The War against Drugs

I was 25 when I started experimenting with drugs. Before then I hated all drugs and believed anyone using them was very stupid. I even believed my dependence on my asthma medication was an “addiction”.
I’d seen friends I knew who went through abuse run to drugs and never understood why until I finally left a physically and emotionally abusive relationship, where I was beaten, lied to, cheated on and she got pregnant by another man.
So I decided to try and understand using drugs. This terrified me more than anything because of DARE Propaganda and overdoses killing my entire step family.
Example Anti-Drug Propaganda

(Note: Acid won’t make you do this ๐ )
I began with 2 weeks spent studying a drug’s pharmacology, interactions, psychological and physical effects, dose response curves and developed safety protocols.
I called my safety protocols my “Rules of Engagement” and treated my research as seriously as if I was at war and going behind enemy lines.
These changed over time as my understanding and confidence grew. My first version.

Note: I can’t even remember anymore what CBF and Level 1 were. All I remember is I was creating classifications for levels of fucked up and safety protocols for them ๐ค.
Using reliable data sources to learn the required pharmacological knowledge, asking Neuroscientists and Medical Experts the questions I couldn’t figure out the answers to from around the world (thanks internet).
I would then look up the pharmacological profiles on This allowed me to determine which receptors and metabolic enzymes were involved. These determined what the physical and cognitive effects would be as well as inform me what other substances were dangerous to mix with them.
Then I’d start with threshold dose and work my way up in dosage to the highest safe recreational dose. Keeping time stamped journal logs of subjective experience effects as well, better known as a trip log.
Example: Watching the Creation of Reality
My friends started calling me before they would take something they hadn’t tried before, and before they mixed things they hadn’t mixed before to ask me if it was safe.
I would answer all their questions honestly and accurately, double checking my facts if I hadn’t looked at the pharmacological profiles recently.
When I told them something was not safe, surprisingly they listened to me! Because they knew I was only going to tell them the Truth.
Was I enabling them?

Knowledge is Power and I was empowering them to make informed choices about the risks they wanted to take in their life. Sky Diving is extremely and fatally dangerous but we’re allowed to do it recreationally for fun.

Recreational substance use is NOT as dangerous as Sky Diving. If you make a mistake Sky Diving and your parachute fails, your death is almost certain. If you make a mistake with any recreational substances, you might be just fine or at least able to be saved by emergency medical help.
Unfortunately, many overdose deaths happen due to people being to afraid to call 911 because they fear going to prison doing something that’s safer than Sky Diving.
None of the people who I helped ever ended up in a hospital or dead from overdose because of their choice to experience something that is safe when done responsibly.
None of them got hurt, because I informed them with everything they needed to know to be safe!
It’s called Harm Prevention!

I reached the point where the depth of my understanding has allowed me to create a hypothesis for the cause of the effects of research chemicals that were accepted as likely by an admin on a neuroscience and pharmacology forum; and quickly recognize how dangerous using Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID was.
Huge Safety Problems

My trip logs contained the dose (total mg and mg/pound) and scientifically accurate name of the substance. The problem? Initially in Dallas back in 2011, half the time or more, dealers were selling legal “research chemicals” with similar effects.
This kept the dealers out of prison, helped them make more money and allowed their customers to still buy an experience they desired.
Bigger problem? These analog research chemicals might have unforgiving dose response curves or unknown safety profiles.
The illegal drugs were safe due to known pharmacological profiles, the legal ones were not!
The only time I almost fatally overdosed was when I bought LSD from someone who had a reputation for having real LSD. As soon as I put the 10-strip in my mouth I tasted an NBOME.
Thankfully I could identify most drugs by sight, smell or taste ๐ .
I had to think fast. If it was an NBOME the dose I just put in my mouth could kill me by stroke. However I view LSD as a holy sacrament, so I refused to spit it out. I remembered that real LSD still was absorbed if swallowed but the NBOMEs would get broken down with no effect.
So I swallowed it. I barely tripped, proving it was an NBOME and I would be dead right now if I didn’t understand pharmacology as well as I did.
Then the dealer who sold it to me lost most of their customers because everyone trusted me when I said something was fake or dangerous.

A Solution
Our solution to this problem that only exists because of the DEA? I started using colorimetric reagent tests to determine if any drugs were what the dealers were selling it as or a research chemical.

I put a lot of dealers selling unsafe drugs to people out of business and began directing buyers to people I knew for a fact sold only quality and tested products.
I didn’t do this for profit.
I did this to see my friends having a fun and safe time. Also because I wanted to get fucked up occasionally without worrying about looking stupid or getting hurt. ๐

“What do you want to get fucked up on and how fucked up do you want to get.” was a question I was known for as I followed up by asking their weight, what medications they took, what medical conditions they had; and then calculating safe doses while monitoring vitals sometimes just to be safe. If they told me something I hadn’t researched before or concerned me, I refused to go further until I had time to ensure they would be safe.
I wonder how many people over dose and possibly die each year because they didn’t have someone like me to call who wouldn’t judge them or try to control their decisions?
I wonder how many people didn’t over dose or die because I was doing the job that Doctors and Pharmacists aren’t allowed to do and the DEA should be doing instead of arresting dealers.
I was regulating quality and safety in recreational substances in the self-medicating communities I was involved in not using Laws or Violence but the fucking Truth.
I will never know how many lives I’ve saved.
You’re welcome DEA. I was able to do your job not only for you, but better than you. Putting unsafe drug dealers out of business and helping people stay safe from irresponsible drug use.

I also did this alone, for free and instead of getting hurt, the people I loved were safe unless you or the police fucked with them.
When you or police fucked with them? Their lives were destroyed by the people who are supposed to “Protect and Serve“. What year is this, 1984?

Well you almost destroyed the wrong life.

I retired from doing the one thing I enjoyed doing more than anything after my wife and her boyfriend at the time were arrested coming back from Colorado with a present for me.
She was looking at 40 years in prison, and after hiring the best criminal defense lawyer in Amarillo and Allison Margolin from NORML to defend her, she got 4 years deferred adjudication.
That drive to Amarillo to get her lawyer and bail her out was the most painful emotional experience of my entire life. I sat in the hotel crying for hours fearing the woman I saw as my Spirit Daughter and was in a platonic legal marriage with, would spend the rest of her life in prison.
The crime?
Bringing me a present because she loved me. One that I knew how to use responsibly and helped me cope with how isolating and miserable it is for no one to understand what I’m saying.
You tried to take my Wife and Daughter away from me DEA. You threatened to throw her in prison for 40 years when she did nothing wrong.
And I selfishly stopped helping people who used drugs to cope with how much emotional suffering life has and keeps causing them; so that she wouldn’t fail probation due to my choices…

The Bible story about Job discusses Satan trying to prove to God he could make Job curse God’s name. One of the first thing Satan did was take Job’s children from him.
DEA is Latin for “Goddess”.
You are not the Goddess, you are the False Goddess. You tried to take the wrong man’s daughter away from him.
Before that, I was happy enough just keeping my friends and loved ones safe. Now, I won’t stop until everyone is safe from you.

A War against Lies

I have no one left. Now, all I have left is my hatred for an organization whose ignorance and policy agenda has single handedly been responsible for more deaths and destroyed more lives than any other group, organization or country in human history.
The irony is, I trusted the US government completely until I was in my 20s. Then I learned DARE lied about the dangers of Cannabis.
Well, you didn’t just lie about Cannabis. You, the DEA and the CIA, have lied to the American people about a hell of a lot more than that. Are you going to stop lying and confess to all your crimes motivated by greed that have destroyed and ended hundreds of millions of people’s lives?
Or will you wait for the Goddess and I to do this the long and hard way?

Personally, I hope you let me do this the long and hard way, because I have accomplished every single objective in my very successful life.
And for some reason life keeps fucking over all my friends so consistently that I’m turning that into an open relationship; and I’m so bored that legally taking you down sounds like a lot of fun.
Less people’s lives will be ruined if you just surrender now though. If you even actually care about something other than money and power.
Because I’m declaring a War against Lies.
Which side will you choose?
“Truth and Love” or “Lies and Fear“?

Drugs cause Violence?

Yes they do and you DEA are responsible!

Also… Seriously…?


Holy Sacraments
Psychedelics are not “drugs”. They are Spiritual Tools and Holy Sacraments that allow us to commune and become one with the Divine.

Are you wondering who I am yet?
I am who I am, and I am PRIDE.
The Deadliest of the Sins.
The Lion who will roar as loud as I have to, to prevent you from hurting any more people suffering because of your War against the Truth, the Poor, Non-Whites and Anti-War activists.
And when I roar the Gods fall to the floor in fear as our Mother Earth the Goddess quakes beneath your feet. It’s not intentional though… I think it just turns her on…
I don’t actually bite, I’m pretty harmless. She just thinks it’s sexy ๐.

But you still fucked with the wrong man!

You are War in the Four Horsemen!
I am not the Light to you.
I am the Darkness of your Ego Death!

My Words are my Power, the Darkness my Might!

So I’m going to go ahead and say this…

Update November 2020

Love, Light and Darkness
๐งโโ๏ธ~Lucifer ๐งโโ๏ธ
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE

P.S. You versus Me

The Lion Sin Pride versus the “Gallant of Truth”
I am Pride and you are NOT the Truth.
I am…
Lucifer… Latin for “Light Bringer”
When Darkness envelops the Earth, the Goddess sends her greatest angel to Bring back the Light.
It’s been a couple thousand years since the last time a Human empire became so corrupted by pride and greed as well as being unopposed, that the Father and Mother in Heaven needed to send me.

Thankfully the 1st Amendment prevents ignorant humans from executing me this time.

Goddess bless America!