Dissociative Psychedelics

The most well known and loved one is Ketamine. Other than Nitrous Oxide and Dextromethorphan, the majority of dissociative psychedelics fall under a classification of molecules referred to as arylcyclohexylamines and are primarily what I refer to.

Arylcyclohexylamines have shown a lot of promise to be used in the treatment of depression. Along with NMDA antagonism, they also frequently affect the serotonin and dopamine systems. For instance Methoxetamine along with NMDA antagonism is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (similar effects to SNRI anti-depressants).

The most well known  and hated is Phencyclidine better known as PCP. However my hypothesis strongly supported by available evidence is that psychosis induced by PCP is the result of it’s Sigma receptor agonism. Sigma agonism is most likely heavily involved in stimulant psychosis and behavior of methamphetamine and cocaine users; as those drugs also have that trait.

Though the first arylcyclohexylamine discovered and used by humans was a horrible one, all others I’ve researched so far lack this quality, and no reports of psychosis similar to those triggered by PCP have surfaced.

While we focus heavily on classic psychedelics here, I believe dissociative psychedelics are equally important. They have great potential medically, therapeutically, and personally my most influential spiritual experiences I attribute to Ketamine.

I’m look forward to seeing what future research of arylcyclohexylamines comes up with.

Further Reading:


“The role of sigma-1 receptors in thepathophysiology of neuropsychiatric diseases”: http://www.dovepress.com/getfile.php?fileID=5596

My trip report of a very memorable spiritual experience:http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/663893-Ketamine-265mg-(1-18mg-lb)-Very-Experienced-Watching-the-creation-of-reality 

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