“Those who do not know history, are doomed to repeat it.”
History is cyclical and the human lifespan results in an 80 year cycle described in the Strauss–Howe generational theory. This breaks down into 4 20-ish year generations where each generation’s personality is shaped by the events of their time. The events of their time were shaped by the personalities of the previous generation which were shaped by the events of their time. While all the details may change each time, the four seasons of the cycle remain the same.
The High where Society is celebrating the recovery from the Crisis, creating a Generation of “Prophets” who Optimistically look to the Future. The United States experienced this phase after World War II between around 1945 and 1965 with the Baby Boomer generation.
Those events lead to an Awakening between ~1965 to 1985 creating the Nomadic Generation X. This resulted in the events between 1985 to 2005 as society began to unravel from the effects of change due to the Awakening. This Unraveling creates a crisis with events that creates a generation of Artists between 2005 to 2025.
Empires also Rise and Fall in similar Cycles with 240ish year cycle breaking down into around 12 20 year generations or 6 40 year ages known as the Ages of Pioneers, Conquest, Commerce, Affluence, Intellectualism and Decadence.
Examples include:
- Persian: 208 years (538-330 BC)
- Greece: 231 years (331-100 BC)
- Roman 207 years (27 BC- 180 AD)
- Arab: 246 years (634-880 AD)
- Mameluke: 267 years (1250-1517 AD)
- Ottoman: 250 years (1320-1570 AD)
- Spain: 250 years (1500-1750 AD)
- Russia: 234 years (1682-1916 AD)
- Britain: 250 years (1700-1950 AD)
All Empires fall in their 4th and Final Crisis during the Age of Decadence like the United States is in now.
- In the 1780s the Revolutionary War was the birth of the United States as it’s 1st Crisis.
- In the 1860s or 80 years later was the Civil War or the United States 2nd Crisis.
- In the 1940s or 80 years later was the 2nd World War or the United States 3rd Crisis.
- In the 2020s or 80 years later the United States will experience its 4th and Final Crisis as the Empire collapses and self-destructs by either:
- Imploding into Civil War
- Exploding into World War

These Frequencies, Cycles, Phases, Seasons or whatever you wish to call them exist due to a number of reasons; however the lifespan of the dominant intelligent lifeform or species is the variable that controls the scale at which they manifest.
For example if the human life span was twice as long then an Empire would last 480 years instead of 240 with a Crisis occurring every 160 years instead of 80.
The Human Species has reached a point where their weapons and technology are sufficient enough where it will only take one mistake or the belief in one lie to kill all life on Earth. The United States is most powerful country on Earth and it is about to become the most chaotically self-destructive society on Earth.

Are there any bookies in the room?
Here’s the Score: It only takes One Mistake or the belief in One Lie to Kill all life on Earth; something that almost happened once in 1983 with Colonel Stanislav Petrov when the Soviet Computers glitched and reported a nuclear missile launch by the United States. He decided to go against protocol to ignore it instead of reporting it which could have resulted in Nuclear War.
What are the odds the United States won’t destroy the World during their 4th and Final Collapse as the Empire self-destructs Implosively with a Civil War or Explosively with World War when every single other Empire has died the same way on the same timeline?
Let’s say the probability that Humanity will Survive what is about to happen is 1/10^13
How would You Solve this Problem?
How would you Prevent the Extinction of Humanity from Psychological Warfare turning everyone against each other, Nuclear War ending most life on Earth or an Oppressive and Authoritarian New World Order of any kind without Violence?
Sounds impossible for anyone to solve so for a moment let’s imagine you were God; how would you solve it?
Would you eliminate the Laws of Stochastic Physics which gives us Free Will and Magic to become an Authoritarian Dictator forcing everyone to obey?
That was the Solution for the Red Eye root Reality in my post Traversing the Omniverse.
Would you eliminate the Laws of Deterministic Physics allowing Magic to be used in an unrestricted fashion by everyone and hope that Chaos is less problematic?
That was the Solution for Blue Eye root Reality in my post Traversing the Omniverse.
Would you create an Ark to Mars and hope that this time the lesson will be learned?
That was the Solution chosen by Atlantis on Venus, build an Ark to Earth and try again.

Purple Ankh in Traversing the Omniverse is our Reality and has both Deterministic Physics (Classical Mechanics or Science) and Stochastic Physics (Quantum Mechanics or Magic). How would you solve this problem without eliminating either of those, running away from the problem to Mars or creating an authoritarian government; and most importantly do so without Force or Violence?
Sounds like it might be impossible even for God…🤔
I would like to place a Bet that Humanity will survive in the amount of $1.00 with a bookie from that future who has for some reason decided to charge me a 13 cent retrocausality delivery fee (🙄) for my winnings to be delivered to me sometime around the date I wrote this, October 04th, 2021. Any takers…?
My Solution Proposal

The Church of Omnism teaches a set of beliefs that resolves the contradictions between all religions as well as science making them all compatible with each other.
The Church focuses on the creation and appreciation of Art as an Act of Worship. The Church preaches that we are all individuals with our own beliefs and perspectives on the Divine but also We are all One as well.
Only through Uniting everyone of all Religions and Spiritual beliefs together with Science can we solve the problem without Violence and the Church of Omnism provides a path towards that Unity.
The Alternative is to sit back with a Bucket of Popcorn and watch the Fireworks once again like the Movie Groundhog’s Day but far more Terrifying. My own Personal Hell I get to Live In for Eternity until I finally get everything Right where everyone else has Failed.
Unfortunately the Church isn’t going anywhere without the Money to pay for the resources it needs and the people working for it. Unless a bookie from the future takes my bet he’s guaranteed to pay out on if he exists, then I need your assistance and support funding it.
The Church of Omnism is a 501c3 Non-Profit Church registered in the State of Texas and all donations are Tax Deductible with the IRS.
Donate on Cashapp: $Veridicus
Together We Rise, Divided We Fall.
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE