Many conspiracy theories are said to have some objective that doesn’t require a conspiracy to achieve or would hurt those involved just as much as everyone else.
The only Objective that always makes sense is Obtaining Power. This can be through Acquiring Money, Private/Secret Information or Status that gives Authority or prevents them from being held accountable for their actions.
Every real conspiracy has an objective such as this and only if it can’t be done with a high success rate Legally!
Obviously Santa is Real!

Most Are Unrealistic Fictions

Even Realistic Ones are RARE

They will disagree on planning and implementation details that can lead to intense arguments and result in bitter feelings and resentment between those involved.
While at most jobs the worst that can happen in this case is someone quits or acts out and gets fired; when the objective is even questionably malicious in nature there’s something worse!

When they Happen
It’s usually the Government… 🙄

Or Religion..
Origin of Conspiracy Theories

Most conspiracy theories develop out of shock at sudden tragedies and the denial that such things can happen by chance.
The Fear of this Randomness in the Universe leads people to look for Order, Structure or a Cause that “makes sense”. And the only cause that “makes sense” for some really significant tragedies are a conspiracy by malicious organizations!
The Truth: Sometimes Bad things just Happen, even if it’s hard to believe it was Unplanned.

Sometimes there is a plan. When that happens the biggest risk to a Conspiracy is always…
Whistle Blowing
All it takes for a conspiracy to come unraveling is for one person involved with access to evidence and enough moral integrity (or spite from internal disagreements) to blow the whistle.
Edward Snowden is a prime example of this and even though the US threw him under the bus as hard as they could, he proved that a whistle blower can succeed and find a safe new life elsewhere.

Many conspiracies exist about secretive organizations such as the Illuminati or “Deep State” exist but the following applies to them all.
Anyone who understands Human Behavioral Psychology well enough knows that such secretive organizations with malicious objectives existing is not only unlikely, but should one be created, it would self-destruct before accomplishing any long term goals.

How Evil Self-Destructs

How would these organizations end every single time they are created? Consumed by the very Evil that created them to begin with.
Due to the Psychology of Projection, we naturally assume others are like ourselves for a variety of reasons. So any group of people that would be willing to create a conspiracy to plot and plan some selfishly motivated long term goal, would naturally assume everyone else is just like them!
This would lead to an ever increasing level of Fear and Paranoia the more dangerous or costly a betrayal would be by one of their own. They naturally assume their underlings are just as selfish, malicious and prone to conspiracies as they are.

Over time these groups become increasingly more strict and controlling, they begin spying on their own, and start interpreting innocent actions of their own people as evidence of a conspiracy or plot to betray!
The end result over time is the people in these organizations stop thinking for themselves and begin following orders blindly out of fear of being falsely accused of a betrayal due to scratching their nose or tying their shoes at the wrong time.

Incompetent Minions

This initially works great for those in charge until their underlings start making mistakes or screwing things up. They follow orders to the letter in order to avoid being falsely accused of some paranoid delusion of their boss and tortured during interrogation. This prevents them from using their creativity to solve problems as they occur unless they have a “protocol” to follow.

The Lord in the Old Testament relied on Fear to Control his Followers in a Similar Manner.
Due to incompetence for failing and these types of mistakes the underlings start getting punished or killed to prevent information leaks or further sabotage. However it is not their fault as they are literally put into a no-win situation.
Fix the mistake creatively and risk being accused of betraying/sabotaging the organization or do nothing until the boss is informed and makes a decision.

Though this situation is entirely the result of their organizations goal to conspire for selfish reasons and their bosses failure to avoid succumbing to paranoia; the underlings who have no control and most likely are involved only to pay the bills and feed their family, are the only ones to suffer.
Only the most adept Liars and convincing Manipulators survive; leading to many unfortunate and innocent victims.

Among Us is an absolutely beautiful simulation of the drama I describe in this post.
This continues until one of them is smart enough and pissed off enough due to mistreatment that they succeed in actually conspiring and plotting to overthrow the boss.
A Self-fulfilling Prophecy resulting from the Boss’ paranoia which is the result of Projection due to his own selfish and malicious behaviors.

“Fear kills itself, Love always Wins”

Note: I’m with Antifa and no we aren’t. They about to start attacking each other as they see threats even amongst their own… 😂
Blood’s Thicker then Water
This is why the only successful and long living conspiratorial secret organizations with selfish objectives tend to be organized crime families. The shared identity isn’t the organization or its objective, but their kinship.
This deeply engrained social survival strategy leads us to value the lives of family or those who are ethnically similar to us above others. Including our own life as we willingly sacrifice our happiness for theirs.
These organizations do survive as long as family, ethnicity or even religious affiliation (brothers/sisters in faith) is a requirement for membership.

This will only work when the size of the membership is small enough. The Dunbar Number of 150 is the number of unique “social reputations” that can be maintained by our brain. The size of a small tribe.
Any number greater than this requires a mutually trusted 3rd party to act as an intermediary between all transactions, or every transaction would require a lot of risk of being screwed over.
This is how most of history has organized human society as “survival” of family, ethnicity. nation and religious faith has been seen as a “zero-sum” game.
Zero-sum means someone must lose for the other to gain; and is the basis behind monetary economics. More complicated game theories exist depending on situation, but most study cost/risk/reward strategies like the prisoner’s dilemma!

This leads to competitive and secretive collaboration as groups of people attempt to maximize their profit (gain) and minimize their losses.
When these competitive and secretive organizations or even countries grow to large they start organizing themselves into hierarchical structures for managing and government.
Diplomatic relationships must be maintained between these levels of hierarchies and other competing groups to ensure that everyone plays fair and follows rules; to avoid conflict where everyone loses and no one gains.
These too have problems however.
Hierarchical Government

150 members in the tribe form the lowest level of this government. A small village or subdivision of a city in population.
Unfortunately the Dunbar Number isn’t just measuring reputations with other people, it’s also with any other identity with a reputation such as a Brand.

Credit Card providers like Visa, banks like Chase and Government backed money like the US Dollar are the three mutually trusted 3rd parties that exist to allow our economy to function in a way that you swipe a piece of plastic and walk out of a store with food.
For most of societies “law and order” we create a hierarchical structure so that you don’t have to worry about anything or anyone outside your “jurisdiction”.
- “Tribe/Village” of Family
- City
- County
- State
- Country
The above is typically our structure here in the United States. Those in charge at each level can only truly manage or govern if the number of jurisdictions beneath them are below the Dunbar Number minus any friends/family/brands they remember the reputation for.
Which immediately poses a problem. If we can only manage 150 reputations at once, then we have to decide what reputations are important to us in our day to day lives.
If at a governor of a state has 30 family and friends, 30 favorite or hated brands, maintains 30 relationships with other state and federal government officials, 10 donors and has 100 County and Major City governments to work closely with then he has a problem.
That’s 200 and he can only realistically maintain reputations and recall his relationships with 150 identities. 50 of his family, friends, favorite/hated brands, or work relationships will need to be mentally eliminated.
All the people that are deprioritized will then be “forgotten about” and relationships with them will be fake, polite pleasantries and superficial. Any promises made to them will most likely be broken and birthdays forgotten.
Usually admitting to this is “embarrassing” and people feel disrespected if they realize they were forgotten; so many people put on a charade of remembering things they forgot.
Unless they are honest with themselves about their inability to remember these things, they will make very costly mistakes by making decisions without all the relevant information!
All because the job of managing relationships with others is physically limited by our brain, and our ability to be honest about that is considered socially inappropriate, disrespectful and frowned upon!
These mistakes lead to the same results spoken of above in Incompetent Minions. As those involved in a Selfishly motivated and Secretive organization or group begin to turn on each other one by one until only the most selfish, paranoid, powerful, fastest, most intelligent and convincing liar is left on top.
This one gains all the control and power until the entire organization until the next time that fear, paranoia and selfish motives create enough chaos to repeat the cycle.
This is the cause of every Empire failing throughout history. When the Emperor, through is own paranoia, stops trusting the people telling him the Truth about a bad situation, chaos ensues as nothing is done to prevent it or the best advice to end it is ignored.
Eventually the Senators who all see the Truth realize if they don’t put a stop to the madness, their entire Empire will collapse. So they conspire and they along with Brutus stab Caesar to death before his madness ends up killing them all.

What’s the Alternative?
This will continue to happen cyclically. Birth of a Nation, Rise of its Power, Becoming an Empire then Collapsing in a disasterous fashion.

Only three ways exist to end this cycle!
Everyone Dies

This almost happened in 1983 when a RADAR in Russia stated that an incoming Nuclear Missile was launched by the United States.
Thankfully, Fear did not cloud Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov’s judgement and the computer error was seen as just that; a computer error.
That brave Russian man prevented Nuclear War and Mutually Assured Destruction, by not reacting to emotions but calmly observing and analyzing the situation.
Had he followed protocol, Russia would have Launched their Nuclear Missiles as a counter attack. The United States would believe it was a Russian first strike and retaliated the same way.
The Nuclear Armageddon and subsequent Nuclear Winter would kill most Life on Earth and any remaining Humans would be returned to the Stone Age.
World Domination

Assuming Nuclear Armageddon doesn’t happen first, the dream of many tinpot dictators has been becoming Emperor of the whole Earth.
Should this happen however, the chances of a dystopia world rise to unimaginable levels; and if the Emperor were selfishly motivated and used malicious methods to obtain his position, Incompetent Minions would repeat on a Global Scale.
Until a repeat of the “Et Tu Brute” occurs and the whole world empire breaks out into anarchy or civil war until a new form of government is established.
One Love

A radical shift in global perspective occurs where we realize that the only way we’ll ever have a perfect society or “Heaven on Earth” is to Love and Respect everyone as if our very lives depended on it.
Because at the end of the day, it does.

Humanity is the Apex Predator and we have dominated it due to three reasons.
- Our Intelligence
- The Elderly are Wise and should be Cared for.
- The Experts should be Listened to.
- Body specialized for Using Tools
- We specialize our tools for the environment, to survive and thrive in all environments.
- We work Together, We help each Other.
- The Strong protect the Weak.
- The Intelligent teach and advise Us.
- The Talented provide for Us.
- Farmers
- Doctors
- Even Zoidberg.
- Construction Workers
- The Wise guide Us.
- Spiritual Leaders
- The Elderly
- Veterans (of any challenge)
- The Creatives entertain Us
- Artists of all Types
- Performers of all Types
- The Innovators create new Tools for Us
- Scientists
- Engineers
- The Beauracrats keep us Organized
- Documentation and Record keeping is vital to society.
- Some people even enjoy doing this type of work like Hermes!

Every single person in every family, village, city, county, state or country matters, is important and has a role to play.
Even the “Guy on the Couch”
For a socially awkward, shy and timid person like myself; the “Guy on the Couch” might as well be a gift from the Goddess.

I never charged them rent, because they couldn’t afford it due to whatever reason and I didn’t care for several reasons.
- Socialization improved my Psychological Health, as I still crave social interaction even if it terrifies me.
- They did chores or ran errands for me because they were bored and it gave them a chance to feel “useful”.
- They protected my home as it was their home too. They kept drama away and kept an eye on guests.
- People Matter
- I learned so much from them!
- I enjoyed watching TV and playing video games with them!
- It kept things fun and interesting!
- Money does Not
- It didn’t cost me anything to let them stay, so why should I make someone who can’t pay, pay?
- If they didn’t respect my hospitality, I would try to resolve our conflicts first and then kick them out if I couldn’t.
- I spent most of my money on stupid shit I didn’t need.
- I spent the rest of it helping people, so charging someone I was helping money was just… ridiculous and defeats the purpose!
- If people can afford their own place, they get one. No one chooses to be homeless or sleep on someone else’s couch. They’re suffering from something, and forcing them to work and pay rent instead of healing is just cruel!
When people could afford rent, I based what they paid on their ability to pay. For example, when me and three friends got a house once, here was the rent breakdown.
- Student working part-time:
- $200/month (1/8th of Rent)
- Had the 2nd master bedroom.
- Focus on School!
- Guy with full time decent paying job:
- $400/month
- Had his own room.
- Guy on Couch:
- $0/month
- Had his own room.
- Only used it when he had lady friends over 😅.
- Ran errands for me any time I asked.
- Kept entertaining stuff on TV.
- DJ and Practiced (Free Awesome Music)
- Helped Student Roommate with School and Projects.
- Great conversations and Stories
- Learned so much from him.
- Spirit Daughter:
- $-200 (I paid her phone bill and basic necessities, fairly certain I gave her an allowance too)
- Stayed in my room 2 to 3 weeks a month, rest with her boyfriend.
- Helped me in too many ways to list.
- Myself:
- $1000/month in Rent
- I made the most money, this arrangement was my idea, so I paid the amount that Student and Guy on Couch couldn’t cover.
And we were only 5 minutes away from my Mom’s house. I still liked seeing her, even if we always fought. Being so close meant visits were more frequently possible and could be short enough to avoid fighting!
Living in that House, with those People with that arrangement… was the happiest I’d ever been in my entire life.
I wanted to buy that House because the driveway went into the backyard through a rolling gate so it felt like our own Fort, my best friends lived with me, I was close to family… and everything was absolutely perfect.
Then the Landlord decided to sell the house, none of us could get a loan and we had to move out…
People Matter

Life does not have to be a Zero-Sum game. There does not have to be “winners and losers”, there can just be “winners”.
Don’t be lazy. Instead of forcing people to prove their worth or value; look for it yourself.
Every person in my life that I’ve committed to helping, I’ve been able to find a way to make doing so “worth it”; even if all they could do was teach me.
The one that I spent the most time, money, energy and went through the most suffering to help however, was my Spirit Daughter.
The reward for that investment was Her teaching me the most valuable and important lessons I ever learned.
- The Light exists in Everyone
- When I was teaching Her how to identify Red Flags in people, we argued over every boyfriend She had.
- Every single time She told me every redeeming quality She saw in them, to defend Her Love for them.
- She was right every single time.
- Everyone can be “Saved”
- She had a reputation with everyone for being a pathological liar, incredibly selfish and manipulative.
- She was the first woman to ever be completely honest with me even when it might cost our friendship.
- Despite everyone’s attempts to turn me against Her by telling me She was Lying, not once could they prove it.
- She was more selfless and openly honest in our interactions than I’d ever seen before or since.
- Where once She wasn’t respected by anyone, now She is respected and looked up to by many.
- All She needed was someone to give her a real chance and help her grow into the person She was capable of becoming…
- All people need is a real chance and to be shown Unconditional Love and Unconditional Respect.
- Respect is giving Trust
- Respect is giving Honesty
- Respect is giving clear Communication
- THC is all you Need!

Money does Not
Money is a unit of “power” in that it can be used to acquire goods or services, and manipulate people to do as you wish as it is required for survival.
At the end of the day however, it’s Power is an illusion. Real power only comes from three sources.
- Love
- Drives us to Understand.
- Truth
- Allows us to Understand.
- People
- The Apex Predator on Earth
Currently we use Money to buy Love and sell Lies. No one wants to pay for the Truth unless it’s required to do something they Love.
We use money this way because that is what the Human Race is. A Predatory Species. We prey on everything that exists except those that we identify with as our Tribe.
We have reached the end of the road for this way of life. We now face being reset to the stone age, going into a dystopian Hell or extinction.

An Alternative
We could change our perspective!

Instead of Survival being a competitive sport, it could be a cooperative challenge!
Instead of earning Money to buy Love, we could earn Respect for our Moral Integrity and Compassion to become the recipient of Love.
Instead of competing to be the most powerful, we could compete to be the most Loving!
Instead of Survival of the Fittest, Human Life could become Survival of the Least!
Spiritual Wisdom does not come from being the fastest or most powerful. It comes from being the weakest and:
- Having the Strength to push forward even when failures is certain and you want to give up.
- Having the Discipline to do the right thing even when it’s difficult and easy not to.
- Having the Patience required to understand things from another perspective.
- Having the same Love for others that you have for yourself.
- Having the Courage to stand for what is right and the Truth, even if it’s alone.
- Having the Charity to forgive not just others for their mistakes, but also yourself for your own.
- Having the Humility to recognize that we all make mistakes, nobody is Perfect, not even “the Lord”.

We are not Alive to Dominate, Control and Hurt others. We are Alive to Love, Share and Help each other. To Learn and Grow together.
To be a Family!
Home is supposed to be a Sanctuary for our Family and Loved ones. This Earth is everyone’s Home. Let’s start treating it like one!

Let’s start treating each other as one, reach medical science singularity, live forever and explore the Heaven’s (space).

The Alternative… is Everyone Dies.
I know what I’d choose.
What will you?
You don’t have much time left!
Goddess and I await your answer Humanity!

I confess… it’s me… 😅
Love, Light and Darkness
🧙♂️~Lucifer 🧝♀️
I am a Lie
We are the Truth
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. Imposters

The Moon Sus too… 🤔

P.P.S. How to Control Others
Using Force?
Using Force and Violence or the Threat of Violence is actually the least effective method of controlling others.
It only works as long as you can maintain superior strength, superior intelligence and a moral high ground.
Lacking superior strength, using Force to control will backfire. Lacking super intelligence, attempts to control will fail unexpectedly and consistently.
Lacking a moral high ground, all attempts to control must rely on Fear of Loss of something the one being controlled is attached to. This does not work against those with nothing to lose.
Using Illusion Magic?

The Magic Spriggans specialize In
Using Deception requires only Superior Intelligence and controls others relying on their Confusion and Ignorance.
Using Lies
Lacking Superior Intelligence leads to Lies being unconvincing or obviously untrue; but only those with Superior Intelligence will see this. Others will not be able to tell the difference.
Very effective initially but carries a massive risk of sudden and catastrophic blowback and collateral damage once the Truth is revealed and believed by the victims of the Lies.
Preventing the Truth from doing this requires increasingly more complex and elaborate lies the as time goes on. This creates more ways that the Lie can fail due to:
- Different parts of the Lie contradict itself, proving details of it are False.
- Details of the Lie are forgotten and change in more extreme ways than details of real memories that have faded.
- “Alternative Facts” must be known and agreed upon by all involved in the Lie, or stories not matching exposes the Lie.
How Lies Fail
The are only effective against those
These 3-dimensions grow linearally over-time, but lead to exponential growth in the effort required to maintain the Lie and number of ways it can Fail.
Eventually they all Fail, as those maintaining the Lie watch everything they worked for and built on top of that Lie come crashing down on them.
Signs of an Elaborate and Complex Lie beginning to collapse are the result of efforts to defend it.
They will tell their supporters (those they control with Lies) that everyone else is Lying to them and that they’re all conspiring against them and their supporters.
They will begin accusing anyone that poses a threat of being guilty of being violent, sexually deviant or corrupt; to turn their supporters against their enemies and concealing any moral high ground they might have.
They will then begin resorting to threats and the use of force against any who refuse to be controlled and or continue to threaten exposing their Lies in any way.
Over time their Lies begin to crumble as more and more of their supporters see the Truth, abandon them or “worse” turn against them; eventually leading to complete failure of those who Lied being able to control anything and their total defeat.
Using Partial Truths
Partial Truths rely on Actual Facts that can be confirmed and verified. However only ones that lead to an intended belief you want them to hold are communicated.
This allows you to Lie with the Truth.
It requires far more effort identify upfront what belief is most favorable for them to have and what facts should be told and not told to ensure that they end up believing that.
Lacking Superior Intelligence leads to giving the wrong Partial Truth, leading to them holding an unintended belief that that can’t be easily corrected without acting Suspicious.
This frequently results in making others confused, uncomfortable, or hostile towards you; as you no longer appear to be the same person they believed you to be; and they feel deceived but can’t explain why.
Done correctly it results in Deceptions that can never end up backfiring, as long as your intentions were to protect the innocent, help those in need or you are willing to look and admit to being stupid and forgetful for leaving out any important detail… which is also a Partial Truth.
It is impossible to tell the difference between Intentional and Unintentional Deceptions as long as Partial Truths are all that is used.
Creating Illusions that are as Good as Real…

Maybe I am a Master Manipulator… 🤔?
P.P.P.S. To “the Lord”

What’s the real reason you hate me Brother…?

Why did you think I was Evil…?

Mother’s Wisdom enlightens me.
Your Courage inspires me.
All I have to offer is…

Unconditional Love