What is Antifa?

Whether they’re Authoritarian Monarchs or Wannabe Dictators, it doesn’t matter. They will lose. They always do.

Know your History.

Y’all ready for Fall!?

Shit’s gonna be Lit!


Let’s Start with a Visual Aide!

Fascism is the top Right

“Evil” Communism is top Left

American Libertarian Party is bottom Right

Antifa is bottom Left

Black Flag = Libertarianism/Anarchism
Red Flag = Communism/Socialism/Syndicalism

Video Versions


My History as Antifa

I’ve been involved with what you could call Antifa for almost 20 years. Started out in the IRC channel of HackThisSite.org

Jeremy Hammond was the founder of that website and managed it until he went to prison for a hack I was involved in. We had proper Operational Security and no one knew anyone else involved except him.

We hacked a Republican Charity (Protest Warrior) to steal credit cards to donate to Liberal Charities because we saw how the Republican party was starting to show a lot of signs of Fascism.

One of them snitched (Archaios, Rest in Peace asshole), Jeremy got raided by the FBI and I retired as a Hacktivist.

Random note, I decrypted that database. Vigenรจre cipher that was super simple due to credit card numbers having extremely low entropy. Took me only a few hours when I was 18. As usual, Republicans are idiots ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ.

I’m Custodis from HackThisSite

Caelum Custos (Heaven’s Guardian)

Who watches the watchers (police)?

We do!

We also created a blog and coordinated efforts to allow prisoners to write us and we’d post it. Giving them a voice when no one else would listen to them!

That’s the type of community service Antifa does, and during the Corona Pandemic they made hand sanitizer to donate!

During the California Fires

We Help those in Need!

Antifa is more Anarcho-Socialist (Libertarian Left). Anarcho-Capitalist is what the American Libertarian/Tea Party represents.

The difference between Libertarian Left and Libertarian Right, is the Right seeks to maximize economic freedom while the Left seeks to maximize freedom of expression.

We give the ๐Ÿ–• to “the Man”

Freedom of expression refers to “being and doing whatever you are drawn to or are passionate about“; and that’s made possible by a society that guarantees all survival needs and necessities are met. Shelter, Food, Water, Healthcare, etc.

When you do this right, you end up with people like me; who become experts and productive members of society for fun!

I was kind of a badass at my job too!

Economic freedom while it claims to promote freedom, does the exact opposite. Capitalism is a zero sum game where there are winners and losers, and the more money you have the more power you have.

And people like me, end up like this!

It becomes a Neo-Feudalism where Corporations form the various Fiefdoms, the Government becomes the Law Enforcement arm of the Corporations and the Billionaires the Noble Families.

The working class? They become the Serfs, wage slaves, as the corporations eliminate collective bargaining (Unions), social safety nets and anything else that helps push the “Work or Starve” mindset.

Real Slavery still exists in the US too!

This is Authoritarianism in a Colorfully Branded Logo. Classical Authoritarianism is the Government doing this, but the US Constitution makes that very difficult to do.

This is Inverted Totalitarianism

They rely on media to effectively brainwash the masses into thinking that this is Freedom, and convince the working Poor to take Pride in a house or car they still haven’t paid off!

Then Capitalists convince the Poor to blame all their misery on other races, foreigners, political parties etc.

Faux is French for Fake!

Antifa is “Leftist” not Liberal!

The only way to fight back against such a system is civil disobedience and activism. Exposing the lies and holding a moral high ground.

Destroying property is Treason in a society that values Money and Things more than People, so that’s the only way to truly get everyone’s attention when the media consistently makes you out to be the bad guys.

Rioting is an American Tradition when an Authoritarian Government gets to big for its britches and needs to be reminded who’s in charge!

All those small business owners that suffer, in a Socialist System… would have been just fine. They would have had a set back, but their livelihoods wouldn’t be in jeopardy.

Another crime is the Landlord Tenant dynamic which is legal theft. Renters are paying the landlord’s mortgage or giving them free money for their whole life; while the landlords create nothing of value and only pay property taxes and for repairs on property they own!

New York Antifa Anti-Landlord Action

Investors who collect the profits of Corporations likewise are stealing the value created by the employees, without contributing anything of value.

Ignoring families like the Waltons who have no Risk, the Risk investors claim they took in investing, wouldn’t exist in a Socialist system.

If wealth was more evenly distributed throughout the population, employees could get together and fund their own startups without investors.

Going back to Antifa, all of this shit is what they’re against. They’re against Authoritarianism by Government or Corporations!

We’re Socialist already with the way we do Corporate Bailouts and Oil Subsidies!

Antifa is against Income Earned without contributing value to the economy.

Antifa is against using Law Enforcement to dictate what you can and can’t do as long as you’re not hurting anyone but yourself.

They’re against Racism, Sexism, Xenophobia and any other type of discrimination.

Antifa is against the Military Industrial Complex and Imperialism.

Which creates Terrorism as I discuss in A War against Violence.

Basically… if it doesn’t promote equality and everyone having the full support of society and the government providing everyone an equal opportunity to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness… Antifa is against it.

What Antifa stands for, is what the founding fathers stood for, if they included women and non-whites as equals.

Etymologically “men” meant “human” in 1776!

They understand that Tyrants and those with Power like the Corporations; don’t willingly give it up without a fight.

Corporations have effectively become “Artificially Intelligent” because no one person is steering them and every person becomes a neuron of its brain. But they don’t care about people. They only care about money.

Occasionally someone in the Executive Leadership of those values humanity and the environment over money; but with golden parachutes and bonus pay determined by stock value changes in the same year; most of them sacrifice the future for the quick payout.

The Corporations fail, Government bails them out, lather rinse repeat until the environment is destroyed and everyone dies.

From my Poem: The Message

George Floyd’s death was the result of the constant use of racism and blaming minorities for the economic issues.

Which is just absurd, and leads to very fascist tactics being using against them. I write about it here https://veridicus.soy/black-lives-matter/

Which then leads to Gas Chambers!

So Antifa, a bunch of people who’s only thing in common is being Anti-Fascist, sprung into action and many others joined in.

Were some opportunistic?


Does that discredit the movement?


They’re actually giving the movement more Bite, when it was all Bark and that Bark was spun by Media as “baseless complaints” or being Unamerican for not falling in line with Nationalistic Flag Worship.

Flag Worship is the SIN of Idolatry by the way!

So long as the only thing destroyed is property, small businesses will recover because their communities will support them.

The lives lost due to Fascist police tactics or the poor health and working conditions of the poor or all the trauma caused by those trapped in poverty or homelessness?

Those people aren’t coming back or will never fully recover. That’s why Antifa has and always will have the Moral Highground.

People Matter. Money and Things do NOT.

Antifa serves the People.

Serving the People is Serving God!

The Original Antifa?

The most well known Person?

Jesus fought Corrupt Government and Religion.

Matthew 21:12

Jesus destroyed property belonging to Capitalists.

He destroyed property when people were selling Doves in the Church, turning it into a “Den of Thieves (Capitalists)”!

He was also a promoter of Free Healthcare!

This makes Jesus Anti-Authoritarian and Socialist!

Jesus was Antifa!

He was also Middle Eastern!

And they did it again!

He did Child. Your Father is the Man who brought down the American Empire, following Jesus’ Teachings until his last Breath. His name will never be Forgotten.

The Most Well Known Country?

The United States of America!

Mission Accomplished Sir!

What’s our next Objective?

The Bombs bursting in Air!

And We the People!

Goddess Bless America!

Who are apparently too Intelligent for the Police to infiltrate with Undercovers…


Side Note: Y’all ain’t “Patriots”, y’all some Red Coat Boot Licking ass Traitors. Go to North Korea if worshipping the Police, Military and Dear Leader is your type of thing.

Bring It

Love, Light and Darkness
๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ~Lucifer ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect All Life
One Truth, One Love
We are ONE

P.S. Antifa Military


Apparently we’re Storm Gods now…?

Air Force


Cyberspace Force

Now Recruiting!

P.P.S. Who Supports Fascism?

How it Dies

Fuck off and Die while you’re there Rudy!


P.P.P.S. Billionaires

The Alternative


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