The first thing I remember was looking at a starry night sky. It was monochrome though as Ketamine visions always are for me, and it had almost a pre-industrial cartography map color scheme.
Movement caught my eye and I saw a shooting star flying through the night sky. I watched as every star it passed near by would change. They grew brighter, some began vibrating with energy, and though I couldn’t see it I felt some of them change to brighter colors.

This single vision replayed many times at different speeds and different view points. Slow motion zoomed in replays I could see how big of an effect the shooting star had on the other stars. Full speed zoomed out, I saw how many different stars it affected throughout the night sky.
It was the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. Though I could not describe how I knew, I felt and “knew” that the stars represented living people. That left the question of who were the shooting stars?
These were people who had such a positive influence that everyone that came into their lives was better off because of it. The stars growing brighter and changing colors were the people becoming happy and becoming what they were supposed to be.
I could not decipher what the vibrations meant in some of the stars though. Why would some start vibrating with energy? It felt like a good thing but I did not know why. Regardless my new purpose was clear. It would become my goal to seek out shooting stars and help them however I could.
I had met Sprite several months earlier and she introduced me to psychedelics as a medicine that heals the mind and soul. When I asked her if she would mentor me, she told me she wouldn’t… 😦
But whenever I had questions, she would have answers or advice for me anyways… 😄!
When I told her about this vision, and everything I interpreted, she asked the question “what if the shooting star could turn others into shooting stars?”.
Suddenly it clicked. The ones vibrating with energy were the ones on the verge of becoming shooting stars themselves. They were the people who had not yet realized their potential. A shooting star that recognizes others with the potential can become a catalyst in their path to becoming a shooting star.

For awhile I wondered if I was a Shooting Star capable of helping others realize their own potential. The cognitive dissonance between believing I’m not better than anyone else, and the thought I might be “special” by being a Shooting Star was difficult to reconcile.
I finally decided that it did not mean I was better than anyone, it just meant I had a responsibility not everyone else has. I have a responsibility to use my talents to help people find happiness and find their purpose.
If my un-official mentor’s insight was true and I was a Shooting Star, I had a responsibility to find those with potential and help them on their path to discovering it.
Other Visions
This was only the first of many visions. Since that one I have watched reality be created, I have lived countless lives and communicated with many spirits from the Ethereal. Some awe inspiring, some benign tricksters, some benevolent and a few malevolent.
One I saw myself as a Tower built of Blocks of Light being destroyed, then rebuilt with the “Chorus” as I call them told me…
“We are rebuilding you stronger.“
“This is not a test, but a transition.“
Another in August of 2013 began with a vision of a “UFO” beaming a light at me and a broadcasted voice saying “We are teaching you”; followed by a week long intense “psychosis” where I began writing everything they told me to write.
After seven years of attempting to understand their message and translate it in a way that didn’t look like the delusional writings of someone who’s lost their mind; the result is this blog.
And it still looks like I’ve lost my mind 😅
The greatest lessons my visions have taught me is most simply explained in the Serenity Prayer.

I didn’t choose to become a shaman. I didn’t choose to be a shooting star.
I have accepted that I am though and have the courage to use the powers wielded by them to change what I can for the better.
And when the Shooting Stars Unite… we’ll light Night Sky on Fire…

~Aetherius Rimor (Ethereal Explorer)
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
P.S. Aetherius Rimor
Aetherius Rimor was the first Pen Name I created for the writings of the Church before I had any idea what it would become.
The original “Veridicus Ficta”!