***Trigger Warning***
This is a sensitive subject but a necessary and required discussion in today’s culture.
Currently Rape is a huge issue and the problem isn’t solely the perpetrators’s fault and it’s never the women’s fault if she’s unconscious/says “no” or “stop”.
So who else is to blame? Society and its “Dating Game Rules” that promote Toxic Masculinity and Shaming or Hating Women for being Honest.
In my experience, few people are even honest about what they are looking for, lying and pretending to be what society expects them to be.
Every single man I’ve become close friends with, only truly desires Love and Sex is just an expression of that Love. However once they lose Faith in Love being Real, Emotionless Sex becomes their goal even if it’s not what they truly want to satisfy biological urges.
Every single woman I’ve become close friends with, by default desire what is typically associated with Men… great Sex, until she meets a Man that proves his Love for her is Real.
Reality is Backwards
“Locker room talk” is a bunch of boys, not men, telling tall tales to impress each other, thinking that the other “men” respect “sexual conquests”.
Each one of these boys while doing so, is hiding the pain of just wanting to love and be loved; but not talking about it out of fear of embarrassment or being shamed for “being a hopeless romantic” or “pussy whipped”.
That’s what Toxic Masculinity results in.
Peer pressure from a bunch of Men only repeating the Lie they believe about other Men but secretly hide the fact they aren’t like that… leads to the competitive, aggressive and the downright dangerous or abusive behaviors that exist in Men playing the “Dating Game” today.
Each one too afraid to disagree which leads to bullying, shaming and social outcasting.
This is why you should never judge someone!
When people feel Judged, they Lie, and eventually everyone thinks the Lie is Normal and that the Truth they feel and know in their heart and mind leads to them Judging themselves as “broken” or “wrong”!

Yes some men say they only care about sex, but I haven’t yet met one that was actually true for.
Let me repeat that, I have not met one single man that Truthfully desired Sex without it being an Expression of Love with the One he Loved.

This is how Men truly are. Just most settle for Sex because Women get tired of our Bullshit ๐ค!
The only reason people don’t realize this is True, is everyone is too much of a coward to admit they’re different! Fear of Judgement, leads to Lies.
Men are the True sluts in our species, but they only want to be Loved for who they are!
What about Women?
Men grow up being taught women who desire sex are sluts and a real lady only wants Love. Disney reinforces this belief and Religions attempt to enforce it.
Based on my experience and conversations with women I got to know well, this isn’t just sexist, it’s the opposite of the Truth.
All of y’all are Sexual Predators in my experience, damn girls. You lock on target, seduce, ensnare and claim Men as a prize ๐ณ!
Again, this is every woman I’ve met and gotten close enough for them to be completely honest. They all just want to be Respected, Appreciated and <expletive deleted> like they’re a Goddess and you’re their sex toy.
Some might not be like this, but I’ve been friends almost exclusively with women most my life due to my intense distrust of Men; and can’t recall any of them actually being different
They get off on having that type of power over powerful men, hence their attraction to “assholes” (honest and confident), money, status and most importantly intelligence.
Due to Slut Shaming (a result of Projection, since Men are the true sluts), Oppression of Women’s Rights, Abusive/Controlling Men that don’t Love themselves and the belief in the Lie that Women “desire Love but should never desire sex“… well… you have what you have today.
Which is a lot of sexist bullshit and lies.
Women are the Players
After observing quite a few women express and reveal the same inner world to me, I came to the conclusion it wasn’t Men who were the Players as society accepts and believes, but Women.
They lead men on because they do consider them a long term candidate, but they haven’t matured into their confidence yet to care what anyone else thinks and choose them, or they don’t know what they even want yet.
Women are the real players, while Men pretend to be players and keep getting their heart broken repeatedly… ๐ฐ

Women do get their Heart broken, but it’s once they have stopped playing the field and it all falls apart after ๐.
Because Society hated the idea of women having the freedom to work, or you know the whole “they are property” treatment bullshit, they have been forced into an impossible position.
They needed a man capable of reliably and stably providing for children but only are attracted to powerful, passionate men that <expletive deleted> their brains out.
Due to the fact the more “genetically valuable and capable father” is rarely ever a stable provider, this leads to the “Provider (Beta)/Lover (Alpha)” split commonly seen.
However one thing I noticed almost every single woman also has in common? They want to be the “Provider” and take care of their Lover. They will work tirelessly, doing even jobs they hate, to financially take care of their Man like that!?
When I was younger I judged the hell out of those guys in those relationships for being “irresponsible” and the women for being “irrational“. Up until I realized and admitted to myself being a stay at home dad was basically that, and that’s what I wanted… my bad guys! ๐
Why would a woman want this..?
The Man has the only thing She truly needs to satiate her instinctual desires and biological imperative. That’s where her Babies come from.
Peter is a perfect example of an “asshole” (confident and honest), appreciates Her and respects Lois without compromising who he is as a person (confident and honest) and they have three kids and tried to have a fourth so obviously She’s satisfied!
If She can financially provide for Him and all the Children, and as long as He respects Her, appreciates Her and is faithful to Her… She has no problem letting him play video games all day at home with the kids, taking care of the home as a homemaker and getting into stupid shit with his free time that typically makes a woman go ๐คฆโโ๏ธ.
Men judge Women for “having it easy” as a home maker because that’s what they wish they could do! Women resent Men’s power, because that’s what they wish they had!
The Men sacrifice what they truly want to give it to the Women that then sacrifice what they trult want to give it to Men!

Why the fuck don’t we just switch roles???
Am I the only Honest one here not letting my Ego and Pride cloud my judgement? Damn… ๐
Oh Shit, I guess not! Taylor Swift agrees!
๐ค You go girl! ๐ค
You’re a fucking Boss already though ๐!
Peer Pressure leads to Lies
Two women I met did tell me that they “just wanted somebody to take care of them”… but that is because the professional world consistently treated them like their skills and talents were not valued or respected. Which is sad because both were very intelligent and capable at what they did!
This is just them caving to Societies pressures to conform to “normal” or “the way everyone else is”… the same pressure that leads Men to get jealous, aggressive and rapey.
It’s not only Sad, but fucking Bullshit!
Think for yourselves, don’t be Sheep!
Because it leads to this…
Fear of Men
Message for Candeo: This is written from my perspective. I don’t know yours. I would love for you to write yours one day…
One woman who I became close to, Candeo, was an adorable little sexual predator using the Venus Fly Trap method, and she was not nearly as good at it as she thought she was…
Sorry girl, but your game was horrible. The only thing you had going for you was your beauty, intelligence and heart of pure fucking gold ๐.
However the only way she could be that innocent, intelligent and sweet in her late 20s… was if she had suffered unimaginable abuse from Men. I tripped with her on acid one night the first time her and I were alone to confirm…
Once her Ego Walls were down and Mask was off… all I saw in her was Pain, Fear and Confusion.
Paternal drive kicked in, but her fear and paranoia with Men was more extreme than I’ve ever seen before. Even more than mine was!?
Originally I played protector role until she felt safe to “be herself” which was childlike, playful and so adorably sweet it’s sickening ๐คฎ๐.
It felt like she knew how and was capable of standing up for herself, asserting boundaries and shutting down stupid shit from others, but would lose her confidence when the time came for it?
So I started playing Child role and let her be my Protector. Even became one of our jokes that she was my guard dog, as she would hop up on the balcony rails while darting her gaze scanning the area “looking for threats” before we’d start laughing.
To help her practice, I explicitly told her she was in control of the apartment and let her make all the decisions. The feeling of empowerment this gave her brought her out of her depression, and her Soul started to come back to life. Decorating our home, making flower bouquets and putting them around the house… helping me turn what had become a trap house into something that actually felt like a home while she taught me how to clean… ๐ฅบ.
At the time, no one had ever made me feel as loved as she did, and though I was falling in love with her, I was okay with it only being platonic.
Every single decision she made, she backed it up with Logic and explained how it benefited me. Unless she needed her medicine, she never asked for a single thing unless it benefited me too; and she tried to get the Men she was seeing to get it for her instead! I put a stop to that though, because it wasn’t fair to them and I didn’t want them to try and control her because of it.
While I tried to encourage her to practice “controlling the situation” and “standing up for herself” while in the safety of my apartment with others… I failed.
Either her Fear was even greater than mine or she was attempting to do the same thing I was, and help me learn how to stand up for myself and assert my own boundaries…?
Afraid of pushing her into “running before you can walk”, I usually caved into her Fearful pleading and guidance as she told me exactly how to do what needed to be done… I ended up having to learn how to be the asshole for a change… damnit!
Fear of Father?
That failed attempt to empower her and grow her confidence lead to a change in strategy. I realized that she was consistently paranoid and fearful of her Father due to all the records he kept of hers (birth certificate, medical records, etc) and his disapproval of her choices.
She didn’t know what he was planning, but she was certain he was and it was to control her or put her into a hospital against her will.
Every thing I observed and based on the conversations I’d had with him… her Father actually looked like and spoke like an actual Saint, as Imperfectly Perfect as a Parent could be on a level similar to my Mom or Grana…
Yeah, he probably did occasionally consider doing exactly what she feared, but I could see it was only because of his own fear and love for her and attempting to help her the only way he knew how.
What was the problem Candeo had that caused all her Fears? He was “emotionless, like a robot“. My objective was clear.
Having “raised” my Spirit Daughter… I know what it’s like to make choices to help her, knowing she would hate me for it until she was wise enough to understand I was scared and didn’t know what else to do but something needed to be done…

I wasn’t being malicious, I was scared and ignorant. I knew that’s what her Father was doing too. I simply had to find the cause of the communication issues or misunderstandings between them…?
So I decided to meet him without her knowledge to understand his side, and explain hers in a way he could understand.
My respect for him was so great, that when I went to his place to discuss her emotions and fears… and he asked if I did drugs while I’m standing in his Kitchen, and his Daughter lived with me… I said without excuse “Yes…” and looked down almost in shame…
Not because I thought what I did was wrong, but because I knew I was disappointing a Man that had earned a level of respect no other man in my life has ever earned.
She didn’t need me to be a Father to her, she already had an impossibly amazing one I can only hope to be like when I have kids. All she needed was to see and believe she could trust him.
When I told her I spoke with him a week later (timing it so she wouldn’t jump to Fearful conclusions), she started crying… ๐ณ?
Apparently after my meeting he took the dog to the vet like she’d been begging him to for awhile, and she realized me meeting him in secret was the cause. She realized I got through to him, and her tears showed me I’d gotten through to her. One of only two times in the entire 6 months of our teammateship.
She probably for the first time in her life, actually believed two Men genuinely cared about her, enough to set aside our pride and conspire to help her… when we, her Father and I, had absolutely nothing in common except Her.

Feeling Safe…ish?
One day, Candeo finally got the courage to admit to me that she just wanted someone to take care of her. Candeo, the way you said it almost laughing with a facial expression that told me you were happy you could finally admit it safely, I was so proud of you.
I already knew, and I was planning to as long as you helped me with my writing projects as my editor-in-chief… the career you dreamed of…
A Romantic Friendship
Even though she already said she only wanted to be platonic in the beginning, we still had what could be referred to as a romantic friendship. Close emotional connection, acted as a team, cuddled, and eventually massages.
One woman when I was younger suddenly changed her mind six months into our friendship, surprising the hell out of me and we ended in a romantic relationship that started out as platonic only.
So I always kept in the back of my mind this was possible, and though I was okay with what we had, I had fallen in love and hoped for something real… ๐
After 5 months, unexpectedly Candeo started asking me questions that felt like she was trying to figure out what turned me on… this was amusing as she tried to make it as casual and innocent as possible… but as I said… her game was horrible and it was obviously not as casual or innocent because it was random and sudden ๐คจ๐?
I’d started giving her foot massages, and no matter what any Man says, it’s always intimate when your hands can make a woman breathe deeply and create those noises… ๐
Both of which are my goal and the best part of adult play time, so even though it’s only a PG foot massage… we all know there’s intimate subtext ๐คญ.

One day she decided to give me one… that started with me getting blindfolded and giving me a pill but not telling me what it was saying “just trust me”…
She sat on top of me, and then gave me a PG hand/arm massage that was the most arousing experience in my life. My fantasy of being raped was fueling a heightened sense of awareness and anticipation, that I’ve never felt before… but then it was over and nothing happened.
I saw later she’d actually been taking notes trying to figure out what I liked ๐ณ?
What the hell is she thinking or trying to do? The best advice she ever gave me was that I “over-communicate”. But she had the opposite problem, she didn’t communicate enough. Combined with how our teammateship was evolving, I was now confused as hell and started obsessing over the situation.
Sudden Escalation…
One night I asked her if I could give her a foot massage, she said yes but said after her bath. She got high on her DOC (drug of choice) that lasts for 5 hours, and got out of the bath 6 hours later sober.
While doing her hair, she suddenly comments
Her: “You’re strong…”
Me: ๐คจ๐ค *ignores and pretends like I didn’t hear*
Her: “I’ve never thought of being in a team before… ” in a tone of voice suggesting she was considering it…?
Me: ๐ณ *is… that subtext for wanting a relationship? Straight face, stay calm* ๐ถ
She was sober, so I offered her the last of our “water” (G) to heighten the experience for her and take “escalation” out of the picture.
All my temptation to escalate and my anxiety questioning if I should try goes away if a girl isn’t sober. So if she was fucked up, I could relax and focus fully on the massage.
She refused and said I should have it. My thoughts proceeded:
Me: ๐ “She’s so considerate, now I can feel amazing while helping her feel amazing, yayyy!!”
Also Me: ๐คจ “Wait… does she have ulterior motives?” ๐ค
Still Me: ๐ณ “Strong… team… the questions about what I like… that massage… wanting me to be not sober while she was… is she seducing me!?” ๐คญโบ
My Analytical Mind: ๐ “Keep a straight face, don’t get hopes up, I might be misinterpreting shit, but everything I’ve read about the Psychology of Dating, people use Subtext and Body language for the ‘invitation’ due to Fear of Rejection and a No might be too the ‘invitation for coffee’ and not the idea of a relationship… is she dropping hints and using subtext?? Let’s find out…” ๐ฌ
Every prior massage she said no when I asked or tried to go to her ankles, which I would respect
This time, I moved to ankles and asked her if it was okay. She replied “yeah”.
Calves, asked if okay, she replied”yeah”.
Thighs, I asked if it’s okay, “yeah”
Gradually this proceeded until my hands were going under her panties, over behind to her lower back…
Me: “Is this okay?”
Her: *sits up, looks at me and blows a kiss* ๐
Me: ๐ณ๐ *Is this an invitation? Trying to keep a straight face* “Are you sure?
Her: “Yeah”
Me: * wondering if she’s sleep replying yes to everything* ๐ค…๐ “Squeeze my hand if you’re sure.”
Her: *squeezes my hand hard*
My Thoughts: ๐ณ “oh fuck what do I do now… shit… umm…. I really enjoy giving head, and I’m already down here… so… guess start there and follow her lead after?” ๐ฉ
Me: ๐ *nervously and slowly starts to pull down her panties*
Her: ๐ฒ”Stop!”
Me: ๐ณ *stops, backs up and stands up a few feet from her* ๐
Her: ๐คฌ *proceeds to call me a sexual predator, and interrogate me about what I was trying to do*
It pretty much goes down hill from there…
I kicked her out of my room, since her and I shared it and a bed.
Went to the bathroom with a knife and cut the fuck out of my thigh so I could feel physical pain to make the emotional pain I felt from what I thought I’d done go away as well as punish myself. It’s been a decade since I’d last cut myself… but this situation warranted it in my mind.
When she saw it, she cleaned and bandaged my leg, and with a sad confused look asked me why I was punishing her by kicking her out of my room???
I didn’t know how to tell her it was to protect her reputation… no one else would believe her if she continued sleeping in my room, and it’s what she should do if she truly believed I was what she accused me of being.
I knew I’d done “nothing wrong” according to all the psychology about the Dating Game bullshit. She dropped a lot of hints, verbally, in her actions and finally body language and I’d “confirmed consent” in verbally and with an instruction to squeeze my hand to ensure she could understand what I was saying. Then stopped as soon as she said stop.
I didn’t explicitly ask “can I eat you out”, because being explicit is considered a “turn off” or “rookie move” depending on who you’re learning from.
But she had a point when she said “‘yes’ doesn’t mean pull my panties down”. Technically she’s correct. Her version of the events that night when she told the other guy she was seeing, was inconsistent and kept changing according to him.
Thankfully he wasn’t the “beat their ass, ask questions later” kinda guy and listened to my version which made more sense I guess, so he told me he believed in private…
I then proceeded to call every single mutual friend, Legatus, Spyder, K-Starr, Miko (Spirit Daughter) and probably one or two others and told them all the whole embarrassing and terrifying situation.
Legatus: “You’re brave… but you should have kissed her”
My Thoughts: “while she was calling me a sexual predator!? Is he stupid?” (Months later I realized he meant before pulling panties down… ๐)
Miko: She’s got to go. I’ll come over and handle it.
My Response: You’ll need Neera. (her no-empathy survival mode mask. Similar to my Custos.)
Spyder: If you need a emergency evac, I’ll come pick you up, but I’m not getting involved.
My Response: Miko and Legatus are handling kicking her out. Thank you though…
Candeo’s Wrath
The reason I called everyone and planned to have Miko handle kicking her out, though it might look like an over-reaction… was because I knew exactly how Candeo would respond.
She was very vengeful and would “get even” or retaliate against anyone she believed maliciously hurt or took advantage of her or someone she loved. I kept trying to help her understand why it was wrong, but nothing I said got through to her.
This meant there was a very high probability that she would tell everyone I’m a sexual predator or tried to take advantage of her in order to scare me into letting her back into the apartment.
When she came back from vacation to being kicked out, I tried to explain what was happening and why, and that it was no longer my decision if she can come back in, but Miko… my Wife.
A random guy was walking by and she went up to him yelling that I was a rapist.. ๐คฌ!? I ran inside my apartment, told Miko I had to go, it’s up to her now, then went to the balcony, hopped over, got in my car and drove away.
As I drove away she was telling my neighbor across the hall, a teacher with kids, that I was a rapist. She just replied “the guy running away from you and driving off?” Which confused Candeo…? I guess she expected me to fight back myself or give in?
She then tried to tell Miko. Miko told me later the only reason she didn’t start beating her ass right then and there was her probation and boyfriend holding her back.
Miko and I were in a Platonic Marriage for 5 years and been best friends for 7. I was in love with her for the 3 years before it finally faded, and despite the two of us being alone together and getting fucked up on every single unique drug our Psychonaut asses could find… not once did I ever cross any boundaries, we never kissed and were never physically intimate.
She knew for a fact, with 7 years of personally observed evidence, that when Candeo tried to tell her I “tried to rape her” that it was bullshit and simply replied “You know what you did!!!“
Candeo, you told me one day that you thought I understood you better than you did yourself.
I did…
I remember one day when we were talking in the Living Room with our glasses of milk I got this surreal feeling and a thought crossed my mind.
“There is absolutely nothing this woman could do to make me hate her.“
You proved it… because even after what you did while Miko kicked you out… all I could do was cry over you being gone for weeks… and I begged her to forgive you and give you another chance…
Every time this song came on, I’d start bawling… ๐ญ
I Predicted our Ending
I wrote in my Journal in October predicting how things would end between us after “Custos” grew suspicious of you and went through your journals…

I let myself fall in love with you anyways...

Why would I risk your wrath to Love you…?

And We needed each other…
“We”… you taught me to use that word…
That lead to this…

What actually Happened?
I obsessed over that night for over a year trying to figure out what happened. Different people had different opinions or ideas to explain why it happened.
- I might be Autistic and Misinterpreted
- Spyder said she thought I was.
- Legatus helped his Autistic Cousin
- Said I reminded him of him.
- My nephew was already diagnosed.
- My Mom said I acted like him.
- She planned it to control/blackmail me.
- Using guilt to manipulate.
- I knew the revenge was an attempt to control or manipulate, but the original “incident” itself was not. She wasn’t always honest with men, but I never saw her do anything malicious in a premeditated fashion. So this doesn’t explain why?
- Did she misread a fantasy when she was asking me about mine? She asked about one in particular back then…
- “Non-consensual Consent” is roleplaying rape… but I wanted to be the one being raped, not doing it! ๐ฐ
- Was she trying to fulfill a fantasy of mine, and then when I stopped, she thought I was rejecting her, triggering various psychological defense mechanisms such as the common rejection response of “I never liked them anyways!”???
- Her game was horrible… so… maybe she didn’t even realize what she was saying/doing could be misinterpreted as invitations or interest when really she was just being flirty?
- Her mom wasn’t around in her life, just like my dad wasn’t in mine.
- Maybe neither of us had any clue how this dating game shit works and attempting to do it the “socially expected” way is confusing, and leads to missed connections between two people who do like each other, or situations where misinterpreted signals lead to crossed boundaries, ending a close friendship and almost with someone innocent in jail…?
- Legatus did say watching us was like watching two middle schoolers that liked each other but had no clue what to do about it… ๐
I’ll never know what the Truth actually is. Her Ego and Psychological Defense mechanisms kicked in and it’s unlikely I’ll ever truly know what her perspective and thoughts were that night.
So the real question is…?
How to Prevent This?
This is such an easy situation to prevent, and it’s a situation that leads to many Men accidentally hurting women they care about, Women ending up getting hurt or accidentally sending an innocent and confused Man who never learned the “Dating Game Rules” or unintentionally leading them on not even realizing it.
You have two choices, change the system or adapt to accommodate it. While everyone would benefit if we could just start giving each other Trust, Honesty and (clear) Communication (THC); and if you liked someone it wasn’t weird, awkward or judged in any way for people to just tell each other!
When I told Miko that I liked her, she was the first woman to clearly say she didn’t like me that way but thought we’d be best friends. That honesty… is why I knew I always wanted her in my life, and if not as my partner… then as the daughter I always wanted but had lost hope in ever having.
Not everyone has the Strength or Courage to be as honest as She was though. And a lot of people need to start doing it so that peer pressure starts enforcing it as a cultural norm.
Safe and Effective Male “Dating Rules”
For now, how did I adapt? After analyzing every single mistake I’ve made as well as unexpectedly awesome “how the hell did I manage that” results… here’s the optimal “Dating Rules” for Men to follow to prevent all negative outcomes, and still attract women you are attracted to.
I wasn’t doing it intentionally, but it is what I was doing every time the woman was the one pursue a relationship. I didn’t know why it kept happening or question it until after the Candeo incident.
- One dodged kiss = Never try again
- Their turn to face the Fear of rejection after this if they change their mind. We’ve already embarrassed ourselves now ๐.
- Mixed Signals from Girl = No
- If they’re not certain, they might regret their decision later, leading to Ego denial that they ever wanted it in the first place. Leading to you losing her in your life, charged with sexual harassment or assault, or getting your ass kicked/murdered by guys going vigilante on your ass.
- Pre-emptively Friend Zone Girls you Like
- It drives them crazy ๐
- Takes away all anxiety from questioning timing and wondering if she’s interested or not, and gives it all to Her about you. ๐
- Allows you to relax and enjoy their company and try not to break your poker faces as their flirting gets ridiculously intense to break your resistance.
- The longer you resist and can hold your poker face, while doing lots of small thoughtful shit to make her life easier or randomly throwing her favorite candy at her… the more intense their confusion and frustration.
- Done correctly, their confusion about why you’re so thoughtful and respectful, frustration for throwing them off their game and not falling for their normally successful moves, questioning if you like them or not obsessively the whole time…leads to something magical… Her having True and Very Passionate Love for You.
- She may or may not rape you once she reaches her limit. Don’t say I didn’t warn you ๐.
- Don’t do this unless you intend to wife them… they might get extremely possessive of you at this point… like… kill a <expletive deleted> just for looking at you level of possessive… or you for trying to leave them ๐
- It’s totally worth it though if you chose wisely… ๐ฏ
Safe and Effective Female “Dating Rules”?
No clue here. Some guys like me are really freaking stupid and clueless. If we aren’t getting the hint, and we’re single, we’re intentionally spending a lot of time with you, and are paying attention to the little things; we like you.
We are rarely going to reject you if we’re doing all those things. Make the first move. What’s the worst that could happen? You’re embarrassed?
The worst that can happen when we do that, is we might go to jail or get killed. If you like us, do us a favor and just make the first move. We might like you, but not enough to risk unintentionally disrespecting you, going to jail or getting killed if we’re wrong about it being mutual.
Personally, respecting women is more important to me than being in a relationship with them. I don’t need a woman to complete me.
Though I’m still looking for an equally talented and selflessly motivated team mate who also doesn’t need me to complete them.
I’m not still looking, I’m still waiting for Her to be Her own Balance while I wait for Her to Figure it Out…
My last made me feel like I would never try again
But when I saw you, I felt something I never felt
Come closer, I’ll give you all my love
If you treat me right, baby, I’ll give you everything
My last made me feel like I would never try again
But when I saw you, I felt something I never felt
Come closer, I’ll give you all my love
If you treat me right, baby, I’ll give you everything
Talk to me, I need to hear you need me like I need ya
Fall for me, I wanna know you feel how I feel for you, love
Before you, baby, I was numb, drown the pain by pouring up
Speeding fast on the run, never want to get caught up
Now you the one that I’m calling
Swore that I’d never forget, don’t think I’m just talking
I think I might go all in, no exceptions, girl, I need ya
Have you Figured it Out?
“Have you Figured it Out Yet?” how many times have I asked you that now?

What you Seek is Seeking You
Stop Looking so it Can Find You
Don’t miss the Forest for the Trees
Playing with Minds is my Expertise
I’m a Natural at being a Tease
How do I act so Coy with Ease?
My Innocence is Genuine, not an act You See
And it’s yours to Corrupt, however you Please
So when you look at me, and I Freeze,
You’re now the Predator, and I’m the Prey
That’s your cue, your Moment, Seize the Day
Once I’m Yours, what Games shall we Play…?
I’m a Man, if you read my post you know my…

๐คญโฆ ๐ฅฐโฆโบ
She’s the most powerful Witch too ๐ !
Love, Light and Darkness
๐งโโ๏ธ~Lucifer๐งโโ๏ธ <- That’s Her ๐
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. Baby it’s Cold Outside
Dating Rules in the 30s and 40s were even more convoluted and confusing by the looks of it.

I don’t think any good love relationship can come from any dating-game. Love is something greater than a gamble.
The main problem in nowadays society is getting vulnerable, people is allergic to it, and that is a problem.
When you need to be faKing or pretendido you know you lost the game.
There are no words for what this “C” woman did, except to think that some weird wounds must be buried inside her to cause behaving this way to a friend, to a sensitive and caring fellow human being. Forgiveness does make us winners in the end!! So glad you know that. Forgive and let it go, is the only way to let the love and healing come in. Sometimes, me being a woman, I create confusion b/c I am direct with lovers and want that in return. That’s not to say one can not be good naturedly playful and fun. Someone did say “You ARE direct which makes you more like a guy.” Therein lies the confusion for a male lover. I hope I have figured it out, I certainly told a mutual caller that my priority lies in uncovering a Great Love.
Candeo is Latin for “Shiny” or “Light”.
She did suffer from a lot of abuse and that is why I couldn’t be mad at her; only sad that I had to let her go to protect myself.
Thank you for your comments ๐