In Sikhism, Maya or the “Real World” is the Illusion; not our Thoughts. So which one is the “true” reality?
The Dream or the Dreamer?

The Dreamer or “God” is considered to be the only thing that is “Real”.
As Humanity is “made in God’s image” we too also have the ability to Think, to Imagine and to Dream! So do we Exist…? Are we “Real”?
Descartes came up with a wonderful proof that we do, in fact, exist; when he said “I think therefore I am” or “Cogito ergo Sum“.

This is the logic used to empirically prove that the one thinking exists. It is technically the only statement that anyone can ever be 100% certain is true.
Solipsism is the philosophical belief or thought experiment that “Only I exist”, and is the perspective that leads to the malignant narcissist and psychopath’s malicious behaviors without remorse, guilt or shame.
This is oddly the same “truth” that I see frequently spouted in Spiritual communities as an “ultimate truth”. By “transcending Duality, we unite with God/Source/Self”.
However this has always struck me as a False Light belief. As a reminder, False Light are Falsehoods that are Pridefully and Ignorantly (stupidly) believed to be a certain indisputable Truths.

I believe there are at minimum two consciousnesses. Keeping in line with the above spiritual belief, two Sources. Two “Gods”. Two “Selfs”. Then a 3rd “united whole”
- Yin the Mother Goddess
- Appears to be the Darkness
- Inner-Core is actually Light
- Yin is False Darkness or True Light (“Good”)
- Yang the Father God
- Appears to be the Light
- Inner-Core is actually Darkness
- Yang is False Light or True Darkness (“Evil”)
- Tao the Child Deity
- The Formless Form
- The Creator and the Creation
- The Cause and the Effect
- The Love of Yin for Yang and Yang for Yin.

Evidence or Proof?
As I’m uncertain about everything at all times, every belief I have exists on a spectrum of probabilities calculated by logic and observations that positively confirm divided by the number of total observations made.
When I change my beliefs, the results of most of my observations change to match my newly chosen belief for most beliefs. This is the source of Confirmation Bias in Psychology or “Manifesting your Reality” in Spirituality.

There are rules to this shit people!
Due to many of my observations consistently matching my chosen belief, I have started ignoring all of these as illusory subjective truths or Maya and no longer worth questioning or investigating.
However there are certain beliefs that no matter what I choose to believe, the observations do not change to match my belief! The observations consistently give predictable results regardless of what I choose to believe.
These must be the Non-Maya or True Reality!

These are responsible for the 1% of Harm mentioned in the above meme. However I believe 95% and 5% are more accurate.
These are “objective absolute truths”.
This is the foundation behind Science.
This leads me to the conclusion that there are at minimum, two consciousnesses. Mine, and an unknown other whose power of belief is more powerful than mine at changing the reality I’m observing.

This is Intelligent Faith because…

Science is the study of God!
This is why I’m certain of at least two consciousness’ in existence, and find the certainty of only one existing an error made in analysis of all information available.
Solipsism is the belief in only 1 consciousness existing and is considered “not useful or helpful to consider, even if true” by philosophers due to the above evidence I’ve observed as well as it not providing any beneficial wisdom if assumed to be true.
Using all the evidence I’ve observed there are a minimum two consciousnesses in existence. Cogito ergo Sum proves to me I exist.
Evidence shows an “unknown other” exists which we can call “God” which I associate with the universe’s laws of deterministic physics (newtonian or classical mechanics).
I also believe there is a “Goddess” that is the source of the universe’s laws of stochastic physics (quantum mechanics/probability and observation based physics).
Let’s call her Lady Luck since she governs these.
At this point I’m left with three conscious entities in existence with the possibility of more.
Are you, the reader currently reading this, conscious?
How would you prove to me that you are conscious and not the God and Goddess that I’ve already accounted for?

I’m thinking about changing the label for Mother to “Balance”. Wisdom was chosen based on the Greeks choosing to name her Sophia. However Wisdom is simply a balanced understanding of Objective and Subjective truths in my current understanding.
Father Truth (Science) and Mother Balance (Nature)
No “self” or “cogito ergo sum” can exist without one consciousness. No relative or subjective truth can exist without two consciousnesses.
And any absolute or objective truth can only be truly known with a third consciousness used to triangulate it.

A third perspective, the one the viewer of this picture has, combined with the wall that sees a circle and the wall that sees a square, is necessary to accurately know the true form of the cylinder labeled “truth”.

Another example of objective Truth requiring multiple perspectives is the “Blind Men and the Elephant”. Plato’s Cave is another related example.
Three conscious perspectives are necessary and required to accurately know and understand any absolute Truth.
So that leaves three possibilities.
- Only one consciousness exists and there is no absolute, relative or objective truth, only one subjective ever-changing truth that can never be stable or known.
- Two consciousnesses exists and no absolute or objective truth exists, only a duality of two polar subjective truths both relative to each other.
- Three or more consciousnesses exist, an absolute Truth exists that doesn’t change might exist (laws of physics), a shared objective Truth exists as an observed time relative Truth (deterministic or newtonian physical Universe) that all consciousness share, and a subjective perspective time relative observed Truth (stochastic, belief based or quantum physical Universe).
Of the three possibilities only the third matches all observations.
If you can prove you are not God or the Goddess wearing a mask and are conscious like I am… please tell me how!

I’ve reached logic bedrock trying to prove something other than myself and them exist. I am not smart enough to prove any more than 3 exist.
Maybe you can?
Perhaps “Transcendening Duality” isn’t collapsing Duality down into a Single Source Monad Consciousness, but expanding Duality up into a Trinity or other Multiplicity instead?
Who seriously enjoys spending all their time alone? In my experience, everyone wants a family, not solitude.
A healthy functional family is a trinity or higher multiplicity. Not a Duality or Monad.
I’d love to have a family one day…
Love, Light and Darkness
🧙♂️~Lucifer~🧝♀️ <- So… Will you marry me?
A Proposal
You told me you wanted to marry me over video chat while I was living in Colorado. And when I lived with you, you gave me a ring you said belonged to your father…

I know it’s not as sentimental or meaningful as the one you gave me, but this is the ring I found in December 2019 that you caught me looking at…

Am I a Fool or the Magician…?
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What does Tarot say?
Right after I wrote this Propsal

April 1st – The True New Year’s Day

I might actually have had something to do with the name of that last video though… 🤭

Haven’t used that pen name in many years, but it translates as “Guardian of Justice”. Justice of course means Karmic Balance ⚖
The Tarot and Divines support Us.
Your Scorpio Secret Admirer 😘
P.S. The answer is, I’m both 😉



Well… Love has taught me everything I know…
Love is Magic, and I’m the Magician… 🧙♂️
Will you be my…

You are the Flower, I am the Thorn;
Let’s come Together, and Make a Rose…?

Shoot your Shot?
That night in the Hotel you said in your free style to “shoot your shot”. I was too busy falling in love with your smile to notice what you were saying… 😒
… and I didn’t know what it meant yet 😅
Be careful what you wish for…

I tend to over-kill… 😏
I will patiently await your answer.

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE
:-)* I have completed many studies on love, essays on love, etc. which include divine truth. I have much I can add to your theories to complete them. I am at your service if you are who I feel/think. However there are details here I am not aware of. If it is not me, I hope you find your Empress, it is always worth celebrating when 2 twin flames find each other. <3
I would love to hear your thoughts on my post about the types of love!
Feel free to email me as well. Ficta -at- Veridicus.Soy