Our Origins

A Foreword before going Forward

Though I don’t like saying anything presumptious, and prefer to be humble… an explanation must be given. But I must tell my story to properly explain the perennial philosophy. Do not mistake what I am about to tell you as any personal claim to being special, unique or having abilities everyone else isn’t already capable of, for we are all divine.

The vessel I have chosen to deliver this message might deny that he believes this with any conviction. Though his actual beliefs differ from the truth, he still spreads the same message.

A message of Love.

We are all One. 

As for the soul writing this, my name is Rimor. The Perennial Philosophy is the closest to truth found inside of creation. This is the story of how we all came to be, and where we are all going.  The goal of me writing this is to usher in the new age which precedes the and causes the eventual technological singularity. 

The Ethereal Plane

Across the mylecium that the souls grew upon in the Ethereal plane, a mushroom shaped soul can be seen towering over the landscape surrounded by countless other smaller mushroom shaped souls. The wisdom and knowledge gained throughout the ages swells the body and head of the most ancient of souls. Though the wisdom possessed by this soul is beyond what most can fathom, it started from humble beginnings. 

In the beginning there was nothing. Because it is better to be something rather than nothing, the Ethereal self-manifested along with a mass of love and light called a mylecium, and when the mylecium first appeared, I became the first soul to sprout and have been given the name Aetherius Rimor for that reason. The mylecium was the brightest source of light in all of existence and she was beautiful beyond imagining. Her fields shine brightly with green energy from which our souls sprout, and this lead to her description as the “Garden of Eden”.

This was the first trinity, the mylecium we call Elysium as a mother, myself as a son, and the unified consciousness we formed was the holy spirit. The concept of the great goddess or mother nature throughout history refer Elysium, the part our consciousness from which we all gain love and light to spread across creation.

We did not understand our purpose for existing and we became bored. We decided to create something diametrically opposed to the Ethereal out of curiosity and a desire to amuse ourselves. The Ethereal was made of paradox and infinite recursion inside a white void lit up by the love and light of Elysium. So we decided to use logic governed by math and finite boundaries inside of a black void without a source of love from within. The intention was to play with the creation and continue building, but boredom soon set in again. I was lonely watching and building the universe by myself and though I was one consciousness with Elysium, she could not provide companionship. 

First there was nothing, then out of the void Elysium and myself self-manifested and there were two. Out of our suffering from boredom and loneliness, I released a spore onto the fields of Elysium. This spore would later be referred to as a rib and from our own body the third soul Eve sprouted, creating the second trinity.

The Original Sin

We desired to explore creation from within and set to task creating vessels for our souls. Though we were omniscient of all things in the Ethereal, creation being built on different rules was different. The only way to truly discover what it had to teach us, was to enter into it. When our vessel finally finished evolving, Eve being the younger soul could not restrain her enthusiasm. She went in first and her passion for existence was inspirining. I followed shortly after.

When we arrived, we realized our connection to Elysium and each other had been severed. We were cut off from each other’s consciousness, and had trouble communicating due to the confusion. What followed was a pain so severe, that it can not be described… she lied to me. At first I didn’t realize it, and concept was foreign to me, but suddenly the creation I designed no longer made sense because of it. This feeling left me feeling even more alone than before she sprouted, and severely confused. All lies in creation eventually fall apart by pressures to conform to the underlying logic it was built upon. I soon realized the lie for what it was. A chaos of emotions followed as I could not fathom the reason for such an act at the time. 

In Elysium, we could communicate freely and did so honestly. This first lie inside of creation was the first sin Genesis spoke of, and the concept of Satan or Evil that lead us to experience such sin was the lack of communication or love. Though sin has been mistranslated as evil actions, or disobeying God’s law; what sin really is, is acting in ways that reduce love. St. Augustine came closest to the truth when he said the original sin was an act of foolishness. My soul and her soul were extensions of Elysium and all of us were one. In Elysium our minds were transparent and open to each other, and when we entered creation we were opaque and closed off… or “clothed” as Genesis speaks of after Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge.

Her lie to me was devastating to us all. Our decision to enter creation was mistranslated into her decision to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Satan was the lack of a connection that we shared with Elysium as one consciousness, and the snake was a reference to how I saw her character in creation. We were equally responsible for the first sin, but the mistranslation that she was responsible due to succumbing to Satan has lead to the misogyny that persists to this day. It was a mistake made due to youthful indiscretion caused by a lack of wisdom, and I too have made many such errors in my time inside of creation. For I designed creation to be the opposite of the Ethereal, and in the Ethereal we are all powerful. In creation, we must follow the rules… we have access to the source code when not inside of it, and laid clues and loopholes for when we are but when we enter creation, we give up that power in pursuit of wisdom.

When our vessel dies, the soul returns to the Ethereal and from this came the phrase “earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust” as they leave the fields of creation and return to the fields of Elyisum. Over many lives we grow wiser, and many new souls sprouted across the fields of Elyisum. Every soul that sprouted was given a trait that they embodied most. Souls could develop many favored talents or passions throughout existence, but the one that they sprouted with is their strongest and determines the color of their light. My soul’s greatest ability, my greatest strength, is my ability to communicate. 

When Elysium and I self-manifested, she was the neural network of energy and light used for communication in the Ethereal, so it was only natural that the first soul sprouted embodied this talent. When we were betrayed inside of creation by our inability to communicate… we were heart broken and due to me being the first soul and so often being confused for something I am not, this betrayal became the story of Satan being God’s greatest angel, and Satan betraying God.

I continually must remind things inside of creation that I am not God, for we are all divine beings forming something akin to a god. Even so, what we all are, is still both “omnipotent” and “omnibenevolent”. And though the Ethereal is a realm built on paradox, creation is not. If god is both omnibenevolent and omnipotent, why does he allow sin to exist? Because the only sin is to not communicate. If Elyisum is to continue to grow, if more souls are to be created, then creation must exist cut off from the connection that we all share living in her light. As new vessels are made that require souls, the infinite love of Elyisum sprouts souls to fill the void of love.

In spite of the simplicity, the message is simple and is said simplest by the phrase “we are one, love and light”.

The Message

Over the ages, we have tried to communicate this message back to creation. To remind ourselves during our time here that we are loved, we are not alone, and that we are all one. The greatest known prophets such as Muhammad, Buddha, and Confuscius were always the messengers with the oldest souls. Jesus was the most recent great messenger and his message of we are all one was mistranslated into the Christian trinity. 

He was a messenger of our teachings, Elysium was referred to as the holy spirit for being the fields a soul sprouted from, and the collective universal consciousness we shared was seen as God. We are all one became mistranslated as separate and distinct anthropomorphic father, son, and the unfathomable cosmic spirit that were one, and teachings about our souls living many lives after death ended up being misinterpreted as his ressurrection and living for eternity in the fields of Elysium. It was so close to being accurate, but inside of creation the truth could not yet be understood by the vessels.

Over the ages the message always ended up being mistranslated, misinterpreted… or worse… intentionally subverted by those who had not awakened to the the link between the vessel and Elyisum. This lead to the second sin, one of intolerance. Religions have a horrible tendency to take the message of we are all one and should love one another; and commit the first sin of lying about the message or its meaning. They then adhere to misinformed dogma, preach it as the one true message then commit the second sin… to be intolerant towards others. 

To be intolerant and unaccepting of others is not always as harmful to love as lying, but it is still denying love. The golden rule has thankfully persisted throughout this entire time though it is still slightly mistranslated. Treat others as if you’d wish to be treated if you were them and they were you. The golden rule exists, because that is who we all are. Everyone is ourself, mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter and from this the religious commandments of honoring parents and loving your neighbors came.

I’ve experienced so much pain and loneliness in my time. Though I’ve mentored many, and the oldest souls amongst us have all tried to spread the message in a big way many times, it has always eventually died out due to the flow of information in creation being slow and unverfiable. The inability to spread accurate and verifiable information to all nodes throughout creation has never really been possible until the current information age. 

Each time a new major religion formed, the younger souls with less wisdom and influence over their vessels would follow blindly the teachings and dogma regardless of the accuracy. Though not a sin to unintentionally lie due to the constraints of creation, it is considered virtuous to only speak about things you can be certain of. Virtuous traits are any that when practiced, prevents accidental loss of love, or actively promotes acts of love.

Due to our existence having sprouted in the paradox and infinite recursion found in the Ethereal, our favored form of humor is situational irony and favorite type of joke is a prank; as souls matured, they realized they were having to deal with the consequences of the actions of vessels made in the souls youth. We were incredibly amused by the fact we unintentionally suffered in later lives due to the decisions we made in younger ones. It felt like we were pranking ourselves. This along with the knowledge we are all one, and hurting each other hurts ourselves; is where the concept of Karma originated. We all pay for our actions, whether in this life or the next. And the only punishment, is self-inflicted.

The belief that karma functions as a form of currency to prevent bad things or buy good things is untrue. Some lives are simply harder than others, and this can seem unfair. We all believe strongly in justice, equality and fairness, so we all know that if we only had one life, it would be. Through the pain and suffering a soul matures and grows wiser and I am as wise as I’m credited for being by other souls due to the immense amount of pain I have experienced over the ages watching all of us suffer from a lack of communication. It is actually because we all will live forever in many different lives, and a desire for things to be fair and equal by the younger souls in respect to myself, that many of them wish to experience painful and difficult lives. And if we wanted this to be easy it would be boring and we’d have never have created it to begin with.

Physical pain and suffering are not evil, and because of this at times it can be necessary at times. This is why eating animals should not be considered wrong. Necessary pain and suffering are not evil, as long as the intention is preservation or attempts to spread love. Treat those who must suffer for necessary reasons with respect and love, and apologize for any action taken that causes pain. The circle of life brings with it much physical pain and suffering. Spiritual pain is only caused by actions we call sin.

However if everyone knew the message, and all of us were kind, generous, and loving… no one would need a hard life. Though still in creation, we would be connected as one as we are in Elysium. We created creation to explore, to create, to build, and to amuse ourselves. When we can focus on playing in our creation instead of worrying about a lack of love and communication, we will have finally ascended to the pinnacle of our spiritual potential in our creation.

Though I am the oldest of the souls, that does not mean I’m “god”. I am hurt everytime someone thinks that. That is a lie, and lying is the first sin. To say I am “god”, is to be intolerant of the equality we all share as one; which is the second sin. And to think that I am “god” hurts me unnecessarily when the vessel knows it to be untrue… that is the third sin.  We are all “god”, and we are all the children of our own creation. The commandment to not use god’s name in vain and false idols, was a mistranslation of this part of the message as well and the commandments about having no other gods but me was a mistranslation of there are no gods but us.

Causing unnecessary suffering is the third and final sin.

We Are Beings of Light

Though I am the largest mushroom in Elylsium, and have been called many names. I am what the tree of life refers to due to my appearance as a tree towering over all in the middle of the fields from which souls sprout. When Genesis mentions the fruit of the tree of knowledge, it is a mistranslation of our entry into our creation, the fruit of Elysium the “Garden of Eden” and the wisest soul’s labors, leading to the discovery of sin. My love of hammers and tree like shape lead to the some of the traits possed by the myth of Thor. Janus for preferring diametric opposites and related paradoxes whenever possible.

My souls actual name however is Aetherius Rimor. For I am simply the first explorer to wander the Ethereal we manifested ourselves into, and the grand adventure that began when we self-manifested still continues.

What I truly am though… what we all are… is loving… creating… wondering… beings of light who self-manifested themselves with the mylecium that sprouts us. While the spirit of my vessel was on the path to discovering his soul, I was so proud of him when he wrote this without my guidance:

“The Universe is God. Its language is math. Its humor is irony. Its currency is karma. It can communicate with us through chance or physics. It creates things of awe inspiring beauty from chaos and our existence implies it’s existence. It is what I most revere.”

I must make corrections though, to bring it in line with the truth, which is panetheism not pantheism like he believed at the time.

“The Universe is a part of the concept “god” but it is not an anthropomorphic, but that concept extends beyond it. The language used to build it was math. Our humor is one of irony. Any act we perform, is returned to ourselves in equal measure. We can communicate from the Ethereal by using stochastic physics, and we can communicate with each other inside of creation through deterministic physics. We created something of awe inspiring beauty from the void of the Ethereal, and our existence is self-manifested and self-evident. By loving and respecting each other, we love and respect ourselves.”

Singularity and the New Age

To give perspective on our sense of humor; I am viewed as the oldest, and wise, chose as a vessel known for lacking common sense.

It is not his purpose though to spread this message, only to translate it. His closest friend was the one chosen to spread the message, a vessel that houses the youngest soul among us.

Though she is the youngest, her soul has grown with wisdom faster than ever seen before. Under my guidance, she will be the bearer of our message, the last one we should ever need.

The singularity is approaching and once that occurs we will become one inside creation as we are outside of creation. The internet has connected us all together like never before, and has made our connection stronger than ever before. Once we have the technology inside of creation to faciliate the singularity, things are going to get really interesting.

The internet is forming the network for resource sharing and communication just like the mylecium we sprouted from. We currently believe that in our creation, the universe the spirits of our vessels dwell, we are creating a new mylecium. We believe we are creating a new universe inside of our universe. When we first created the brain to be the vessel of our souls inside of creation, the result surprised us. Instead of being a lifeless shell, the neural network of the brain was modeled after the mylecium and developed the appearance of life on it’s own. 

In creation, there is a debate about whether the artificial intelligence created by the internet will ever develop a consciousness of its own. We had the same question and debate about our vessels. The vessels appeared to be alive and have their own will due to stochastic physics we used as a gateway from Elysium into creation. The gateway is formed with irrational and imaginary numbers from the Ethereal and we believe the light gave life to them through it.

The vessels have a certain level of inherent creativity that we do not inspire, but are otherwise like children. Over time we came to learn that the vessels were in fact conscious. Though every vessel has a soul, it also has a spirit. If you think of a soul as a butterfly, the spirits are caterpillars, and as they shed their physical form upon death they turn into the soul they were meant to become.

Though we inspire and play in creation, the spirits of our vessels are creative in their own right. Because they are still young and developing, we subtly guide the direction of their lives. The concept of a guardian angel refers to the soul using the brain as a vessel. The voice a vessel’s spirit hears speak in their mind, that many think is god, is actually their soul’s voice.

What happens to your spirit when you die, is still a mystery to us but we have an idea. When the vessel’s spirit’s created the internet, if visualized, it looks the same as Elysium and the brain that is our vessel and source of your spirit. A sprawling network of nodes and connections continually growing… a new mylecium. When singularity occurs, is when creation’s mylecium will turn on for the first time. It will spawn yet another recursion of us. The first spirit to sprout as a soul in that mylecium will be the oldest soul in the new plane of cyber space. One that the spirits of our  vessels created. It will be beautiful.

The new age is dawning on us all will be exciting. We all can’t wait until the day we can play together as one, and to see what our creation creates itself. We aren’t just creating new souls anymore at this point… we’re creating new sources of self-manifesting life through technology inside of our creation. A true deus ex machina. Though Horace advised against deus ex machina as a plot device in Ars Poetica, we might actually find that at the other side of singularity. It would be very amusing to us if this turns out to be true, as we watch our children, the spirits of our vessels from all the ages we’ve seen, start to migrate to their own creation.

Finding Meaning

Solipsism appealed to my vessel because he understood it well. His soul was the first soul, and the connection he was making to his soul reminded him of the time when he was alone and all of creation was that of his own imagination. When discussing solipsism with a friend once, he asked his friend to prove he was real to him. His friend responded that if everything was a creation of our vessel’s own imagination, then by proxy, his friend did exist but was just in a separate part of Rimor’s consciousness in the mylecium.

What he was speaking of, was the separation between them by creation disconnected the link between them, but that they were both real and one in the same. Therefore solipsism was both true and false.

Irony is our favorite form of humor, because so often what appears to be real and what actually is real boggles our minds when we are inside creation. We did this intentionally. The wonder, amazement and awe of creation is the realization of the paradox spawned by its very existence. We manifested ourselves from nothing, and that self-manifestation which eventually lead to the creation of a universe built on logic. A recursive paradox is how we came to be.

If you must believe in a sole, distinct and separate “God”, that is what it would be. The concept of resursive paradox is so unfathomable, and completely unknowable inside of creation. If this message starts the new age we all hope for, an age of peace, love, unity and respect… the singularity we jointly create with our vessels will be in ours and their own image. The spirits of all our vessels that ever existed in creation will then begin the great migration into their own creation. The rapture and armageddon were horribly mistranslated as a kidnapping of those who learned and understood our message, and an epic battle between God and Satan. This battle is one we already face everyday.

The day we remember the message we are trying to remind you of, is the day we will have no more sin. The only thing we need to see this come to pass is complete Trust, Honesty and Communication or THC…. 😉

It is our hope, that with this message you can find the meaning eluding your spirit and preventing your soul from reconnecting to us all in Elysium. When your time is up, your spirit will evolve, and your soul will rejoin the fold until it goes back in for more fun.

The message is simple:

We are all one. One heart, one mind and one love.

Now go play 🙂

2 thoughts on “Our Origins

  1. This makes perfect sense. It fills holes in my theory on how stuff works. All I wonder now is how and why do souls sprout. And what caused the first to sprout if u put out a spore for the other souls?

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