far, the three 2,5 dimethoxy phenethylamines have a pretty consistent effects signature.

For comparison to my high dose 2CE experience,

2CE at 30mg (0.133 mg/lb body weight), OEV melting type effects stronger than the effects experienced on DMT (after CEVs were over) or LSD peak at ~1.5 to 2mg, CEV was full visual field of a mandelbrot shaped fractals melting into each other( on very small scale allowing for hundreds of that bubble shape in my visual field), would hear a car outside drive by and it sounded as loud as it would sound if it were right next to me but it felt like it was miles away. Not as much mental confusion (like on LSD/Shrooms) and so far… no 2C has caused me any “mind fuck” or real confusion. Both 2CE and 2CI however did have me fishing for words at times, and 2C-T-2 did not. and The skittishness for 2C-T-2 is definitely far more intense than 2CE though.

2C effects signature:

– Decreased threshold for flight or fight response system initiation. (Skittishness)
– Increase in random stimuli perceived intensity. Sounds appear louder despite distance still being known, tactile sensations seem far more noticeable.
– Nausea very capable of forcing a purge, but resistable by some.
– Body load is like a tense MDMA/MDA. Feels floaty/slightly euphoric but tense at the same time.
– OEV’s follow an LSD like progression and appearance. 2CE seems to have the strongest effect and has a far more blurry/melting effect, 2C-T-2 is still pretty intense with more emphasis on contrast lines.
– CEV’s are variable so far. 2CE was very fluid and vibrantly colored. 2CI, I can’t recall CEVs, 2C-T-2 was very similar to LSD, lots of geometric or fractal type shapes, not as vibrant colors as 2CE, but well defined and recognizable objects. 2C-T-2 had lots of random symbols/words/phrases that would pass by to quickly to recognize, but were definitely recognizable as such. Like the symbol based visuals on LSD, but with I’d say 50% color (instead of the monochrome experienced on LSD), however without an ability to tell what they are (whereas on LSD it was clear what the symbols were, like brand logos, etc).

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